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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 24 March 2025 A & K Simpson v MDC & CRC [pdf, 225 KB]

    ...8140 Respondent Canterbury Regional Council Canterbury Regional Council, NO ADDRESS AVAILABLE Respondent Mackenzie District Council Michael Garbett, Anderson Lloyd (Dunedin), Private Bag 1959, DX YP10107, Dunedin 9054 Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Bronwyn Carruthers KC, Shortland Chambers, P O Box 4338, DX CX10258, AUCKLAND Interested Party S274 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Cordelia Woodhouse, Environmental Defence Society...

  2. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Waste-for-Otago-with-PC1-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...carried out over a number of years, with the community, Otago’s city and district councils and those involved in waste management. This and following regional plans on the Coast, Land, Water and Air, provide specific planning frameworks to address environmental issues in Otago under the policy umbrella of the Regional Policy Statement. These documents will provide a comprehensive management direction for the natural and physical resources of our region. May I take this opportunit...

  3. HortNZ - EiC - V Hodgson - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 341 KB]

    ...resource management consultancy based in Waiuku. I have been employed in resource management related positions in local government and the private sector since 1994 and have been in private practice for 17 years. I hold a Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning (Hons) degree from Massey University. 7. I have worked in the public sector, where I was employed in student, assistant and senior policy planning roles by the Franklin District Council. I have provided resource m...

  4. Fish & Game - EiC - M J Trotter - Ecological Flow (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 397 KB]

    ............................................................................................ 18 2101895 | 5755417v1 page 2 Qualifications and experience 1 My name is Morgan John Trotter. 2 I hold a Postgraduate Diploma (with distinction) in Environmental Science gained at the University Otago in 2001 and a Master of Science (MSc) in Zoology (with distinction) gained in 2016, also at the University of Otago. My masters research was on the effects of flow reduction on tro...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 292 Allied Asphalt Limited [pdf, 866 KB]

    ...the Court’s determination on annual tonnages for the proposed plant and existing plant respectively. 4 Ms Petricevich, EIC at [54]. 4 enclosure is found to be necessary under Condition 36; (g) Condition 47 relating to the Mātauranga Māori Environmental Monitoring Plan (MMEMP) must be qualified by the words, “Subject to the willingness of Ngāti Kuku to contribute, …” or alternative proposed by the Regional Council. Requiring that AAL “must” prepare the plan withou...

  6. [2024] NZEnvC 284 Director-General of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 16 MB]

    ...conditions attached to this decision have been amended by the Court to comply with its decision. [7] The drafting of condition 35MC as included in Appendix F reflected the final decision. The condition reads: 35MC. A copy of the certified Annual Environmental Monitoring Report must be circulated to the following parties as soon as practicable: (a) Iwi and DOC; and (b) Any other party upon request. 5 Director-General of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [2024] NZEnvC 262...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 115 Anderson Branch Creek Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 440 KB]

    ...associated with it may be commenced or continued until the following charges have been paid in full: all charges fixed in accordance with section 36(1) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and any finalised, additional charges under section 36(3) of the Act. Environmental Management and Engineering Matters General 3. All engineering works shall be carried out in accordance with the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s policies and standards, being QLDC’s Land Development and Subdivision...

  8. [2023] NZEnvC 230 Nelson-Marlborough Fish and Game Council v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 569 KB]

    ...particular, pt 2. ______________________________ J J M Hassan Environment Judge 4 Appendix 1 Table 1: Parties to Topic 2: Water Allocation and Use ENV Party Appellants ENV-2020-CHC-75 Delegat Limited ENV-2020-CHC-67 Environmental Defence Society Incorporated ENV-2020-CHC-58 Federated Farmers of New Zealand ENV-2020-CHC-71 Horticulture New Zealand ENV-2020-CHC-50 Manawa Energy Limited ENV-2020-CHC-76 Minister of Defence ENV-2020-CHC-35 Nelson-Marlborou...

  9. ORC - Melanie Heather - Evidence in Reply - 11 March 2022 [pdf, 146 KB]

    ...discharge 11 Mr McIntyre in his evidence raises a number of concerns regarding the monitoring of conditions included in ORC earthwork and discharge consents. 12 At paragraph 13 of his evidence, Mr McIntyre notes that QLDC’s approach of having environmental management plan (EMP) details in a separate guidance document means that EMPs can be easily and quickly amended as required, whereas ORC’s approach can mean that a section 127 variation is required. In my experience, dep...

  10. 2023-10-10-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-J-McConchie-Hydrology-and-Flooding.pdf [pdf, 987 KB]

    ...purposes, but predominantly for dust suppression. Consequently, there is an optimum amount of water that needs to be applied. Applying too much water is problematic and since both the abstraction and use of water is expensive it 1 Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (Appendix Three to Volume II of the application). BF\HYDROLOGY AND FLOODING REBUTTAL E\IDENCE MCCONCHIE Page 6 adds to the cost of the Project. Therefore, there is considerable motivation to minimise...