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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Hugh Grant Sayers - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 5 MB]

    ...fQi' 11ti.~r•A9 Con$en.t . . j~~ scheaule of the Plan sefs out information requirements for coastal perifiit applicants. Th~ . qt;t,rrent schedule addresses points a), b) arid d) of your letter. The schedule does not r.eq!:ilHdh~t an environmental management plan be $Ubmitted with every application as not all aotfvitie·s warrant such a document. More policy guidance could be included within the Plan ar,otihch.Nheh this type of document is necessary. 'Poihft) fLWy tli...

  2. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 4: case study of Manurewa Local Police Area [pdf, 588 KB]

    ...Automated Fingerprint Identification System BTS Burglary Takings Squad CIB Criminal Investigations Branch CIU Criminal Investigation Unit Comms Northern Communication Centre CYF Child, Youth and Family ER Emergency Response ESR Hamilton Institute of Environmental Science and Research FGC Family Group Conference GDB General Duties Branch Intel Intelligence Section LES Wanganui Computer Database LET Law Enforcement Team MO modus operandi NIA National Intelligence Police Database (replacing LES) N...

  3. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief John Cawley replaced [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...construct a marina and associated facilities at Matiatia Bay, Waiheke (Application). In particular, my evidence relates to the acoustic aspects of the Application. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 3. I have over twenty years experience as an environmental consultant based in the UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand and I have specialised in acoustics since 1992. 4. I have a Master of Science Degree from the University College of Wales Aberystwyth in Environmental Impact Assessm...

  4. Access to Justice Technical Survey Report - October 2024 [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...experienced more than two categories, two were selected at random. Within each broad category, respondents could be asked for details about a maximum of two specific issues within the general category. For example, respondents experiencing multiple environmental issues might be asked about both ‘flooding or storm damage’ and ‘pollution’10. We refer to these more granular categories as ‘detailed’ or ‘specific’ issues. The text for the specific aspects of an issue were...

  5. Recommendations recap - issue 2 [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...effective risk assessment and management of those identified as being at risk is an important part of doing so. The work done by the Department of Corrections on improving processes and skills of staff in this area is laudable. However, recognising environmental factors such as hanging points and eliminating (where possible and reasonable) those points is also required. It is extremely concerning to this court that over a period of almost fifteen years the Department of Correct...

  6. Human-Rights-Commission-submissions-on-scope-of-inquiry.pdf [pdf, 379 KB]

    ...undercover policing,66 has to date designated 248 individuals and groups. Those granted core participant status cover a range of people impacted by undercover policing practices, such as relatives of deceased individuals, social, political and environmental activists, and individuals in relationships with undercover officers. This approach has been taken despite the sensitive nature of UPCI’s work, much of which pertains to issues of national security. 54. The Royal Commis...

  7. WT Te Manutukutuku Issue 70 [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...the first few years the Tribunal ‘operated out of a billy can’. Sir Graham was involved in all of the Tribunal’s early landmark inquiries, not­ ably Motunui­Waitara, Kaituna River and Manukau. They focused strongly on the impact of the environmental degrada­ tion of waterways and harbours on Māori communities. They also reached deeply into the Māori experience of colonisation and land loss, demonstrating a context of historical grievance that helped lead in 1985 to the ex...

  8. Appendix-4_Peter-Kinley_-s87F-Report_Flooding-and-Hydrology_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...and investigation, undertaken by Waka Kotahi. F. BACKGROUND 21. My involvement in the Ō2NL Project began in April 2022, and I have been continuously involved since then. Along with review of the resource consent application, and Assessment of Environmental Effects (“AEE”), I have also reviewed draft reports from Waka Kotahi, and liaised with their experts to identify and resolve issues, including through the Section 92 request for information, on 9 December 2022, and Waka Ko...

  9. Regulatory Impact Statement all-of-Government Response to Organised Crime [pdf, 331 KB]

    ...trans-nationally generated organised crime. Police’s 2010 assessment of organised crime in New Zealand documents a wide array of organised criminal markets and activities, ranging from drug crime to fraud, to intellectual property theft, to cybercrime and environmental crime. These activities significantly impact our communities, international reputation and markets. 3 10. For example, New Zealand’s methamphetamine market is estimated to be worth $1.2 billion per year and co...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal - He Whiritaunoka (Whanganui) chapter 1 [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...comprise representatives of Whanganui Māori and the Crown, symbolic of the treaty relation- ship. It will be supported by a strategy group consisting of representatives from iwi, local and central government, commercial and recreational users and environmental groups. Legislation, which will give effect to these terms, is expected to be introduced to parliament in 2016. 1.6.5 The Whanganui land inquiry after the river inquiry was completed, plans for an inquiry into land claims commence...