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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2016] NZEnvC 051 Craddock Farms Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 2 MB]

    ...effects. It takes the view, as do the other opponents of the proposal, that the site is simply too small for the scale of what is proposed, and that the end result of granting resource consents will be that the surrounding properties will bear the environmental costs, both by way of the risk of chronic and acute odour effects, and the burden of the reverse sensitivity provisions of the District Plan, which could prevent, or at best make difficult and expensive, a new dwelling on the...

  2. 2009-10 to 2011-12 Ministry of Justice statement of intent [pdf, 528 KB]

    ...effect on in three years or more. The operating environment is discussed in Managing in a Changeable Operating Environment on page 16. The Ministry anticipates change in the strategic environment as outlined below. Strategic Environment Current environmental scanning and analysis indicates that there are emerging issues for the justice sector in: global economic recession, making economic stimulus the priority for government spending economic stresses on the community, potenti...

  3. Hearing Schedule as at 30 March 2021 [pdf, 282 KB]

    ...Representative Subject (if provided) Position Evidence / Representation Questioning / Cross-Examination Fish & Game Morgan Trotter Ecological Flow Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) OWRUG (30min) Fish & Game Nigel Parageen Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) OWRUG (30min) Lunch (12.45pm) Fish & Game Ian Cole Recreational Angling Evidence Summary (10min) Court (45min) OWRUG (30min) Adjourn...

  4. 01-Appendix-One-Rule-Assessment.pdf [pdf, 328 KB]

    ...writing at least 5 working days prior to commencement of the test. b. The rate of take must not exceed 60 l/s. c. The duration of any single test must not exceed 7 days. d. The activity must be carried out in accordance with the NZS 4411:2001 Environmental Standard for Drilling of Soil and Rock. e. The take must not be from any rare habitat, threatened habitat or at-risk habitat. Rule 16-4 provides for testing of bores on properties that Waka Kotahi may undertake as part...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 056 Hastings District Council [pdf, 222 KB]

    ...Operative) (HDP) have legal effect from the date of this decision. [2] The application is supported by affidavits of: (a) Angus Bruce Charteris, Manager – Recovery and Special Projects, Hastings District Council; and (b) Rowan Regis Wallis, Environmental Policy Manager, Hastings District Council. Background to PC6 [3] PC6 is a direct response to Cyclone Gabrielle, which resulted in significant damage to properties in the Hawke’s Bay in mid-February 2023. A subsequent proc...

  6. E85 Zaelene Maxwell-Butler - EIC - Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...and/or formal recognition of our customary rights. Cumulative Effects 58. Waitematā and the surrounding areas have been significantly modified by past activities and activities that are currently permitted within the area. 59. We do not have an environmental bottom line or isolated effect assessments of particular activities. The mauri of Te Waitematā and the surrounding areas cannot be fragmentised or compartmentalised into certain eras. The cumulative effect of past and prese...

  7. Joint Witness Statement Noise and Vibration 25 July 2018 [pdf, 3.5 MB]

    ...holder shall provide a report from a suitably qualified acoustics expert setting out sufficient detail to demonstrate that the speaker system(s) have been calibrated by noise measurements in accordance with NZS6801 :2008 Acoustics - Measurement of environmental sound to ensure that the cumulative noise level from the operation of the speakers and all other Operations (excluding crowd noise) will be compliant with the noise limits in Condition 194C at all times. The speakers may not be use...

  8. E60 Bob Hawkins - Nautical - EIC - Sealink [pdf, 2.3 MB]

    ...Geraint  Bermingham (Navigatus Consulting – Maritime Safety and Utility), Rod Marler  (Panuku ‐ Corporate), Fiona Knox (Panuku ‐ Corporate ‐ Options Analysis and  Engagement) and Vijay Lala and Karl Cook (Unio Environmental ‐ Planning).  11. I have also read, in draft, and to the extent necessary for my evidence, I rely  on the witness statements of Mark Gibson, CEO of Sealink Travel Group New  Zealand  Limited  (S...

  9. [2022] NZEnvC 213 Coneburn Preserve Holdings Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 5.2 MB]

    ...connections and trails. Ensure the efficient provision of servicing infrastructure, roading and vehicle access. Ensure efficient provision of sewage disposal, water supply and refuge disposal services which do not adversely affect water quality or other environmental values. Control the take-off and landing of aircraft within the zone. Avoid industrial activities. Maintain and protect views into the Jacks Point Zone of a predominantly rural and open character when viewed from the l...

  10. Mark Brown (filed 6 June 2017) [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...submissions of support very few came from Blueskin Bay residents. Many submissions were brief and showed little understanding of the economics, or potential impacts of the proposed wind farm on the Blueskin Bay area. Many of them referred to the myth of environmental benefits but ignored the real impact of a wind farm on the local residents and landscape. 29. During the resource consent hearing BRCT received a lot of criticism from submitters about the lack of any adequate cons...