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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 9.1 Appendix 1 to JWS 9 - Recommended Amendments to PC7 [pdf, 423 KB]

    ...authorised by deemed permits or water permits for takes and uses of freshwater expiring prior to 31 December 2025 to continue operating: (a) at their existing scale and consistent with historical use, and (b) where the risk of additional adverse environmental effects resulting from any proposed increase in the scale or duration of the take and use of freshwater is low. Version B 10A.1.2 Enable activities authorised by deemed permits or water permits for takes and use...

  2. Whaanga - Anewa (2012) 22 Tairawhiti MB 167 (22 TRW 167) [pdf, 238 KB] New Zealand’s Indigenous Centre of Research Excellence, to look at concepts of indigenous [agroecology]. It is basically an opportunity for mātauranga Māori to inform and generate innovation in the farm systems, which are insensitive to environmental and social concerns. So pretty much along the lines of what Mum has been talking about today. Our funding has been granted for Taiporutu, as we put in our earlier application to the Court, we were going to look at research tha...

  3. IPT Annual Report 2012 [pdf, 648 KB]

    ...productivity. W K Hastings District Court Judge Chair, Immigration and Protection Tribunal 20 Statement of Intent for the 2012/2013 Financial Year Our vision, the environmental statement and the strategic plan set out in last year’s annual report remain the same and provide the framework in which we operate. The last six- monthly report set out the steps the Tribunal intended to take to address the...

  4. [2018] NZEnvC 067 Motiti Rohe Moana Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...Motiti had been the subject of earlier commentary by the Environment Court from around 1997. [9] We conclude that the issues arising in these appeals, and in relation to the Coastal Marine Area, cannot be viewed in isolation from their surrounding environmental context. There have been a great many cases dealing with the interface between the rivers and the sea in this area, including the Kaituna river (Rotoiti diversion wall case) and District Plan cases (Tarawera River, Matata cas...

  5. [2007] NZEmpC AC 51A/07 Maritime Union of NZ and ors v TLNZ Ltd and anor [pdf, 107 KB]

    ...defendants’ witnesses at trial. [11] In this regard, the defendants have briefed a number of witnesses who they say qualify as experts to give opinion evidence. These include Susan Nolan, the Client Development Manager of the Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd (“ESR”), Matthew Beattie, the Chief Executive of Instep Ltd, a behavioural healthcare company, and Warren Hamilton, a chartered chemist and forensic toxicologist. It is their intended evidence that i...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 074 Malaghans Investments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 704 KB]

    ...Peak Water Transport Infrastructure overlay. RD Discretion is restricted to: a. Indigenous biodiversity values; b. Visual amenity values; c. Landscape; d. Open space and the interaction of the development with the water body; e. Environmental protection measures (including landscaping and stormwater management); f. Natural hazards; and g. Effects on cultural values of manawhenua. 46.5.6 Setback of Buildings Buildings shall be set back a minimum of 10...

  7. [2021] NZACC 23 - Muirhead v ACC (28 January 2021) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...older injury, which now is hopefully cleared up. After I dealt with the residual tenderness in a ligament attachment of a similar nature to an enthesopathy. [28] A further report was obtained from Dr Walker, a specialist in occupational and environmental medicine and director of Workhouse Christchurch. [29] He was asked to provide comment on Dr Orr’s report and amongst other things, said: Firstly on the plausibility front, I am not convinced that Dr Orr’s levator sca...

  8. 8.-Dr-Jack-McConchie-Hydrology.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...McConchie. 2. I am currently employed as the Technical Principal (Hydrology & Geomorphology) by WSP. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment D: Hydrological Assessment ("Technical Assessment D") as part of Volume IV of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), to provide expert technical support in the areas of hydrology and hydraulics in relation to the Te Ahu a Turanga; Manawatū Tararua Highway Project (the “Project”). 4. My qualifications and e...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 162 Public and Population Health Unit of the Northland District Health Board v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 379 KB]

    ...appropriately and accurately, and are confined to target application areas; ii) take all practicable steps to ensure that no adverse effects occur beyond the application area; and iii) ensure that relevant tolerable exposure limits (TELs) and environmental exposure limits (EELs) are not exceeded. … [as per consent document] 2) for ground-based spraying and aerial application: (a) the activity is undertaken in accordance with the following sections of the New Zealand Standa...

  10. Dooney v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal Injury) [2022] NZACC 237 [pdf, 253 KB]

    ...does not appear to have been backed by objective, contemporaneous medical evidence. [66] Ninth, the report of the Corporation’s Clinical Advisory Panel (comprising six Orthopaedic Surgeons, a Sports Medicine Specialist, an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist, and a General Surgeon), dated 9 June 2022, commented that: (a) -- The contemporary medical evidence did not support the impression of an acute L5/S1 disc prolapse, from a controlled movement which she “...