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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Grenville Gaskell [pdf, 5.7 MB]

    ...distribute information, relating to Wind Energy in New Zealand; (c) providing a forum for external and internal networking, discussion and co-operation amongst persons with an interest in Wind Energy in New Zealand; (d) promoting the economic, environmental, social and other benefits of Wind Energy in New Zealand; and (e) promoting research and development of Wind Energy technology in New Zealand. GG-003 2 BI-309448-3-466-V4 New Zealand Electricity Generation 9...

  2. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 830 KB]

    ...last updated on 28 June 2022 Te Pū Ao Governing statutes Crown Research Institutes Act 1992; Companies Act 1993. Functions and responsibilities GNS Science, Te Pū Ao, is a Crown-owned science company that focuses on geological resources, environmental and industrial isotopes, and geological hazards. It applies this knowledge and understanding to deliver a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous New Zealand. GNS Science focuses on natural processes occurring in the earth’s crus...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 089 Auckland Council v Braines [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ...investigated in August 2014 and found to contain items and residues associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine. There is no explanation of why the advice was given nearly three years after the investigation occurred. In any event, on 9 May 2017 an environmental health specialist at the Council wrote to Mr Braines advising him of the Police advice and directing him to seek professional advice, comprehensively test the property, supply the results of that testing and vacate the...

  4. Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations December 2020 [pdf, 243 KB] deception Illicit drug offences Illicit drugs Possess cannabis or drug-related utensils; using cannabis Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences Weapon offences Possess offensive weapon or knife Property damage and environmental pollution Property damage Wilful damage including graffiti-related offences; unlawfully interfere with motor vehicles; intentional damage; arson Public order offences Public disorder Wilful trespass; disorderly behaviour;...

  5. Te Manutukutuku issue 75 [pdf, 7.6 MB]

    ...Tribunal’s inquiry programme. Parts 3 and 4 of the Te Rohe Pōtae Tribunal’s district inquiry report address a broad range of mainly twentieth- century historical issues, including land alienation, public works takings, local government and environmental management. Three reports concern contemporary kaupapa issues affect- ing Māori nationally, on the primary health sector, on freshwater policy and management and, under urgency, on the removal of Māori prisoners’ voting right...

  6. [2021] NZACC 170 - Keys v ACC (5 November 2021) [pdf, 371 KB]

    ...repetition is not present. [32] The Reviewer directed that ACC obtain an independent report from an occupational medical physician or other appropriate specialist. [33] Work Aon subsequently sought further comment from Dr Causer, occupational and environmental medicine specialist. [34] In his report of 7 September 2017 Dr Causer confirmed the diagnosis of a partial tear of the triangular fibrocartilage and noted chondral and subchondral changes which were degenerative....

  7. EMPC Old dogs new tricks conference presentation [pdf, 239 KB]

    ...would be likely to affect the public interest substantially. The test for “[affecting] the public interest substantially” is that a strike or lockout is likely to endanger the life, safety, or health of persons, or is likely to disrupt social, environmental, or economic interests, and the effects of disruption are likely to be widespread, long-term, or irreversible. 13 Most, if not all, applications for bargaining facilitation have been on the grounds of undue bargaining protr...

  8. 2011 to 2014 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 537 KB]

    ...Collection and enforcement of fines and civil debt services Treaty of Waitangi negotiations Court and tribunal services Policy advice Sector leadership Administration of legal services Public Defence Service Crime prevention and community safety Environmental factors Ministers’ priorities Strategic direction Ministry outputs Ministry impacts Ministry outcomes Recovery from a global economic recession Fiscal constraint Expectation of better, smarter public services Increased cos...

  9. Youth Justice Indicators Counting Rules and Limitations [pdf, 280 KB] deception Illicit drug offences Illicit drugs Possess cannabis or drug-related utensils; using cannabis Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences Weapon offences Possess offensive weapon or knife Property damage and environmental pollution Property damage Wilful damage including graffiti-related offences; unlawfully interfere with motor vehicles; intentional damage; arson Public order offences Public disorder Wilful trespass; disorderly behaviour;...

  10. Supplementary Evidence of Matthew Twose [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...washing, and oral or other personal hygiene. 26. MfE’s recommendation report on submissions received to the NPS7 (the MfE report) states that the definition was specifically drafted to be consistent with both the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water) Regulations 2007 and the Drinking Water Standards for New Zealand 2005 (revised 2008) published by the Ministry of Health. The NES – Sources of Human Drinking Water definition i...