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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-AKL-000194 Highgate Business Park Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...rating of industrial and commercial buildings over a certain scale. It is submitted that the PAUP is an inappropriate mechanism to introduce a Green Star Rating requirement. Such measures would be more appropriately introduced through a National Environmental Standard to ensure parity across regions. (b) Finally, it Is submitted that the PAUP zoning ofthe northern part ofthe Silverdale South block (between the Northern Motorway, Hibiscus Coast highway and East Coast Road) as 'F...

  2. ENV-2016-AKL-000198 G M Welsford Family Trust v Auckland Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Mixed Housing Suburban, Mixed Housing Urban and Terrace House and Apartment Building zones. The inclusion of objectives, policies and rules that enable sporadic and scattered rural subdivision , The inclusion of provisions that allow for minimal environmental benefits to be accepted in exchange for rural-residential subdivision Absence in recommending specific site sizes for Countryside Living subdivision in the Caldwells Road I area in Whitford Amendment to the definition of '...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 085 Glencoe Land (Joint Venture) Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 6.5 MB]

    ...drew my attention the observations of the Court of Appeal in Shell New Zealand Ltd v Porirua City Council that whether an amendment falls within or outside the ambit of an application will depend on the facts of any particular case, including such environmental impacts as may be rationally perceived by a consent authority" [15J Those authorities always seem fair and reasonable to me, but I must bear in mind that they are all part of an overall "fairness and reasonableness&...

  4. Recommendations recap - issue 4 [pdf, 832 KB]

    ...effective risk assessment and management of those identified as being at risk is an important part of doing so. The work done by the Department of Corrections on improving processes and skills of staff in this area is laudable. However, recognising environmental factors such as hanging points and eliminating (where possible and reasonable) those points is also required. The coroner expressed concern that over a period of almost fifteen years the Department of Corrections did n...

  5. [2019] NZEmpC 153 Savage v Wai Shing Ltd [pdf, 545 KB]

    ...irrigation, harvesting, trials, staff records etc 6 Constantly strive to be more competitive in the marketplace by reducing costs and increase efficiency 7 Actively commit to all aspects of WSL programs by being responsible for social, environmental and financial aspects of the operation 8 Maintain an open-minded approach to accepting and implementation of new ideas and suggestions 9 Responsible for cleaning and maintaining all machinery, vehicles, tools and buildings...

  6. [2015] NZEmpC 234 2015 AFT v BCM [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...28 days for filing a challenge. Nor does the evidence explain how, since then, the applicant has been able to apply successfully for, and take up, a teaching position in another country and under what are, by his account, difficult cultural and environmental circumstances. [85] Nor do the applicant’s accounts of seeking but failing to obtain professional legal advice and representation explain sufficiently that delay. That is especially so in view of the fact that the steps that...

  7. Final-Technical-Assessment-J-Terrestrial-Ecology-v2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...OTHER RELEVANT POLICIES ......... 23  Resource Management Act 1991 ("RMA") ......................................................... 23  National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management ("NPS-FM") ................. 23  National Environmental Standards for Freshwater ("NESFW") .......................... 24  Horizons One Plan ("One Plan") ......................................................................... 24  Natural Resources Plan for the We...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - Whanganui land report [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...comprise representatives of Whanganui Māori and the Crown, symbolic of the treaty relation- ship. It will be supported by a strategy group consisting of representatives from iwi, local and central government, commercial and recreational users and environmental groups. Legislation, which will give effect to these terms, is expected to be introduced to parliament in 2016. 1.6.5 The Whanganui land inquiry after the river inquiry was completed, plans for an inquiry into land claims commence...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 154 Middle Hill Ltd v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...which a suitable pedestrian connection is provided between the Local Centre and the land to the south. (b) The quality of design shall provide a safe useable environment that reflects urban design best practise including Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles. (c) Planting and hard landscape elements shall enhance and reflect local character such as the values of the Mahurangi river, riparian corridors and the bush backdrop of the Dome hills. I553 Warkworth N...

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 166 Scaife v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...Setback of buildings from waterbodies RD Discretion is restricted to: a. Indigenous biodiversity values; b. Visual amenity values; c. Landscape; d. Open space and the interaction of the development with the water body; e. Environmental protection measures (including landscaping and stormwater management); f. Natural hazards; and g. Effects on cultural values of manawhenua The minimum setback of any building from the bed of a river, lake or we...