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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report December 2021 [pdf, 4.4 MB]

    ...Obtain by deception Illicit drug offences Illicit drugs Possess cannabis or drug related utensils; Using cannabis Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosive offences Weapon offences Possess offensive weapon or knife Property damage and environmental pollution Property damage Wilful damage including graffiti-related offences; Unlawfully interfere with motor vehicles; Intentional damage; Arson Public order offences Public disorder Wilful trespass; Disorderly behaviour...

  2. [2007] NZEmpC AC 51A/07 Maritime Union of NZ and ors v TLNZ Ltd and anor [pdf, 158 KB]

    ...the draft policy. TLNZ replied to MUNZ by letter of 25 October 2005 and seeking further comments or a meeting by 31 October. [19] At about the same time, TLNZ sought professional assistance in the development of its policy from the Institute of Environmental and Scientific Research (“ESR”) and, following union submissions, amended the draft policy to provide for two people instead of one to determine whether there would be reasonable cause to suspect the consumption of drugs o...

  3. [2020] NZEnvC 170 Smith v Young.pdf [pdf, 7.8 MB]

    ...~.,if~~ !_, ""' c ..... ,,,, . - ~( ·-..:.~ , ,, e,,.or~=~1ut11,,1~,u",u,..~:....._,_1w,,o,...,._~~ ~ :/ .. "t~ '""" " ~~- EN\J\I'-~' I ... / "B" EO GEOLOGY GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL WATER RESOURCES ---· ·.Expect Excellence---------~--- - - ------- l<arl and Gina Young 13 Farleigh St Atawhai Nelson 7010 Dear l<arl and Gin~ RE: Design Phi_(osophy Statemei1t -13 Farleigh St, Atawhai, Nelson...

  4. Who is vulnerable or hard-to-reach in the provision of maternity, Well Child and early parenting support services? [pdf, 467 KB]

    ...low birthweight, injury and adverse outcomes There is increasing evidence that neurological damage is an important mediating mechanisms which leads to offending. Damage to the pre-fontal cortex through head injury, birth complications, disease or environmental toxins (such as alcohol), is linked to anti-social behaviour. Risks to the developing brain arise even before birth, in the form of agents such as tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, which may damage the foetus. A recent New Zeal...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 062 Kombi Properties Limited (formerly HFT Limited) v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...requires consent as several AUP rules are not complied with. Non-complying activity status is triggered by the residential component. In addition, and out of an abundance of caution, consent for the disturbance of soil was sought under the National Environmental Standard for Assessing and 5 Although the AUP was not fully operative at the time of the first instance hearing, all provisions relevant to the proposal were operative. 6 Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health....

  6. National Standards Committee 1 v Gardner-Hopkins [2021] NZLCDT 21 (22 June 2021) [pdf, 360 KB] two firm parties held by Russell McVeagh, Wellington branch. [2] The practitioner whose conduct is in issue is Mr James Gardner-Hopkins. At the time, he was a partner based at the Wellington office of Russell McVeagh, and the leader of its Environmental Planning and Natural Resources Team (the EPNR Team). The charges concern two social events in December 2015. [3] The first, was a Russell McVeagh Wellington Christmas party. All concerned understood that it was likely that th...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-N-Productive-Land-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...and LUC mapping, whole farm planning, effluent and nutrient management, and sustainable land resource management throughout the country. To date LandVision Ltd has soil and LUC mapped in excess of one million hectares of farm land for farm and environmental planning on dairying, sheep and beef, horticulture, gardening and forestry properties. (c) As part of LandVision Ltd I have been involved in land resource mapping at the paddock scale on 31 properties covering about 7,300 ha...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 61 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...century. The Tribunal considered that the Crown was more successful in upholding its Treaty obligations in the exotic forestry sector but that CNI Mäori economic development in that sector had come at a high price in terms of their cultural, environmental and social interests. The Tribunal reviewed the Crown’s policies for natural resources and the environment, and their relevance to the claims from the CNI region. The report examines the ways in which CNI Mäori have c...

  9. People charged and convicted of offences June 2017 [xlsx, 449 KB]

    ...offences 20,542 23,375 23,434 20,686 19,746 22,473 17,731 18,079 15,460 15,662 10: Illicit drug offences 19,606 22,290 24,940 21,931 19,633 20,183 15,285 14,518 14,958 15,344 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 6,719 6,913 6,658 5,615 5,132 5,211 4,429 4,545 4,807 5,466 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 16,380 15,857 16,072 13,889 13,268 12,194 10,127 8,971 9,191 9,209 13: Public order offences 32,079 34,110 33,478 23,450 15,865 15,289 10,906 9,975 8,7...

  10. People charged and convicted of offences June 2022 [xlsx, 274 KB]

    ...offences 772 775 789 878 993 1,246 1,321 1,329 1,398 1,143 1,186 1,143 1,224 1,365 1,280 1,160 1,284 1,356 1,425 1,249 1,327 1,320 1,524 1,528 1,577 1,733 1,843 1,946 1,943 1,986 1,726 1,631 1,569 1,369 1,335 1,441 1,475 1,421 1,457 1,386 1,566 1,354 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 2,064 2,271 2,255 2,365 2,454 2,745 2,903 2,822 3,015 2,555 2,458 2,663 2,859 2,957 3,699 3,721 3,621 3,552 3,643 3,671 4,029 3,892 3,953 4,216 4,112 4,338 4,458 4,960 4,828 4,876 4,421 4,144 3,927 3...