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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 006 The Wellington Co. Ltd v Save Erskine College Trust [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...factors" . [29] Mr Wild was at pains to point out that his 2015 conservation plan was commissioned by WCC, not TWC, taking into account "baseline" values recognised through the conservation planning process that he later used in assessing environmental effects for the TWC proposal. [30] Mr Wild accorded great heritage va lue to what he described colourfully as a "trinity of essential elements that combine the main block, the chapel, and the Reverend Mother'...

  2. Tauranga-Moana-Courthouse-Cabinet-paper_FINAL.pdf [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...economic case 13. The economic case sets out a range of realistic options and assesses how well they meet the investment objectives set out above to determine the preferred option that delivers best public value to society including wider social and environmental effects. The Ministry reviewed and reassessed short-list options from the Indicative Business Case (IBC). Option 4: Wellbeing First was confirmed as the preferred option. This option places the needs of victims, defendants and...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 006 The Wellington Co. Ltd v Save Erskine College Trust [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...factors" . [29] Mr Wild was at pains to point out that his 2015 conservation plan was commissioned by WCC, not TWC, taking into account "baseline" values recognised through the conservation planning process that he later used in assessing environmental effects for the TWC proposal. [30] Mr Wild accorded great heritage va lue to what he described colourfully as a "trinity of essential elements that combine the main block, the chapel, and the Reverend Mother'...

  4. NZ Core document [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...over 97,000 non-profit institutions in New Zealand. The sector’s scope ranges from service-type organisations to those that offer citizens the opportunity to express their wider interests and values (for instance, sport, the arts, religion, and environmental protection). 170. The Charities Commission registers and monitors charities in accordance with the Charities Act 2005. Registration is voluntary and free but a prerequisite for tax-exempt status. Tax-exempt status means registered...

  5. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...monitor the health status of its resident population, any factors that the TDHB believes may adversely affect the health status of that population and the needs of that population for services. • To promote the reduction of adverse social and environmental effects on the health of older people and communities. • To monitor the delivery and performance of services by it and by persons engaged by it to provide or arrange for the provision of services. • To participate, where ap...

  6. Whānau Protect (National Home Safety Service) evaluation report [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    Whānau Protect National Home Safety Service Evaluation report Provider & Community Services Ministry of Justice November 2017 Disclaimer This research was undertaken by Provider and Community Services within the Ministry of Justice, with assistance from Gravitas Research and Strategy Limited. The Ministry acknowledges and thanks the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges, and their affiliated and associated refuges who helped with and

  7. Qualitative components of the outcomes evaluation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Court Pilot [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Trust Support Services • Pou Oranga • Community Alcohol & Drugs Service (CADS) • Clinical Manager • Case Managers • Peer Support • Housing Co-ordinator • Operations Manager Drug Testing Provider • Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) New Zealand Police • Police Prosecutors Department of Corrections • Community Probation Services Stakeholders in the AODT Court Services that support the participants in the co...

  8. Regulatory Impact Statement: Second phase of reforms to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism regime [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...generated through criminal activity can then be co-mingled with legitimate revenue. 2 This is therefore a conservative estimate of the total amount laundered in New Zealand as it excludes tax evasion, benefit, health and ACC fraud, serious fraud, environmental crimes such as illegal fishing, and illicit funds from overseas. 8 There was an agreement to progress the second phase of reforms (Phase II) at a later stage. The two-phase process was to stage the coverage of the AML/...

  9. Directory of Official Information S-U [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...monitor the health status of its resident population, any factors that the TDHB believes may adversely affect the health status of that population and the needs of that population for services. • To promote the reduction of adverse social and environmental effects on the health of older people and communities. • To monitor the delivery and performance of services by it and by persons engaged by it to provide or arrange for the provision of services. • To participate, where ap...

  10. 2017 Population report [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...intended to complement individually- focused services. For these services schools refer to Resource Teacher, Ministry of Education Specialist behaviour service, and Ministry of Education Intensive Wraparound Service. — Incredible Years Teacher. — Environmental interventions, which are designed to change the school or classroom environment to directly reinforce positive behaviour. This may include establishing disciplinary mechanisms that lead to clear and consistent management o...