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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2015] NZEmpC 127 Nisha v LSG Sky Chefs New Zealand Ltd [pdf, 333 KB]

    ...communications with others (including, for example, expert witnesses) about the actual or reasonably anticipated litigation. [29] In the Canadian case, Blank, a company of which Mr Blank was a director was charged with offences under federal environmental legislation. Those charges were ultimately quashed. Mr Blank subsequently brought a civil action against the Federal Government alleging fraud, conspiracy, perjury, and abuse of prosecutorial powers. He made a number of reques...

  2. Transcript - PC8 - Primary Sector Provisions - 8 November 2021 [pdf, 575 KB]

    ...unfortunate, but here we are. In response to your point around nitrogen management, I suppose I’d echo the comments made by Ms de Latour, there are other layers of control in relation to that, particularly the nitrogen limits in the national environmental standard which at the very least, kind of put a cap on that to a degree, and then the other controls in those 5 documents around, you know, intensive winter grazing, the potential for intensification, managing the likes, you kno...

  3. Memorandum of counsel for the Auckland Council in support of Notice of Motion under s291 of the RMA applying for waivers and directions dated 9 May 201 [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...processes relating to filing / service of section 274 notices will reduce the burden for submitters, who would otherwise be obliged to serve a potentially large number of parties with their section 274 notices. d. The waivers / directions will have an environmental benefit, by minimising the quantities of paper which would otherwise be generated by strict compliance with section 274 and Form 33. 14. From the Council's perspective, this first category of proposed waivers and dir...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 160 Auckland Council [pdf, 609 KB]

    ...2013) for the DSSP area. 4. Walkways / cycleways along riparian corridors and through buf fer planting should be designed to minimise any impacts on ecological function and give due consideration to personal safety and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. 5. Edge buf fer reserves should be located in accordance with the Drury South Industrial Precinct Plan, be a minimum of 30m in width and be planted in generally accordance with Diagram 5 below. Pl...

  5. Fehling v Ministry of Health [2017] NZHRRT 31 [pdf, 269 KB]

    ...fascistic control that the British monarch and its freemason fascism (the princes are freemasons and thus fascists by definition) is silently installing in order to perpetuate rule by its rich aristocrats and maintain their unrestricted socially and environmentally damaging excesses, glitter and power. [5] Equally his submissions are at times too abstract to be of meaningful assistance. We here refer by way of example to the “Improved Statement of Claim with Chronological Summary, Qu...

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 208 The Wolds Station Limited v Mackenzie District Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...Decision at [395J. Evidence of P Harte dated 15 July 2016 at [78J and [105J. Evidence of P Harte dated 15 July 2016 at [105J and [130J. Evidence of C Vivian for Fountainblue & Drs, dated 19 August 2016 at [8.2J: evidence of P D Reaburn for Environmental Defence Society dated 14 September 2016 at [23bJ . 10 for non-farm buildings within FBAs, and accordingly permitted activity status for all buildings within FBAs would better give effect to rural objective 3B(3)(c) and policy...

  7. Acting Chief Executive of the Ministry for Culture and Heritage - Taonga Tūturu found at Kerikeri (2015) 106 Taitokerau MB 210 (106 TTK 210) [pdf, 279 KB]

    ...has undertaken conservation treatment of the taonga. In a report prepared by Ms Johns in July 2010, she notes that the taonga are in an advanced state of degradation. She says: 4 Ideally these taonga should be stored/displayed in fairly strict environmental conditions, with a relative humidity (RH) of 55% and temperature of 20 c . If this is not possible care should be taken to avoid rapid and/or wide fluctuations in temperature and RH [and] care should be taken to ensure that th...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - remaining historical claims update [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...reserves; (e) Crown purchase policy and practice; (f) Public works takings; (g) Crown administered district land boards and development schemes; (h) Socio-economic disadvantage; (i) Failure to protect taonga tuku iho; and U) Resource management and environmental issues. 8. The Claimants therefore seek an opportunity to present evidence to the Tribunal through a District Inquiry about the impact of the Crown and its processes on the claimant whanau, hapO and iwi in violation of Te Tiri...

  9. Chief Coroner 2017-18 Annual Report [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...liaise with other agencies. The coroner is carrying out a joint enquiry into five of the deaths from the Auckland region. Coronial Services has been working closely with the Ministry of Health, Police, District Health Boards, ESR (the Institute of Environmental Science and Research) and pathologists to identify the substances involved and the circumstances around each death. The majority were found to have the dangerous chemical AMB-FUBINACA in their systems. The coroner has also dire...

  10. [2021] NZACC 69 - Auva'a v ACC (28 April 2021) [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...VIMA assessor in relation to the first of the two roles, a comparison of the descriptions and tasks of the two occupations with his previous employment, the view of Mr Macann, a vocational specialist, and the view of Dr Black, occupational and environmental medicine specialist. It is well established that, if suggested occupations are substantively the same as pre-injury employment, they will be excluded from consideration.13 This is because the concept of capacity for work is bas...