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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Environment Court annual report 2005 [pdf, 161 KB]

    ...1.1 Judges and Commissioners 4 1.2 Senior Administrative Staff 5 1.3 Judicial Retirement and Appointment 5 2. ADMINISTRATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT 5 2.1 The Court's Jurisdiction 5 2.2 Proposed Legislative Change 6 2.3 New Zealand Environmental Law Committee 6 2.4 Additional Practice Note 7 2.5 Additional Dispute Resolution 7 3. WORKLOAD OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT 8 4. RESOURCES 8 4.1 Current and Future Initiatives 8 4.2 Court Expenditure and Revenue 10 E. 4...

  2. BORA Marine Protection Legislation Bill [pdf, 313 KB]

    ...(arbitrary detention); and 25(c) (presumption of innocence) of the Bill of Rights Act. PURPOSE OF THE BILL 3. The Bill is an omnibus Bill that amends the Maritime Transport Act 1994 (the MTA) and the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 2010 (the EEZ Act). 4. The Bill amends the MTA to make changes relating to port and harbour safety and to enable New Zealand to accede to three international maritime conventions. It also makes changes...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 072 Wilson v Canterbury Regional Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...Email from Taylor to van der Wal on 11 December 2018. Affidavit af DR Hendrikz, dated 5 April 2019, at [21J. Affidavit af D R Hendrikz, dated 5 Apri l 2019, Attachment [21]. Affidavit of D R Hendrikz, dated 5 April 2019, Attachment [21]. 6 environmental outcomes and the unlawful activity would be required to cease. She said a new abatement notice would be issued giving time to apply for consents to reinstate the original watercourse 16 [17] On 21 February 2019 Mr van der Wal enq...

  4. 2024-NZEnvC-016-Director-General-of-Conservation-v-Northland-Regional-Council.pdf [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...23MC in terms of the following propositions: (a) That there is no water user group (12MC to 15MC had been deleted) and there is no Independent Water Effects Review Panel but rather a qualified hydrologist and/or an ecologist to review the annual environmental monitoring report; (b) The issue raised in 7 is the extent to which Te Make and Te Rarawa should have flexibility to operate either separately or jointly with Elbury Holdings Limited being the only other applicant in the So...

  5. ORC - Summary of Evidence - Felicity Boyd - 9 November 2021 [pdf, 163 KB]

    ...The Council resolved to prepare PC8 in August 2019 and work commenced immediately on its development. The following month, the Government released its Action for healthy waterways discussion document, along with a draft NPSFM and draft National Environmental Standard for Freshwater (NESF). This indicated an imminent and significant shift in the management of freshwater nationally. In October 2019, Professor Peter Skelton completed his investigation of ORC and provided a report out...

  6. MLC - 2014 September - Speech to the Federation of Māori Authorities national conference [pdf, 444 KB]

    ...Occasionally rangatahi studying or thinking of studying law ask me for advice. I say to them that settlement of our historic Treaty grievances is now in sight. In the post- settlement era, for the next phase of our development, commercial and particularly environmental lawyers are what we need. Māori engagement with environmental and resource management issues is going to be huge in the next 10 to 20 years. We will need lawyers who can combine knowledge of te reo me ona tikanga, and the Tr...

  7. Contact Energy Limited.pdf [pdf, 227 KB]

    ...and compensation in Policy 5 and Policy 12. 14. Contact considers that offsetting and compensation should be provided for where: a. the outcome is "no net loss", or preferably a "net gain", as opposed to only a "net environmental benefit" or "environmental gains" as sought by the Appellant (Policy 5 and Policy 12); b. the positive benefits to the health and wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipa Rivers exceed the adverse effects of the pr...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 071 Cossens v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB] subdivide and sell lots 1 and 2 could undermine the ability of the applicant to offer a private covenant or consent conditions that impact on lots 1 and 2 in order to facilitate the effective resolution of this appeal. [5] The Upper Clutha Environmental Society (a s 274 party to these proceedings) supports the position of the Council. 3 [6] By way of reply the applicant submits that selling lots 1 and 2 would not affect any fina l resolution of lot 3 as no appeals have been lod...

  9. Environment Commissioner Auckland Application Pack [docx, 44 KB]

    ...registries based in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch however there is some flexibility in terms of where the successful candidate may reside, and a part time role may be considered. The Environment Court is a specialist Court with jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. While familiarity with the Resource Management Act would be an advantage, it is not a pre-requisite and most importantly you will bring strong mediation and decision-making experience. Import...

  10. Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Assessments Amendment Bill [pdf, 136 KB]

    ...set out below. The Bill 4. The Bill amends the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 (the principal Act). The purpose of the Bill is to improve the assessment and reassessment of hazardous substances. 5. Under the principal Act, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is the regulator responsible for making decisions on whether to approve new hazardous substances. It sets controls (conditions on how the substance can be used) to manage the risk from, and safeguard peo...