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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Briefing for incoming Minister 2017 - Vote Treaty Negotiations [pdf, 929 KB]

    ...affecting local government, in particular on arrangements for involving iwi in the management of natural resources where management is delegated to local authorities. The Ministry for the Environment Advises on resource management and environmental issues. The Ministry for the Environment is one of the key agencies involved in developing new arrangements for involving iwi in natural resource management, as part of settlements. Land Information New Zealand Advises o...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 080 Digital Signs Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 282 KB] is necessary that all relevant factual matters be known before a Court attempts to formulate a declaration, I do not accept that the 4 Re an application by Trolove C052/94 (PT). 5 Re Christchurch City Council [1995] NZRMA 129, 133-5. 6 Environmental Defence Society v Kaipara District Council [2010] NZEnvC 284 at [57]. 7 Karmakar v Auckland Council [2022] NZEnvC 23 at [18]-[19], upheld in Karmarkar v Auckland Council [2022] NZHC 1119 at [8]-[11]. 7 classification of a pro...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 150 Port Marlborough NZ Ltd v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 667 KB]

    ...application can be made for resource consent to undertake an activity within the setback. The adverse effects of any such proposal will be assessed against the provisions of this chapter. 8. Amend the 6.AER.1 and 6.AER.2, as follows: Anticipated environmental result Monitoring effectiveness 6.AER.1 The natural character of Marlborough’s coastal environment and of lakes, rivers and their margins is retained. The intactness of the individual coastal marine and coastal te...

  4. Beef & Lamb New Zealand Limited [pdf, 224 KB]

    ...the limitations to PC1, on its own, providing for the restoration and protection of the Whangamarino Wetland (paragraph 1427). (j) The Report correctly found favour with the proposition in principle that farming activities with low levels of environmental effects should be enabled (e.g. paragraph 1067). 7 (k) The Report erred in failing to recognise that the principles applying to the relative contributions of contaminants from different types of farming activities (...

  5. ORC PC7 Hearing Schedule - Draft [pdf, 816 KB]

    ...(10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) Trustpower (30min) OWRUG (1hr) Lunch (12.45pm) Fish & Game Morgan Trotter Ecological Flow Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) OWRUG (30min) Fish & Game Nigel Parageen Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) OWRUG (30min) Adjourn (5pm)draft Thursday 18 March 2021 - Hearing Day 9 - Dunedin (9.30am Start, 5pm Adjournment) Party Reference / Sub...

  6. [2022] NZEnvC 189 Port Marlborough New Zealand Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...effects associated with the conventional ships operating prior to the introduction of the MV Aratere in 1999. The Environment Court has determined that the amount of energy appropriate for the National Transportation Retlte-Area is to be founded on the environmental effects associated with conventional ships operating prior to the introduction of the M.V. Aratere in 1999. The energy limits included in the MEP are therefore based on the need to ensure that damage or change at the shore is mi...

  7. Faulkner v Hoete - Motiti North C No 1 (2018) 173 Waikato Maniapoto MB 2 (173 WMN 2) [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...[2] The applicant, Ms Faulkner, applies for cancellation of the permanent injunction on the basis that there are parallel proceedings in the Environment Court which will ultimately determine whether her dwelling is in breach of the Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan (“the Plan”) and required to be removed. The application is opposed by Aubrey and Graham Hoete who argue there has not been any substantial change in circumstances to justify the cancellation of the permanent...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 096 Clevedon Protection Society 2017 Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 31 MB]

    ...first limb of that test, that the matters listed below, collectively and individually, serve the purpose of the RMA and weigh strongly in favour of making the order sought. [33] For example, granting the order will: (a) ensure that the additional environmental controls in the consent (including the monitoring and reporting controls) come into force sooner than would otherwise be the case; (b) allow the CL~ to be established no~ and (c) allow Fulton Hogan to accelerate the develo...

  9. Federated-Farmers-of-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 395 KB]

    ...wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in PC1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appell...

  10. MacNaughtan v Accident Compensation Corporation (Application for Leave) [2024] NZACC 33 [pdf, 247 KB] was possible, it was not established. [10] The Corporation also obtained advice from Dr Mark Davis, Psychiatrist, who advised that the causes of OCD are not fully understood but it is thought to be the result of a combination of genetic and environmental factors and that there are certain factors which place a person at greater risk of developing OCD, but it also develops spontaneously. Dr Davis confirmed agreement with Dr Tatley that there is some suggestion of an association...