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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 2023-09-26-SOE_Logan-Brown_Water-Quality-and-Aquatic-Ecology.pdf [pdf, 329 KB]

    ...regional regulatory authorities”. This should be done by a suitably qualified expert. [30] The Waka Kotahi conditions propose that only the information required to be collected under clauses 62, 63, and 68 of the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 (NES- F) is provided to the Regional Councils. I understand that Waka Kotahi considers this condition to meet the requirements of the ecologists in the Freshwater Ecology JWS. 8...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief James Dilley [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...on Notified Resource Consent Applications by Waiheke Marinas Limited for Consent to Construct a Marina and Associated Facilities (the Section 87F report) and the Waiheke Marinas Ltd Matiatia Marina Resource Consent Applications Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE report) and read and reviewed the Proposed Marina Matiatia Bay Navigation 2 and Safety Report: Captain Jim Varney 30th January 2013 (the Varney report) and the Auckland Council Peer Review Comments: Ch...

  3. ORC PC7 Hearing Schedule Draft 25.02.2021 [pdf, 319 KB]

    ...(10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) Trustpower (30min) OWRUG (1hr) Lunch (12.45pm) Fish & Game Morgan Trotter Ecological Flow Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) OWRUG (30min) Fish & Game Nigel Parageen Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) OWRUG (30min) Adjourn (5pm) Thursday 18 March 2021 - Hearing Day 9 - Dunedin (9.30am Start, 5pm Adjournment) Party Reference / Submissi...

  4. ENVC Matiatia party correspondence - WML Feb15 - affidavit M Dunn [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...130 vehicles (70 original and 60 proposed), As noted earlier Mr Mitchell has indicated that approximately 138 vehicles could be accommodated with sealing and marking out, The small difference in expected number of formed parking spaces is of no environmental effects significance, Neither would be the change in carpark surfaCing and any consequential alterations to the stormwater system, As such, I would expect any WML Section 127 application to meet the RMA 'tests' for...

  5. Ngāi Tahu Ki Murihiku - EiC - D Whaanga - Culture (5 Feb 2021) [PDF, 440 KB] plans, Te Whakatau Kaupapa o Murihiku 1997, the Ngāi Tahu Freshwater Policy 1999 and Te Tangi a Tauira 2008, record our values. They have been created to assist in our interactions with resource managers, including the preparation of environmental plans and proposals under the Resource Management Act 1991. Page 12 34616627_3.docx 35. We have a saying that “the Treaty is always speaking”, meaning that the process of settling Te Kēreme – the Ngāi T...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 043 Minister of Conservation v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 419 KB] include a new condition requiring that any discharge does not contain concentrations of contaminants which are likely to have any more than minor adverse effect on source water for human consumption, as per the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Sources of Human Drinking Water) Regulations 2007 (NES-DW). [16] The rationale for Northland DHB’s appeal is that the decisions version of Rule C.4.1.9 would allow activities that could have negative impacts on...

  7. [2024] NZLVT 040 - Keystone Trust v Ōpōtiki District Council (10 July 2024) [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...secured. [75] Although the parties could rely on continuing access along Lot 75 there was some uncertainty as to whether they could continue to obtain access through Lot 66, and the alternatives along Whanarua Stream appear to be both difficult environmentally, as the road crosses the stream a number of times, physically and also culturally. [76] We have therefore adjusted the figure without the access constraint which we set at $720,000 by 20 percent to achieve a Land Value of the...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 221 Connor [pdf, 330 KB]

    ...accordance with the documents and drawings and all supporting additional information submitted with the application, detailed below, and all referenced by the council as resource consent number LUC60415640: • Application Form and Assessment of Environmental Effects prepared by Kathryn Akozu of Barker & Associates Limited, titled: “Demolition of Building and Construction of a New Dwelling and Garage 22 Crescent Road, Epsom”, reference 19738, dated 17 February 2023. •...

  9. [2024] NZEnvC 201 Li v Auckland Council [pdf, 584 KB]

    ...subdivision. Under sections 108, 108AA and 220 of the RMA, this consent is subject to the following conditions: General conditions 1. The subdivision to create two fee-simple titles must be as described in the application and assessment of environmental effects prepared by Brent Clode REF: XL22320(undated) and any other information relating to description of activity and must be carried out in accordance with the plans stamped and referenced by the council as resource consen...

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 203 Williamson v Auckland Council [pdf, 507 KB]

    ...10 Annexure B – Conditions of consent for discretionary subdivision at 34A Salisbury Road, Birkdale, Auckland 1. Conditions 1. The subdivision to create two fee-simple titles must be as described in the application and assessment of environmental effects, Ref: XL23167, prepared by Mr Brent Clode of Development Partners Management Ltd, undated, and any other information relating to the description of the activity and must be carried out in accordance with the plans stamp...