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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. ORC - Kerstin Strauss - Evidence in Reply - 11 March 2022 [pdf, 171 KB]

    ...improvements to the implementation of these provisions can be made. I note that the implementation of all plan provisions by both the consents team and the compliance team are constantly evolving based on learnings and feedback to enable appropriate environmental outcome whilst considering customer experience. 8 In relation to Ms Hunter’s evidence on consent condition duplication I consider that all of the conditions in ORC’s manual are necessary (and can be applied dependi...

  2. OWRUG - EiC - J M H Manson (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 137 KB]

    ...estimate the value of our investment in water management to be $2.85 million. Our property has been run as a dairy farm since 2013. 3. In good faith I have and will continue, to invest in best business practise, best agriculture practise, best environmental practise and best practise for soil, animal, and people welfare, to produce products of quality and 2 PP-1035600-2-292-V1 integrity. I wish to continue to farm to the highest standard. My success and the farming commu...

  3. 05.-Evidence-of-Mr-Lindsay-Poutama-Ngati-Tukorehe.PDF [PDF, 221 KB]

    ...development of the Project from its inception. This has included participating in the shaping of the Ō2NL Project route selection and corridor refinement, communicating its values associated with the Ō2NL environment and its position in terms of environmental effects of the Project, and continuing to work in partnership with Waka Kotahi as the Project moves through the consenting process. 4. As part of this work, I prepared a Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA), dated 5 October...

  4. FFNZ - EiC - P W Hunt (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...of the original plan 6A was to enable and encourage farmers to farm with the environment at the fore of every decision. 15. With adequate and appropriate ORC support the implementation of its existing Water Plan would have had a far better environmental outcome than a one-size fits all tick box exercise that can sit in the bottom drawer until it needs to be renewed. 16. The environment does not benefit from plan changes. It benefits from action on the ground and this requir...

  5. Fish & Game – Supplementary – B Farrell – Planning (23 March 2021) [pdf, 246 KB]

    ...Mr de Pelsemaeker 14 March 2021). I also attach, as Appendix 1, the latest amendments recommended by Mr de Pelsemaeker which I also support. Objective (a) I remain of the opinion the objective should be simplified and amended to refer to an environmental outcome. However, compared to the version recommended in my EiC (which sought to protect the health and well- being of waterbodies more broadly), I now consider the outcome could be refined to focus on the health and well-being...

  6. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Tom de Pelsemaeker on behalf of the ORC [pdf, 938 KB] address............ 14 Lack of understanding about the state of the region’s freshwater resources, and the effect of water taking on these resources .................................................................. 14 Uncertainty around the environmental outcomes, limits and environmental flows that need to be established in accordance with the NPS-FM 2020 .................................. 17 Allocation that may not prioritise first the health and well-being of freshwater bodies...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 049 Haines House Haulage Northland v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...of rural land and the derogation of rural production activities; (b) Rural subdivision generally should be avoided unless it provides for rural uses. Subdivision as a controlled activity should be into sites of 20 hectares or more, and where environmental benefits will be achieved by that outcome; (c) There is a general resistance to residential activities in the general rural zone, unless associated with rural productive purposes; (d) That after significant consideration, the Pla...

  8. 2023-10-16-Memorandum-of-Counsel-general-matters-prior-to-hearing.pdf [pdf, 260 KB] al, March 2015 Designation and resource consent conditions abbreviations, acronyms and terms (Biodiversity Offsets Accounting Model) Biodiversity offsets accounting system - user guide ( Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 Designation and resource consent conditions abbreviations, acronyms and terms (Contaminated land) Resource Management (N...

  9. Willowridge Developments Ltd & Remarkables Park Ltd - Claire Hunter - EIC - 25 February 2022 [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...STATEMENT OF EVIDENCE OF CLAIRE ELIZABETH HUNTER Dated: 24 February 2022 Introduction [1] My name is Claire Elizabeth Hunter. I am a Director with the firm Mitchell Daysh Limited, a planning and environmental consultancy operating throughout New Zealand. I have 16 years’ experience in this field. Attached as Appendix A to my evidence is a list of recent planning and project work I have been involved with. [2] I hold an honours de

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 262 Director-General of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...the Court: ______________________________ J A Smith Environment Judge 3550959 MASTER CONSENT CONDITIONS – NORTHERN GROUP Glossary of Terms Act Resource Management Act 1991 or equivalent subsequent legislation Assessment of Environmental Effects Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Williamson Water & Land Advisory Ltd: Aupōuri Aquifer Groundwater Take Consent Applications, Assessment of Environmental Effects – Aupōuri Aquifer Water User Grou...