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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 199 ABC Asset Holdings Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 450 KB]

    ...108AA and 220 of the RMA, this consent is subject to the following conditions: General Conditions 1. The subdivision activity to convert the existing cross-lease to two freehold titles must be as described in the application and assessment of environmental effects prepared by Brent Clode of Development Partners Operations Ltd, undated, and any other information relating to description of activity and must be carried out in accordance with the plans stamped and referenced by the...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 260 Middleton v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 11 MB] and on-going management of existing exotic and indigenous vegetation, and assist the visual integration of development throughout the central and eastern end of the unit by grounding, filtering and screening built development. Environmental characteristics and visual amenity values to be maintained and enhanced Sense of (relative) remoteness and connection with the riverscape and surrounding mountains at the western end of the unit. Landform features and patterns...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 281 Save The Maitai Incorporated v Nelson City Council [pdf, 294 KB]

    ...11 STM memorandum with comments on JWS dated 30 August 2024 at [10], referring to the interim decision at [114]. 12 STM memorandum with comments on JWS dated 30 August 2024 at [10]. 8 [19] It submits that this would make it clear that the environmental outcomes to be achieved are just as important as providing for subdivision and development.13 [20] The court noted that there was a lack of reference in objective RE6 and proposed policy RE6.1 to the risks associated with erosi...

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 027 Lake Road Preservation Society Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...outside the original quarry site and the re-siting of the ponds and the like. [26] In short, it is the changes that have occurred since around 1999 which have increased the impact of the quarry on the local environment both in terms of visual environmental impacts and also in terms of truck movements as the number of vehicles has increased. 12 The Council Decision [27] We are required to have regard to the decision applied for under s290A of the Act. [28] The Council decis...

  5. 2.-Tim-Watterson-Project-Design-compressed.pdf [pdf, 27 MB]

    ...activities. These are noted in Section 2.3 of the DCR and include: (a) property acquisition; (b) consenting timeframes (including lodgement and decisions); (c) seasonal requirements and duration of ecological surveys and other pre-construction environmental compliance requirements as necessitated by the designation conditions or resource consent conditions; (d) detailed design duration (including start and end dates); (e) the ability for the main contractor to begin the const...

  6. [2015] NZEnvC 218 Waiheke Marinas Ltd [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...Significance to Maori as well as Public Access. [82] Chapter 23 specifically addresses marinas. It sets out the issues around their provision which are complex as they generally have a significant water and landward component26 and a wide range of environmental effects as they usually result in a significant modification of the coastal environmenr7 • The objective is to c?ncentrate marina activities in a Marina Management Area and provide for intensification in those locations. Ne...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 186 Housing New Zealand Corporation v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...of the overlay appears to be translated from the legacy zones, the objectives of the Residential 2 and 3 zones in the Legacy Auckland City District Plan (Isthmus Section) and other legacy plans were originally derived from a range of amenity and environmental values (as reflected in the objectives of these zones), and not from historic heritage (s 6(f)) attributes. [91] The Council submitted that Ms Linzey did not have a full understanding of the background to the earlier (or legacy...

  8. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 858 KB]

    ...and Nuclear Sciences Limited) Te Pū Ao Governing statutes Crown Research Institutes Act 1992; Companies Act 1993. Functions and responsibilities GNS Science, Te Pū Ao, is a Crown-owned science company that focuses on geological resources, environmental and industrial isotopes, and geological hazards. It applies this knowledge and understanding to deliver a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous New Zealand. GNS Science focuses on natural processes occurring in the earth’s cru...

  9. Final-Technical-Assessment-F-Hydrology-and-Flooding-updated-23-Dec-2022_Part3.pdf [pdf, 21 MB]

    ...Consenting land transport infrastructure projects. Waka Kotahi. 2021. New Zealand Fish Passage Guidelines for structures up to 4m. NIWA/DOC. 2018. Regional Flood Estimation Tool for New Zealand, Part 2. NIWA. 2018. Resource Management National Environmental Standards for Freshwater Regulations. MfE. 2020. Stormwater Specification. Waka Kotahi NZTA P46. 2016. Page 71 APPENDIX F.1: BASELINE FLOOD REPORT ŌTAKI TO NORTH OF LEVIN: BASELINE FLOOD...

  10. Directory of Official Information G-I [pdf, 807 KB]

    ...last updated on 28 June 2022 Te Pū Ao Governing statutes Crown Research Institutes Act 1992; Companies Act 1993. Functions and responsibilities GNS Science, Te Pū Ao, is a Crown-owned science company that focuses on geological resources, environmental and industrial isotopes, and geological hazards. It applies this knowledge and understanding to deliver a cleaner, safer, and more prosperous New Zealand. GNS Science focuses on natural processes occurring in the earth’s crus...