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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 151 NZ Energy & Ngati Rangi v Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...Use Consent 104088 to Use and Maintain Existing Headwork Structures and Water Permit 104090 to Divert and Take from the Makotuku River 1. The consent holder shall undertake the activity in accordance with the submitted application and Assessment of Environmental Effects, dated June 2007; and further information provided on 27 October 2011, 6 June 2013, 18 August 2014 and 20 November 2014 except as required by the following conditions. 2. Land Use Consent 104088 and Water Permit 104090 s...

  2. 2021-02-12 Willowridge Affidavit Alison Devlin Exhibit B [pdf, 25 MB]

    ...through dust, sediment and erosion control. 23 6.0 SECTION 104(1)(b) 6.1 Section 104(1)(b) requires that in considering an application for a resource consent a consent authority must have regard to any relevant provisions of: i. a national environmental standard; ii. other regulations; iii. a national policy statement; iv. a New Zealand coastal policy statement v. a regional policy statement or proposed regional policy statement; vi. a plan or propose plan. 6.2 There ar...

  3. Annexure 1 - The Law [pdf, 230 KB]

    ...requirement to be given effect to by this plan change.22 This is OWRUG’s interpretation of the NPS-FM 2020. [28] The interpretational issue OWRUG identifies is whether ‘flows and levels’ (cl 3.17(3)) are to be read consistently with ‘environmental flows and levels’ (cl 20 See NPS-FM 2020, pt 4 and RMA, s 80A. 21 Annexure 2: Scope Challenges. 22 OWRUG, opening submissions at [21]. 8 3.17(1)). It is OWRUG’s case that the phrases are not to be interpreted consi...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 015 Caseley v Hastings District Council [pdf, 787 KB]

    ...development shall proceed in general accordance with the plans and information submitted in the resource consent application referenced RMA20210474 by the Council, received 17 September 2021, and including: a) Resource Consent Application and Assessment of Environmental Effects (incorporating all Appendices thereto) prepared by Mitchell Daysh Ltd, 16 September 2021; b) Response to section 92 further information request (including all attachments thereto), prepared by Mitchell Daysh Lim...

  5. ENV-2016-AKL-000TBA Radiata Properties Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 8.2 MB]

    ...proposed plan. 3. Radiata is appealing the Council's rejection ofthe Hearing Panel's recommendations. 2 4. Radiata made a submission (No. 3346) in relation to the subdivision rules for rural zones seeking the reinstatement of the environmental enhancement subdivision rules found in the Operative Auckland District Plan (Rodney Section). 5. Radiata gave evidence and supported other submitters with similar requests in respect of rural subdivision rules before the Hearings...

  6. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...berth is still owned by the family. Thomas has dived both of these marinas on retrieval missions for items lost overboard. 5. Kristin has a Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Waikato University. She spent two years at Auckland University studying Environmental Management and the remainder of her degree studying at Waikato University in the fields of coastal and freshwater ecology / management and geology. She has worked at Auckland Regional Council and Auckland City Council under contrac...

  7. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 TGKL lay attach 10 substitute [pdf, 935 KB]

    ...berth is still owned by the family. Thomas has dived both of these marinas on retrieval missions for items lost overboard. 5. Kristin has a Bachelor of Science (BSc) from Waikato University. She spent two years at Auckland University studying Environmental Management and the remainder of her degree studying at Waikato University in the fields of coastal and freshwater ecology / management and geology. She has worked at Auckland Regional Council and Auckland City Council under contrac...

  8. 2021-02-19 Tom de Pelsemaeker - Reply - Planning (19 Feb 2021) [pdf, 605 KB]

    ...Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM 2020); (b) the need for Council to develop a new Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP) that gives full effect to the NPS-FM 2020 by 23 December 2023; (c) the resulting uncertainty around the environmental outcomes (and attribute states for achieving these outcomes) for each Freshwater Management Unit (FMU) that need to be set in the new LWRP, in accordance with the National Objectives Framework (NOF) in Subpart 2 of the NPS...

  9. Directory of Official Information 2019 D-F [pdf, 890 KB]

    ...Electricity Authority ...........................................................................................................28 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................30 Environmental Protection Authority .................................................................................34 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................39 I...

  10. Directory of Official Information 2019 D-F [pdf, 695 KB]

    ...Electricity Authority ...........................................................................................................28 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority ................................................................30 Environmental Protection Authority .................................................................................34 Ministry for the Environment .............................................................................................39 I...