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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2021] NZEnvC 111 Weston Lea Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 23 MB]

    ...Prime Commissioner AP Gysberts 16 - 17 June 2021 MJ Doesburg for Weston Lea Limited (Weston Lea) M Mackintosh for Hamilton City Council (the Council) V Tumai and M Hooper for the Director-General of Conservation (DOC) P Lang for the Riverlea Environmental Society Incorporated (RESI) W Jennings for Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Incorporated (Memorandum Only - supporting the decision of DOC and RESI) Date of Decision: 30 July 2021 Date of Issue: . 30 J...

  2. Landpro - EiC - C E Bright - Hydrology (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 275 KB]

    ...Submission 5 General Matters 6 Explanation of Key Issues with Schedule 10A.4 10 Analysis of Water Meter Records 21 Conclusion 33 Appendix A 35 2 Introduction 1 My full name is Christina Elyse Bright. 2 I am employed as an Environmental Scientist at Landpro Limited, a firm of consulting planners and surveyors. I hold the qualification of BSc (Hons) in Geography from Otago University. I submitted my doctoral thesis in December 2019 which is currently under exa...

  3. E7 Graeme McIndoe - Urban Design - EIC - Applicant [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...The status of iwi and hapū as mana whenua is recognised and respected. b. Whakapapa: Names and Naming Māori names are celebrated. c. Taiao: The natural environment The natural environment is protected, restored and/or enhanced. d. Mauri Tu: Environmental health Environmental health is protected, maintained and/or enhanced. e. Mahi Toi: Creative expression Iwi/hapū narratives are captured and expressed creatively and appropriately. f. Tohu: The wider cultural landscape...

  4. [2019] NZEnvC 019 Willowridge Developments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...options for conditions attached. The options were provided to the parties for review, the Queenstown Lakes District Council ("the Council") proposed changes to the conditions in Option 2 and no response was received by the Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated. [4) The Council filed a memorandum dated 11 January 2019 suggesting a path forward for the resolution of the outstanding matters and clarifying its position. The options [5) The appellant has prepared...

  5. 6_WK-response-to-District-Councils-request-for-information-under-section-92-Final-v2.pdf [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...aligns is consistent with the Project Objectives (as set out in Volume II, Part A s.4.6) and the various documents listed in s.1.4 of the CEDF (pgs 16 & 17), in relation to addressing community connectivity, severance, economic, social and environmental sustainability? One of the Ō2NL Project objectives is to ‘provide appropriate connections that integrate the state highway and the local road network to serve urban areas’. Further to the responses to requests 133 and...

  6. Gibbs v Te Runanga o Ngati Tama - Part Lot 2 and Lot 1 DP 4866 (TNK 4/901) and Section 1 SO 10359 CT TNK4/792 (2011) 274 Aotea MB 47 (274 AOT 47) [pdf, 370 KB]

    ...The Applicants [3] Mr and Mrs Gibbs have applied for the establishment of a Māori reservation over all the land owned by the trust per s 338 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (―the Act‖). They claim that, for historic, cultural, scenic, environmental and related purposes, the overlay of the Māori reservation will ensure the land is protected for future generations. [4] The Applicants further claim that they are attempting to live in ―te ao Māori‖ and seek to operate the...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 066 Hamilton City Council [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...sensitive land uses and the overhead transmission lines above the inland port site; (d) created a community liaison committee to enable local residents to participate in and work collaboratively on the establishment of and management of social and environmental effects associated with the inland port; and (e) confirmed the strategic infrastructure required to service the plan change area, including three waters infrastructure and the roading network, and how it would integrate wit...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 183 Grenadier Ltd v Manawatu-Whanganui Regional Council [pdf, 402 KB] a net gain of ecological value” and the restoration plan “is effective” in addressing ecological effects. Finding [95] We accept and agree with the ecological experts that implementation of the restoration plan represents a net environmental gain and is consistent with the One 53 Whiteley evidence dated 3 May 2023 at [78]. 54 Whiteley evidence dated 3 May 2023 at [81]. 55 Keesing evidence dated 28 October 2022 at [155]. 25 Plan objective of maintaining and...

  9. People with finalised charges and convicted of family violence offences June 2023 [xlsx, 136 KB]

    ...drug offences 34 28 54 23 39 67 82 77 79 <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% <1% 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 389 416 436 372 389 463 509 413 446 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 2% 2% 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 2,103 2,446 2,432 2,364 2,513 2,851 2,882 2,062 2,500 8% 8% 8% 8% 9% 9% 9% 8% 9% 13: Public order offences 567 522 544 525 508 586 563 459 500 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 23 18...

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 228 Ministry of Housing and Urban Development v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...Tertiary Education Zone; and Be designed to minimise the amenity effects on existing residents. An integrated urban environment is created, which: Incorporates high quality built form and urban design; Recognises, protects and enhances the environmental attributes of Wairaka in planning and development of the Precinct; Avoids, mitigates and remedies adverse effects on the environment and existing stormwater, wastewater and road/s infrastructure, recognising that the precin...