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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEnvC171 Tokonui Developments Limited [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...could be done lawfully on the balance Farm adjoining the subject land as an existing use. The certificate operates as a resource consent allowing the certified activity in the particular location on the conditions contained in any relevant national environmental standard or applicable plan. 19 It does not purport to extend beyond the certified location. [27] In an evidential sense the fact that the balance Farm has existing use rights to undertake quarrying greatly increases the lik...

  2. Mann v Accident Compensation Corporation (Jurisdiction, Social Rehabilitation, Costs on Review) [2023] NZACC 91 [pdf, 365 KB]

    ...number of referrals were declined. [78] On 31 August 2022, the Corporation’s Clinical Advisory Panel (“CAP”) provided a report. The CAP comprised four Orthopaedic Surgeons, one General Surgeon, a Physiotherapist and an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist. The CAP reported: The CAP did our best to consider Mr Mann as a whole person, as he requested, taking many factors into account. The CAP acknowledged Mr Mann’s pain and distress and the enormous impac...

  3. [2021] NZREADT 19 - Moseley v The Real Estate Agents Authority & Smith (29 April 2021) [pdf, 355 KB]

    ...areas from flooding. [20] The manager of the Agency, Mr Stevens, visited the property on 10 May 2016. In his statement in response to the complaint he told the Committee he noticed “the poor condition of the piles and the dampness”. [21] K2 Environmental Ltd undertook a “biological air quality assessment” on 15 June 2016 (“the K2 report”). This stated that: The presence of toxigenic, pathogenic and allergenic2 fungi suggest that the dwelling is suffering from...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 033 Liu v Auckland Council [pdf, 457 KB]

    ...such a declaration, counsel composed the following: The abatement notice should not have been issued because the enforcement officer did not have reasonable grounds for the stated belief that the asphalt shingle roof had actual or likely adverse environmental effects. [74] Such a declaration relates to the legality of the decision and therefore, if made, would be one step short of a review decision as granting certiorari to quash the enforcement officer's decision. [75] Couns...

  5. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC rebuttal Mica Plowman [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...Services- Subsurface Solutions. Prince, D., March 2013: Matiatia Marina, Waiheke Island Archaeological Survey and Assessment of Effects, unpublished report prepared by Time Depth Enterprises, set out at Appendix S to the Matiatia Marina Assessment of Environmental 28th May 2013. Smith, S., 27 April 2010: Public Forum: Matiatia (sic) Urupa Recognition Project. Correspondence to Waiheke Community Board. Published Sources Auckland Council District Plan Hauraki Gulf Island Section Oper...

  6. Te Manutukutuku 77 [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...stepped into the role of acting manager of the Claims and Registry Team, before leaving in 2019 to under- take a senior analyst role in the Treaty Settlement Team at the Ministry for the Environment. In early 2020, she worked on a programme at the Environmental Protection Authority to support decision-making commit- tees to better understand mātauranga Māori, before returning to the unit in October 2020 to join the Inquiry Facilitation team as a principal. Joanna was born and raise...

  7. [2020] NZEnvC 006 Antoun v Hutt City Council [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...issue of the abatement notice and sho d ear its own costs accordingly. BP Dwyer Environment Judge 16 July 2019 F J Antoun 14 Molesworth Street TAITA 5011 Dear F J Antoun , Abatement notice (RMM190004/2) - 14 Molesworth Street Taita Environmental Consents 04 570 6979 Our reference:RMM 190004/2 On 7 November 2018, I inspected 14 Molesworth Street Taita where I observed that a new two storey building had been constructed in the rear portion...

  8. [2019] NZEmpC 54 Hong v Auckland Transport [pdf, 437 KB]

    ...There was no suggestion that his job was in jeopardy. On 24 and 25 January 2017, Mr Hong attended a training workshop facilitated by an external trainer. Mr Bidgood also attended that workshop. The workshop focussed on situational awareness, environmental awareness, self-leadership and basic communication. During the workshop, Mr Hong challenged the facilitator in what Mr Bidgood saw as an abrupt and hostile manner. Mr Bidgood recalls that Mr Hong expressed the view that he...

  9. Robinson v Accident Compensation Corporation (Weekly Compensation) [2023] NZACC 139 [pdf, 316 KB]

    ...pain, with a prior history of arthritis. (c) On 20 September 2018 Mr Robinson's GP recorded that he was now talking about pain in his left knee and that it was known to be arthritic. (d) On 26 November 2018 Dr Gerard Walker, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist, was asked by the Corporation to assess and provide an opinion on diagnosis, causation, fitness for work and clinical management. Dr Walker noted that Mr Robinson was keen to work but not confident with th...

  10. Auckland Waikato and Eastern Fish and Game Councils [pdf, 504 KB] in the Waikato Region, in order to achieve ecological health for rivers streams: Pingram, M.A. et al. (2019) “Improving region-wide ecological condition of wadeable streams: Risk analyses highlight key stressors for policy management” Environmental Science and Policy. Elsevier, 92 (July 2018), pp 170-181. Include a lesser stocking rate for Schedule C (1)(b). Amend Schedule C to require fences to exclude stock to be set back at least 5 metres from the edge of t...