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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Taueki v Procter - Horowhenua 11 Lake Block (2020) 415 Aotea MB 1 (415 AOT 1) [pdf, 720 KB]

    ...tracks or walkways, without consultation with the owners and without resource consent or authority from Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. Mr Taueki argued that the works were being carried out on land that is culturally, archaeologically and environmentally significant to the iwi, causing damage and distress. [24] Mr Taueki believed the purpose of the works was to pre-empt an application by the Horowhenua District Council (“HDC”) for resource consent to continue discharging L...

  2. Ngati Pahauwera Crown Summary Report November 2014 [pdf, 1.5 MB] characterised by high, shelving greywacke cliffs subject to the forces of erosion, deeply embanked rivers, black/grey sand and steeply shelving beaches presently covered in unusually large quantities of drift wood debris associated with poor environmental management of cultivation forests in the hinterland. The coastal area was described by the Wairoa District Council in 2004 as ‘unsuitable for swimming.’10 The alluvial beaches are subject to short term fluctuations depending...

  3. Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill Exposure Draft for Referendum [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill Exposure Draft for Referendum Explanatory note General policy statement This exposure draft of the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill (the Bill) provides a regulatory framework to legalise and control the production, possession and use of cannabis in New Zealand for people 20 years and over. The overarching objective of the regulatory regime is to reduce the harms associated with cannabis use experienced by individuals, families, whānau, an

  4. Kaupapa Maori Resolution Pathways [pdf, 792 KB]

    ...kaupapa Māori processes that provide alternative resolution pathways for victims 2. Stocktake and critical analysis of existing Tauiwi (New Zealand European, European) Aotearoa models of victim-led alternative resolution pathways 3. International environmental scan and review of international literature 4. Stocktake and critical analysis of existing international models of victim-led alternative resolution pathways Kaupapa Māori Resolutions Pathway 15 Methodology Kaup...

  5. [2015] NZEmpC 57 Q v Commissioner of Police [pdf, 719 KB]

    ...that were applied, was “necessary and reasonable in all the circumstances” as indicated in the “Use of Force” chapter of the relevant Police Manual. He had considered what the various individuals had said about the parties’ actions, the environmental factors that were in play, the reasons why Mr Q said he had applied the holds which he adopted, why he considered them to be necessary and reasonable, Ms V’s reaction and the impressions of the different witnesses...

  6. Taylor Fry feasibility report on long-term investment approach [pdf, 2 MB] consistent with an international trend towards decreasing levels of street crime in industrialized countries, of which the causes are a source of debate. There are a range of hypotheses related to economic trends, policy and operational choices, environmental factors and changing societal behaviours. A comparison of 15 hypotheses found that the strongest, in terms of a series of tests such as strength of evidence and transferability of findings between countries, was that increasing sec...

  7. Wilton TRI-2021-100-002 [2023] NZWHT AUCKLAND 01 [pdf, 629 KB]

    ...document, the findings of the experts’ conference.53 That document summarised the conclusion of the experts that the home leaks because of systemic cracking to the northern, eastern and western elevations and water is entering via the cracks. Environmental conditions have accelerated the cracking damage. Whilst earlier mentioned that there are somewhat differing views, the experts were agreed that water/dye ingress testing by Mr Downie illustrated water entering the cracking an...

  8. OIA-110821.pdf [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    ...S., Kypri, K., Attia, J., Evans, T. J., Chikritzhs, T., & Miller, P. (2019). Effects of a Risk-Based Licensing Scheme on the Incidence of Alcohol-Related Assault in Queensland. Australia: A Quasi-Experimental Evaluation. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(23), 4637. Retrieved from: 52 Atkinson, J., Prodan, A., Livingston, M., Knowles, D., O’Donnel, E., Room, R., Indig, D., Page, A., McDonnell, G., & Wigge...

  9. Family Violence, Sexual Violence and Violence within Whānau: Workforce Capability Framework [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...develop skills which enable them to be responsive to cultural difference and diversity • family violence, sexual violence and violence within whānau happen in all cultures and is not acceptable • there is often a myriad of cultural, historical and environmental issues present • everyone has the right to dignity, safety and self-determination but these rights may have different meanings and require differential responses • effective cultural interventions focus on solutions for...

  10. ENVC combined interested-party notices M to S [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...and Heritage Impact Assessment, Matiatia Marina Project’, September 2010, Peter Rikys; • ‘Matiatia Marina, Waiheke Island Archaeological Survey and Assessment Effects’, March 2013, Don Prince. (TDE); • Technical Memo- Heritage Unit –Environmental Strategy & Policy, Auckland Council, 21 November 2013, Mica Plowman. Maori cultural values – the koiwi 4. I am very much an ‘outsider’ on matters relating to Maori cultural values in the northern part of Matiatia Bay...