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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-AKL-000TBA Walden v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.2 MB]

    ...strategic directions • Focusing intensifi.cation within the existing urban area delivers the benefits of a quality compact urban form, which include better public transport, proximity to amenity and services, efficient infrastructure servicing, environmental protection and a reduced carbon footprint. Minutes Page 24 Governing Body 10 August 2016 Minutes d) adopt the alternative solution associated with recommendation c) and accompanying section 32AA reports (where provided),...

  2. Proactive release - Evidence to inform a regulated cannabis market [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    BERL REPORTS MINISTRY OF JUSTICE DISCLAIMER 1. This report was prepared by Business and Economic Research Limited (BERL), under commission from the Ministry of Justice. 2. The views, opinions, recommendations, and advice expressed in this report belong solely to the authors of the report. The views do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ministry of Justice or the New Zealand Government. 3. The report was one of a number of inputs considered by the Ministry in the dev

  3. Final-Technical-Assessment-O-Economics-and-Town-Centre-Impacts-v2.pdf [pdf, 716 KB]

    ...centres, and the prospects for underlying market growth to ameliorate direct effects. (e) I have on many occasions prepared and presented expert evidence at all levels including council hearings, Environment Court, Independent Hearing Panels, Environmental Protection Agency, the High Court and the Supreme Court. (f) I am a member of the National Committee of the Association for Resource Management Practitioners ("RMLA"), an associate member of the New Zealand Insti...

  4. [2023] NZEnvC 067 Marsden City Limited Partnership v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 7.3 MB] does not comply with the minimum dimensions in MCP-R106.1(a). 3. The extent to which the proposal demonstrates best practice principles of urban design. 4. demonstrates best practice principles of urban design and 5.4. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. 6. Environmental Design. 7.5. Effects on active frontage, pedestrian safety and walkability. 8.6. Where MCP-R106.2 is infringed, the effects on: 9. effects on: • The privacy of and amenity of adjoining sites; and...

  5. Beef + Lamb NZ - EiC - A N Burtt - Economic (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 327 KB]

    ...of lamb processing is of lambs finished on hill country. Types of Commercial Sheep and Beef Farms 62. B+LNZ characterises “farms” (i.e. farm businesses) into eight farm classes, which, for the avoidance of doubt, combine physical (including environmental considerations), financial, and family factors. This creates a richer picture of the reality of the complexity of sheep and beef farming because it is broader than just Land Use Capability (LUC) class. Each farm owner takes accoun...

  6. ENVC Matiatia transcript notice of motion 20150326 [pdf, 478 KB]

    ...current and future provision of car parking for the public and commuters. That is not an accurate representation of the basis of Waiheke Marina’s original application and subsequent evidence in support. The application is supporting assessment of environmental effects and the 5 evidence in support represented on the basis that access to and from the Marina and car parking associated with the marina would have an effect upon the environment which would not be more than minor....

  7. [2016] NZEmpC 48 Nelson v Katavich [pdf, 290 KB]

    ...Information dated 30 April 2011 was produced in evidence. The covering letter commenced: I write to express interest in your available research position. I would like to offer my skills as a Concierge at the Tacoma General Hospital and an environmental restoration worker through the Washington Conservation Corps in Washington State in the United States of America. I also worked voluntarily at New Avenues for Youth (NAFY ) in Oregon and at the Tacoma Art Museum in Washington....

  8. Restorative justice: Practice standards for family violence cases 2019 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...2015. An indigenous Kaupapa Māori Approach: Mothers’ Experiences of Partner Violence and the Nurturing of Affectional Bonds with Tamariki. A thesis in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Health and Environmental Sciences. Auckland University of Technology. 36 Family Violence Death Review Committee. 2016. Fifth Annual Report: January 2014 to December 2014. Wellington: Family Violence Death Review Committee. 37 Hall, A. 2015. An indigeno...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 225 The Olive Leaf Centre Trust v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 581 KB]

    ...submissions received, the consent authority must, subject to Part 2 and section 77M, have regard to– (a) any actual and potential effects on the environment of allowing the activity; and … (b) any relevant provisions of – (i) a national environmental standard: (ii) other regulations: (iii) a national policy statement: (iv) a New Zealand coastal policy statement: (v) a regional policy statement or proposed regional policy statement: (vi) a plan or proposed plan; a...

  10. Youth Court - Signed, sealed – (but not yet fully) delivered [pdf, 817 KB]

    ...therapeutic premise is that effectively reducing offending requires the underlying causes of offending to be addressed via a holistic approach and taking into account family context, social background, mental health, drug and alcohol issues and other environmental factors. 103 The principles of the Act allow scope for a therapeutic response by providing that any measures for dealing with a child or young person’s offending should, so far as it is practicable to do so, address the...