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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 12.-Joshua-Markham-Terrestrial-Offset-and-Compensation.pdf [pdf, 2.7 MB]

    ................................................................................................................ 26 Page 20 INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Joshua Andrew Markham. 2. I hold the position of Senior Ecologist at Tonkin & Taylor Limited ("T+T") Environmental and Engineering Consultants. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment G – Terrestrial Offset and Compensation ("Technical Assessment G") as part of Volume V of the Assessment of Environm...

  2. [2022] NZEnvC 049 Boonham v Kaipara District Council [pdf, 546 KB]

    ...that the subdivision or development may be permitted even though sufficient wastewater capacity is not in place. Although it is not within the scope of this hearing, it seems relatively clear that action by a Council to grant a consent where environmental effects could occur may lead to proceedings in the Environment Court or High Court. Accordingly, the question for this Court is what level of importance should be given to ensuring that the infrastructure is in place at a time...

  3. [2012] NZEmpC 168 Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota Inc v Sanford Ltd [pdf, 185 KB]

    ...subsection (1)(d)(ii), a strike or lockout is likely to affect the public interest substantially if— (a) the strike or lockout is likely to endanger the life, safety, or health of persons; or (b) the strike or lockout is likely to disrupt social, environmental, or economic interests and the effects of the disruption are likely to be widespread, long-term, or irreversible. (3) The Authority must not accept a reference in relation to bargaining for which the Authority has already...

  4. Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report April 2018 [pdf, 1.2 MB] deception Illicit drug offences Illicit drugs Possess cannabis or drug-related utensils; using cannabis Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences Weapon offences Possess offensive weapon or knife Property damage and environmental pollution Property damage Wilful damage including graffiti-related offences; unlawfully interfere with motor vehicles; intentional damage; arson Public order offences Public disorder Wilful trespass; disorderly behaviour; unla...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 051 Perjuli Developments Limited v Waikato District Council [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...request from a servant or agent of Waikato District Council. Erosion and Sediment Control 14 Erosion and sediment control measures shall be in place in accordance with the requirements of the approved Earthwork Management Plan and approved Environmental Management Plan and the Waikato Regional Council’s Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Soil Disturbing Activities: January 2009, prior to undertaking the consented activity. During Construction Erosion and S...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal - Wai 2522 2.5.0009 TPPA [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...waiver or limitation on New Zealand's sovereignty. These include ISDS, and reducing the Crown's ability to make law and policy regarding; i. Water quality regulation and agricultural water use; ii. Energy regulation; iii. Regulation of environmental concerns, such as deep sea drilling for oil or 'fracking'; iv. Smoking control laws; v. Access to affordable medicines; 4 Wai 2523, #1.1.1 3 f vi. A cap on electricity prices; vii. Treaty settlements; and...

  7. Youth Justice Indicators Summary Report June 2024 [pdf, 4.1 MB]

    ...advantage; obtain by deception 10: Illicit drug offences Drugs Possess cannabis or drug-related utensils, using cannabis 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences Weapons Possess offensive weapon or knife 12: Property damage and environmental pollution Property damage Wilful damage including graffiti-related offences; unlawfully interfere with motor vehicles; intentional damage; arson 13: Public order offences Public order Wilful trespass; disorderly beha...

  8. [2020] NZEnvC 204 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 4 MB]

    ....i;' ... · "/" ~ - ' Appendix A - Modifications to Regional Pest Management Plan (Marine Pests) 7.7.11 Te mau tonu o te patu orota a-Moana / Sustained Control marine pests Marine pest organisms can cause adverse effects to the environmental, economic, social or cultural values of the region. Once marine pests are established, control options are often limited. Therefore pathway management to prevent spread to new areas is the top priority. Most of the following...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 187 The Canyon Vineyard Limited v Central Otago District Council [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...s108AA of the Resource Management Act 1991 (‘the Act’) to: (a) be agreed by the applicant; or (b) directly connect to: (i) an adverse effect of the activity on the environment; or (ii) an applicable district or regional rule, or national environmental standard; or (c) be administratively necessary to implement the consent. Parties’ responses [3] On 22 September 2021, after conferring with Council, Bendigo filed a set of recommended final conditions. [4] On 1 October 2...

  10. Adlam v Reihana - Himatangi 1H1A (2022) 447 Aotea MB 1 (447 AOT 1) [pdf, 658 KB]

    ...terms. In fact, Mr Adlam had this say about the land use report:35 The key take away for me in terms of economic wellbeing, it seemed farming continues to be the best option but I feel that the report doesn’t cover the best use to improve our environmental, our social and cultural wellbeing. I feel that our whare, building houses would be the way to address that best use part of our wellbeing. That’s just my opinion. Others might have a different view. [76] I agree, bu...