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2922 items matching your search terms

  1. OWRUG - EiC - S H McKeague - Agriculture (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1022 KB]

    ...process. 3. Preparing for deemed permit replacement is an involved and complex process. 4. The applications that are lodged are comprehensive, address all aspects of the current plan, Plan change 7 and the RMA. 5. The farmers can not deliver the environmental gains they need to make for the rivers on 6 year permits. 6. Farmers can also not afford the costs or stress of doing this process again. 2 PP-1035600-2-216-V3 Introduction 7. My full name is Susa...

  2. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL expert Charles Waters [pdf, 95 KB]

    ...the following matters: a) Benefits of Anti-foulants; b) Negative Effects of Anti-foulants; c) Cumulative Effects; d) Assessment of the NIWA and Poynter reports; e) Conclusions. Benefits of Anti-foulants 7. The economic and environmental benefits of anti-fouling biocides are compelling. Power and fuel consumption for propelling ships with a mere slime film imparts a 21% powering penalty from frictional drag, which increases to 86% in cases of heavy calcareous bio...

  3. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 4 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Basin Rural Amenity Zone (excluding the Precinct), Rural Lifestyle Zone and Gibbston Character Zone where any cut or fill does not exceed 1 metre in height or any earthworks does not exceed 1 metre in width. Earthworks where the following National Environmental Standards have regulations that prevail over the District Plan: (i) Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Electricity Transmission Activities) Regulations 2009. (ii) Resource Management (National Enviro...

  4. 2023-10-10-Rebuttal-Evidence-of-G-Lister-Landscape-Visual-and-Natural-Character.pdf [pdf, 242 KB]

    ...Williams' response to these matters at paragraphs 31 to 43 of her evidence. RESPONSE TO MS WILLIAMS 19. Julia Williams considers that the outstanding landscape matters can be addressed through conditions. BF\64331127\1 Page 5 Cultural and Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) 20. Ms Williams considers that, while the detailed planting design and specifications will be provided as part of the Outline Plan, the designation conditions should reference certain sections...

  5. 2023-09-26-Evidence-of-Justine-Bennett-Water-Quality.PDF [PDF, 276 KB]

    ...EVIDENCE............................................................................................ 2 D. OUTSTANDING ISSUES ........................................................................................ 3 Stormwater .................................................................................................... 3 Construction Environmental Management Plan (“CEMP”) ........................... 3 Stormwater Design ............................................................

  6. BORA Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary Bill [pdf, 231 KB]

    ...and the dumping of waste and other matter. 4. Some of these activities are permitted by the Bill in certain circumstances. For example, the Bill allows seismic surveying for the purpose of scientific research on successful application to the Environmental Protection Authority. Applicants must consult with local iwi before the application is made. 5. The Bill amends a number of existing Acts, notably the Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects) Act 201...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 AC evidence chief Marcus Cameron [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...(Hons) degree in Marine Science from the University of Auckland. I graduated in 2005. My MSc research focused on ecotoxicology and contaminant accumulation in marine invertebrates. 4. I am employed as a Stormwater Contaminants Scientist in the Environmental Science Team in the Research, Investigations and Monitoring Unit, of the Auckland Council. I have held this role since November 2010. Prior to my current role, I was employed for five years as an Environmental Specialist in t...

  8. Dunedin City Council - Zoe Moffat - EIC - 25 February 2022 [pdf, 221 KB]

    ...Analyst at the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal in Sydney for five years in the areas of water licensing, water pricing and local government regulation. I also have over six years’ experience in consulting in the water industry including environmental assessment, strategic planning and process engineering. 5 In preparing this evidence I have reviewed: (a) The reports and statements of evidence of other experts giving evidence relevant to my area of expertise, includi...

  9. OWRUG - EiC - K L Scott - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.9 MB]

    ...not purport to provide a full planning assessment of Plan Change 7 and is given in my capacity as the previous Project Manager of the MCWSG, and on the basis of my knowledge and expertise relating to the drivers of land use change to enable better environmental outcomes. 3. Based on my involvement with the MCWSG, I am aware of at least 45 reports having been authored between 2012 and 2016 which provide knowledge and information on water management within the Manuherekia Catchment, contr...

  10. Beef + Lamb NZ - EiC - H M Marr - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 176 KB] EIC Helen Marie Marr For Beef + Lamb 2 INTRODUCTION 1. My name is Helen Marie Marr. I am a Senior Planner at Perception Planning Limited, of which I am also a Director. 2. I have a Bachelor of Resource and Environmental Planning (specialising in Environmental Science) with Honours from Massey University. I am also a qualified RMA decision-maker under the ‘Making Good Decisions’ programme. 3. I have 20 years experience in resource...