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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal theme Q - Inland waterways - lakes [pdf, 2.3 MB] those that had previously held rights in the waterway. This example stands as testament to the huge differences between the way in which nineteenth-century Maori and colonial officials grounded in English common law, viewed the world – especially environmental phenomena. In the context of the ownership of lakes, this disparity gave rise to a mutual non-comprehension which in some respects has endured until the present. But regardless of the relative propriety of the imposition of common l...

  2. Waitangi Tribunal - District 11 Hawkes Bay [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    RANGAHAUA WHANUI DISTRICT lIB HAWKE'S BAY DEAN COWIE SEPTEMBER 1996 WORKING PAPER: FIRST RELEASE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL RANGAHAUA WHANUI SERIES Other reports in the Rangahaua Whanui Series available: District 1: Auckland, R Daamen, P Ramer, and B Rigby District 7: The Volcanic Plateau, B J Bargh District 9: The Whanganui District, S Cross and B Bargh District l1A: Wairarapa, P Goldsmith District 12: The Wellington District, Dr R Anderson and K Pickens District 13: The Nor

  3. Henare v Horowhenua District Council - Hokio A, Part Hokio A and Hokio Maori Township (2013) 310 Aotea MB 292 (310 AOT 292) [pdf, 502 KB] witness in both the Waitangi Tribunal and this Court. He has provided expert evidence on current and historical land claim issues and has a particular expertise in roadways and historical land takings. Mr Alexander also has expertise in environmental matters and is regularly called upon to give evidence to courts and tribunals. He filed two reports and supporting papers and this evidence was subject to extensive cross examination from counsel and questions from the Court....

  4. NZCVS Cycle 4 2020-21 Methodology Report [pdf, 5.1 MB]

    Methodology Report Cycle 4 (2020/21) ISSN 2744-5798 Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document, the Ministry of Justice disclaims any and all responsibility for any inaccuracy, error, omission, or any other kind of inadequacy, deficiency, or flaw in, or in relation to, the information; and

  5. Evaluation of Rotorua Second Chance community-managed restorative justice programme [pdf, 544 KB]

    ...staff in high regard. The Rotorua programme with its aims of community involvement and reduction in re- offending by local offenders accords with the goals of section 10(b) of the Local Government Act 2002: (b) to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities, in the present and for the future. Recently, the programme received a community award. In the past the Rotorua Safer Community Council (SCC) also provided a link to the community. H...

  6. Cycle-5-Methodology-Report-V1.0-FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5 MB]

    Methodology Report Cycle 5 (2021/22) ISSN 2744-5798 Although all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this document, the Ministry of Justice disclaims any and all responsibility for any inaccuracy, error, omission, or any other kind of inadequacy, deficiency, or flaw in, or in relation to, the information; and fully excl

  7. Evaluation of Wanganui community-managed restorative justice programme [pdf, 637 KB]

    ...The Wanganui Restorative Justice Programme, with its aims of community involvement and reduction in re-offending by local offenders, accords with the goals of section 10(b) of that Local Government Act 2002: (b) to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities, in the present and for the future. A key stakeholder in local government described the relationship between the Council and the programme as “very close”. He illustrated this by sayi...

  8. Proactive release - Seventh Periodic Report under the Convention Against Torture [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...185. Under 2018 transitional guidance night safety procedures will be eliminated by December 2022. Night safety practices mean that patients are locked in their rooms for safety reasons. They have no therapeutic function and constitute a form of environmental restraint. Current reasons for them include building design, staffing, and the level of risk. The guidelines require that rights of patients and staff are protected. Mental Health Reports 186. Since 2006, annual statistics on the...

  9. BORA Ngai Tai ki Tamaki Claims Settlement Bill [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...submissions concerning activities within, adjacent to, or directly affecting the statutory area that are made to or before (a) the relevant consent authorities; or (b) the Environment Court; or (c) Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga; or (d) the Environmental Protection Authority or a board of inquiry under Part 6AA of the Resource Management Act 1991. (2) The content of a statement of association is not, by virtue of the statutory ac- knowledgement, binding as fact on— (a) the b...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal Te Aroha Maunga Settlement process report [pdf, 2.8 MB] Downloaded from ABBREVIATIONS AIP agreement in principle AIPE agreement in principle equivalent app appendix CA Court of Appeal CCN chief Crown negotiator DOC Department of Conservation ELRNZ Environmental Law Reports of New Zealand CFRT Crown Forestry Rental Trust ch chapter comp compiler doc document ed edition, editor fn footnote fol folio HC Hauraki Collective HCFWA Hauraki Collective Framework Agreement ltd limited no number...