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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2023] NZEnvC 093 CEP Services Matauwhi Limited v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...utility under the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and also falls within the definition of “Regionally Significant Infrastructure” (RSI) in the Proposed Plan. The RPS enables use and development (including to promote RSI), provided that environmental imperatives are met.20 Similarly, the Proposed Plan enables use and development, subject to environmental bottom lines being met (for example, Policy D.2.18 Manage adverse effects on indigenous biodiversity). (b) The amendmen...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 111 Fright v Christchurch City Council [pdf, 7.8 MB]

    ...the strategic directions, 3.3.14, is to avoid significant adverse effects. This does not detract from our interpretation of the objective 14.2.6 in light of 3.3.14 as it was open to the Independent Hearings Panel to apply different standards for environmental outcomes when managing effects of incompatible activities . . 1;, '\ 36 [2016] NZEnvC 237 at [102]. ," 37 [2017] NZEnvC 165 at [29]-[30]. ")) 38 For further discussion on "significant adverse effect" in...

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 64 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 2.4 MB]

    ...its shores. It looks at the effects of those activities on Māori interests in land, in the environment, and in their culture and traditions. The report also examines the law on how to allocate rights to exploit the resource and how to manage the environmental and other effects of petroleum exploration and mining. The Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry established to hear claims brought by Māori concerning acts or omissions of the Crown that breach the promises mad...

  4. OIA-94638.pdf [pdf, 7 MB]

    ...not be put to the jury because, as a matter of policy, a restrictive approach should be taken to necessity defences: There are a number of areas of human activity which can give rise to a firmly held belief that they create a danger to others . .. environmental protection, genetic engineering, animal vivisection, abortion ... Such beliefs, no matter how honestly held, cannot become a licence to commit offences. 63. The Court held that judicial or administrative decisions should be cha...

  5. E89 Grant Calder - Event Management - RE – Applicant [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...The Event is being delivered by America’s Cup Event Limited. This EMP provides the overarching framework for the management of event related effects on the environment. Associated plans are included as appendices to the EMP and detail the specific environmental controls for particular aspects of the event. Scope and purpose of the EMP The objectives of the EMP are to: a) Enable a successful Event that positively showcases Auckland and New Zealand to the world; b) Provide for and...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 028 Lang v Buller District Council [pdf, 541 KB]

    ...Condition 22.8: o Daytime (0800-2200): 55 dB Laeq(15 min) o Night-time (2200-0800): 45 dB Laeq(15 min) and 75 dB LAFmax Noise must be measured and assessed in accordance with New Zealand noise standards: NZS 6801:2008 “Acoustics – Measurement of Environmental Sound” and NZS 6802:2008 “Acoustics -Environmental Noise”, respectively. Advice note: A dwelling is proposed to be constructed on Lot 3 DP 13269 Blk III Steeples SD, however the date at which this may or may not...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 200 Morningstar Development Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Investigation Report on Proposed Residential Subdivision at Masons Road, East Tamaki Heights for Regis Holdings limited', Project No. 12151, dated 1st August 2005. • Kingett Mitchell Limited report dated July 2005, entitled 'Stage 1, Preliminary Environmental Assessment at 30 Masons Road, tast Tamaki'. • Terra Consultants 'Scheme Plan dated 21.09.2012, referenced Drawing Number RC1 00 Rev B: • Terra Consultants 'Geotechnical Zone Plan' dated 13.06....

  8. Ministerial group work programme update on family & sexual violence [pdf, 3.7 MB]

    ...reduce re-victimisation, re- offending and improve long term outcomes. The main features of the pilot are: • national and local governance and accountability • strategic and operational partnerships, tasking and coordination enabled through environmental scanning • a wider group of participants than the status quo, that are family focused and manage perpetrators • a family violence specialist to work intensively with high-risk victims (the next phase of the project will look...

  9. [2019] NZEnvC 195 Clevedon North Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...below and all referenced by the council as consent numbers BUN60303009 (bundled number), LUC60303381 (land use), DIS60303387 (diversion and discharge· of stormwater) and SUB60303384 (subdivision). • Completed application form, the Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Osborne Hay (North) Limited dated June 2017 and the following reports and drawings: Author Rev Dated Crang Civil June 2017 --- ------·-··---·--··----- --- -------- - Crang Civil A June 2017 - - --- ...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 005 Marsden City Limited Partnership v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...pedestrian entrance or through-site link where it does not comply with the minimum dimensions in MCP-R10.1(a). 3. The extent to which the proposal 4. demonstrates best practice principles of urban design and 5. Crime Prevention Through 6. Environmental Design. Precincts (PREC) Marsden City Precinct April 2022 Page 11 a. 3m from any Residential or Open Space and Recreation Zone boundary. Note 1: MTCZ-R10 does not apply to the One Tree Point Road boundary. 7....