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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. E69 Philip Brown - Planning - EIC - Sanford Ltd [pdf, 848 KB]

    ...necessary to determine the application (s104(1)(c). POTENTIAL EFFECTS ARISING FROM THE PROPOSAL 22. The AC36 event, and the associated works and arrangements that are required to facilitate it, has the potential to generate a number of adverse environmental effects. These have been summarised in the joint planning evidence of Mr Lala and Mr Cook for Panuku, and include effects relating to construction, ecology, visual and landscape matters, urban design, public access, navigation...

  2. 2018 NZEnvC 067 - Motiti Rohe Moana Trust and Others v Bay of Plenty Regional Council - Interim Decision of the Environment Court - 11 May 2018 [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...Motiti had been the subject of earlier commentary by the Environment Court from around 1997. [9] We conclude that the issues arising in these appeals, and in relation to the Coastal Marine Area, cannot be viewed in isolation from their surrounding environmental context. There have been a great many cases dealing with the interface between the rivers and the sea in this area, including the Kaituna river (Rotoiti diversion wall case) and District Plan cases (Tarawera River, Matata cas...

  3. [2015] NZEmpC 48 Thorne v Kiwirail Ltd [pdf, 144 KB]

    ...being driven by the plaintiff, Mr Thorne. [2] On the day of the accident, in keeping with KiwiRail's normal procedures, Mr Thorne was required to undergo a post-incident drug and alcohol test. The test, carried out by ESR (Institute of Environmental Science & Research Limited), proved positive for cannabis. It confirmed a level of 60 ng/ml which was above the 50 ng/ml cut-off level for concentrations of cannabis. After undergoing a disciplinary process, Mr Tho...

  4. 2021-03-14 Tom De Pelsemaeker - Supplementary Appendix 2 [pdf, 307 KB]

    ...proposed amendments are footnoted with a reference to either a submission in general or the particular part of a submission that gives the scope for the proposal. The coding used is that contained in the Summary of Decisions table prepared for the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and published on the EPA website. Some of these footnote references have been corrected since the filing of Evidence in Chief. Where “consequential amendment” is noted, the amendment is a nec...

  5. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 834 KB]

    ...last updated on 28 June 2022 Te Pū Ao Governing statutes Crown Research Institutes Act 1992; Companies Act 1993. Functions and responsibilities GNS Science, Te Pū Ao, is a Crown-owned science company that focuses on geological resources, environmental and industrial isotopes, and geological hazards. It applies this knowledge and understanding to deliver a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous New Zealand. GNS Science focuses on natural processes occurring in the earth’s crus...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 229 Wilson v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...purposes, the court cannot impose a condition that is not agreed with OAL unless the condition is "directly connected" to:23 (a) an adverse effect of the activity on the environment; or (b) an applicable district or regional rule (or a national environmental standard). The interface between the RMA and the Biosecm·ity Act 1993 [22] The RMA and the Biosecurity Act 1993 ('BA') overlap to some extent in the regulation of marine pests and diseases. However, the short p...

  7. [2021] NZACC 5 - Andrews v ACC (12 January 2021) [pdf, 214 KB]

    ...attribute his chronic disability as primarily related to his minor head injury five years ago. As Dr Moran correctly pointed out: “It is well documented in the literature that irrespective of the original cause of the headache that psychological and environmental factors begin to play a greater role in headache maintenance in particular in chronic long term cases.” [136] Dr Fink concludes: It must be acknowledged that the concussion/brain injury that occurred on 14 March 201...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 167 MTP Limited v Westland District Council [pdf, 324 KB] brief, we set out the District Council’s decision on the application for resource consent in full:53 The Consent Authority accepts that the conditions imposed on the subdivision and associated land use will adequately mitigate the adverse environmental effects. The Council has considered the existing modified nature of the site, and its location immediately adjoining the Okuru settlement. The existing environment of unimplemented subdivision and land use consents, along with c...

  9. BORA Parihaka Reconciliation Bill [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...for families and communities. MSD will engage with Parihaka, at their request, to determine how they can best assist the community. Relationships with local authorities TPK Support from Regional Advisors to broker relationships with local authorities. Environmental management plan MfE Provide technical support to develop an environmental management plan for the Parihaka community which might speak to a number of projects identified in the Parihaka Whakamua Parihaka Pūmou: Future-pr...

  10. [2021] NZEnvC 162 Public and Population Health Unit of the Northland District Health Board v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 379 KB]

    ...appropriately and accurately, and are confined to target application areas; ii) take all practicable steps to ensure that no adverse effects occur beyond the application area; and iii) ensure that relevant tolerable exposure limits (TELs) and environmental exposure limits (EELs) are not exceeded. … [as per consent document] 2) for ground-based spraying and aerial application: (a) the activity is undertaken in accordance with the following sections of the New Zealand Standa...