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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal theme U - Land with All Woods and Waters [pdf, 1010 KB]

    ...who had participated in European colonial expansion, and observed deforestation and land degradation at first hand. In New Zealand ‘the early colonial conservationists . . . were able to foresee, with remarkable precision, the apparently unmanageable environmental problems of today’.14 The colonies were centres of environmental discourse.15 Extensive descriptions of the damaging ecological effects of deforestation and European plantation agriculture in the Canary Islands and Madeira had ex...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Mark Apeldoorn [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...Marinas Ltd in December 2013 to peer review and advise further on the following documentation: a. The Transportation Assessment prepared by T2 and dated 12 March 2013; b. The traffic and transportation reporting within the Assessment of Environmental Effects dated 28 May 2013; c. The S92 response reports prepared by T2, dated 17 April and 20 September 2013; d. A Traffic peer review report by SCon (Mr Shumane) for 2 Auckland City Council dated 27 November 201...

  3. [2018] NZEnvC 221 Giles v Auckland Council [pdf, 8.8 MB]

    ...activity. Relevantly, It prOVIdes as follows: When considering an appllcallt:m fora reSOUl11e Gonsent and any submissions received, Ihe consent authority must, subject to Part 2, have regard to- (a) (b) any relevant provisions of- (I) a nallonal environmental standard; (/I) other regula lions; (/II) a nallonal policy statemenr (iv) B New Zealand coastal policy statement; (V) a regional polloy statement or proposed regional polloy statement; (vi) a plan or proposed plan: and (141)...

  4. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Robert Pryor [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...I prepared the Assessment of Landscape and Visual Effects Report for the initial scheme utilising the floating attenuator. 5. I am the author of the Assessment of Landscape and Visual Effects Report, March 2013 that informed the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) lodged in support of the Project. In March 2014 I also undertook site investigations and preliminary assessments of a number of alternative sites. 6. I have also reviewed the s92 requests, s87F report and submiss...

  5. Waitangi Tribunal - Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi as expressed by the Courts and the Waitangi Tribunal [pdf, 190 KB]

    ...the different jurisdictions of the Courts and the Tribunal as well as their understanding of what principles signify. Some earlier compilations of Treaty principles may be found in the following sources: Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Environmental Management and the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi: Report on Crown Response to the Recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal 1983-1988 (November 1988); Report of the Royal Commission on Social Policy Volume III (April 1988); an...

  6. Chief Coroner 2019-20 Annual Report [pdf, 2 MB] canny to make a full circle in my career by returning to now sit in the Rotorua Coroners Court. I was the first New Zealander to obtain a Masters in Law from the University of South Pacific with a focus on the integration of customary and environmental laws. I have worked in challenging and interesting areas of the law throughout my legal career. Starting in a “boutique” resource management private law firm, to central government as solicitor for Te Papa Atawhai / Depart...

  7. ENV-2016-CHC-000047 Blueskin Energy Limited v Dunedin City Council - Evidence - Michael Moore [pdf, 7.5 MB]

    ...visual effects: 30. Viewers will have a range of opinions as to whether the wind farm is a positive, neutral or adverse addition to the landscape. For some people the sight of a turbine in motion on the hilltop will be positive, representing environmentally friendly power generation and appearing as an elegant sculptural element in pleasing contrast to its rural landscape setting. The evidence from BRCT Trustee Jacinta Ruru is an example of this. For others however, it may be seen...

  8. Directory of Official Information J-L [pdf, 765 KB]

    ...of its populations, service costs, government funding and whether or not there are costs to the consumer. Assessment is made of funding resources currently allocated and funding resources anticipated. In addition, demand/capacity issues and Lakes environmental factors (economic, social, technical, and geographic) that influence the availability of health professionals are considered, along with the effectiveness of current services/programmes and in particular appropriateness of service...

  9. 2013 to 2016 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...families of offenders. They shouldn’t have to spend any more time than is absolutely necessary in the system. The Ministry’s business strategy and work programmes (as outlined in previous sections) have been developed to take advantage of these environmental trends and respond to the changing demands of our customers. The Ministry keeps abreast of environmental changes in a range of ways, both formal and informal. Examples include engagement with Ministers, sector agencies a...

  10. ENVC combined interested party notices R to Y [pdf, 12 MB] construction will similarly have adverse effects. For this reason, the location is inappro­ priate and should be declined 35. Ongoing engineering. Ongoing engineering has occtIl'/'ed at a number of marina constructed recently. The environmental damage giving rise to the re- engineering has been significant and expensive engineering re-mediation has been necessary at those marina. The initial design assumptions and criteria have not been met. 36. The environmental da...