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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Status hearings evaluation: New Zealand study of pre-trial hearings in criminal cases [pdf, 487 KB]

    Status Hearings Evaluation: A New Zealand Study of Pre-trial Hearings in Criminal Cases Wendy Searle Tania Slater Trish Knaggs Janet November Christopher Clark ii First published in July 2004 by the Ministry of Justice and Law Commission PO Box 180 Wellington New Zealand ISBN 0-478-20188-5 iii Foreword Status hearings were introduced on the initiative of judges in the Auckland District Court in 1995, as a type of pre-trial conference. They aimed to avoid the inefficiencies crea

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - The Whanganui district [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...historian and policy analyst. He holds a masters degree in agricultural science and has worked for several years within the Government on issues relating to the Treaty of Waitangi and the settlement of Maori claims. He has extensive experience in environmental science and the management of natural resources. In September 1994, the Waitangi Tribunal commissioned Brian Bargh to prepare an overview report on the Whanganui district. His commission forms part II of this report and covers the...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal theme K - Māori Land Councils and Māori Land Boards [pdf, 3.4 MB]

    ...time, this historian suggests: the results would almost certainly have benefited everyone in that the cycle of dependency, into which Maori were forced slowly but relentlessly, could have been broken. Our national debt would also have been lower and environmental damage less considerable .... The author is careful to point out that this scenario is 'all speculative and counterfactual'. Some might consider the projected results of these speculations to be unduly optimistic. No...

  4. Ministry of Justice annual report 2018-19 [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...real partnerships – a pathway that is co-designed between the Treaty partners and a pathway that has real and measurable steps along the way and can quickly demonstrate the benefit of working this way – socially, culturally, economically and environmentally. This is the pivotal place that Te Arawhiti occupies. Our story, and in a sense, our very reason for being, is encapsulated in our name: Te Arawhiti – ‘the bridge’. It symbolises the bridge between Māori and the Crown, t...

  5. He Hīnātore ki te Ao Māori: A glimpse into the Māori world [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...provided the basis for authority over the individual and the collective. This is evident through whakapapa, which introduces the principle of kinship. Whakapapa determines the rights of people and governs their relationships. Similarly, residency and environmental influences determined a person’s rights and how their relationships developed in relation to other individuals and the collective group. The dynamics that operate on the collective groups within Mäori society are apparent w...

  6. Ministry-of-Justice-Annual-Report-2021-22.pdf [pdf, 5 MB]

    Te Tāhū o te Ture Annual Report Including the Annual Report for Te Arawhiti, The Office for Ma-ori Crown Relations And Ministers’ reports on Non-Departmental Appropriations: Minister of Justice (Vote Justice), Minister for Courts (Vote Courts), Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations and Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Te Arawhiti (Vote Te Arawhiti) 1 July 2021 - 30 June 2022 E.64, B14 AR (2022) In accordance with the Public Finance Act 1989, this Annual Report presents:

  7. ENV-2016-AKL-000193 Kiwi Property Group Limited & Others v Auckland Council Consent Order [pdf, 19 MB] be provided by the developer for works to improve off-site amenity in the local Panmure/Mt Wellington/Sylvia Park community. Such works may include children's play areas, street landscaping, paving and furniture, pedestrian facilities, and environmental improvements. .. The financial contribution must not be used to fund any works required to mitigate the adverse effects of the proposed northern access route linking Waipuna and Lynton roads to the precinct. Any acoustic or vis...

  8. Recommendations Recap Issue 26 1 January-31 March 2021 [pdf, 984 KB]

    Recommendations Recap A summary of coronial recommendations and comments made between 1 January and 31 March 2021 Office of the Chief Coroner | 2021 (1) i Coroners’ recommendations and comments Coroners perform essential functions within our society. They inquire into a range of unexpected deaths to establish the identity of the person who has died and the cause and circumstances of their death. While inquiring into a deat

  9. Identifying & responding to bias in the criminal justice system: a review of international & New Zealand research [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    Identifying and Responding to Bias in the Criminal Justice System: A Review of International and New Zealand Research Identifying and Responding to Bias in the Criminal Justice System: A Review of International and New Zealand Research Bronwyn Morrison November 2009 2 Identifying and responding to bias in the criminal justice system This research was undertaken by the Research, Evaluat

  10. David Bain appendices tabs F to J [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    Ta F BETWEEN J U STICE IAN BINNIE Interviewer AND MILTON WEIR I nterviewee Date of I nterview: 1 9 Ju ly 20 1 2 Place: John Wickliffe House, Duned in Attendees Annabel Markham (Crown Law Office) INTERVIEW OF MILTON WEI R ( IN RESPECT OF C LAIM FOR COMPENSATIO N BY DAVID CULLEN BAIN) BINNIE J : Good morn ing M r Weir. M R WEIR: Good morning. 5 BINNIE J : Thank you for coming, I appreciate it. I have here a bible and if you wou ld swear in answer to the q