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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. E50 Myfanwy Eaves Historic Heritage EIC Council [pdf, 810 KB]

    ...subsoil, decay will accelerate and all recording must be rapid. 9.3 In summary, this proposal will provide the opportunity to record whatever historic heritage evidence remains at this location as it is unlikely to remain much longer. Realistically, environmental effects on this material are not controlled therefore any opportunity to document, to scale, is the professional response to the effects of this proposal on the remaining historic heritage resource. Myfanwy May Eave...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 150 Arthurs Point Outstanding Natural Landscape Society Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ..."the Act"). The issues are restated more precisely below. [2] The treatment of the Arthurs Point area in the plan change has already been the subject of two relevant procedural decisions between the same parties in appeals by the Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated (ENV-2018-CHC-56) ("the UCESI appeal") and by Arthurs Point Land Trust ("APL T") (ENV-2018-CHC-76). The procedural decision2 Arthurs Point Trustee Limited v Queenstown Lakes Distric...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 169 Friends of Nelson Haven v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 603 KB]

    ...Trust Apex Marine Farm Limited Arapaoa Marine Farmers Aroma (N.Z.) Limited and Aroma Aquaculture Limited Clearwater Mussels Limited and Talley’s Group Limited Clova Bay Residents Association Incorporated Dallas Hemphill Delegat Limited Environmental Defence Society Incorporated Fisheries Inshore New Zealand, Paua Industry Council and NZ Rock Lobster Industry Council Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Incorporated Goulding Trustees Limited and Shellfish Marine Farms L...

  4. [2021] NZEnvC 184 Tasman District Council v Awaroa Aerodrome Ltd [pdf, 1 MB]

    ...over each decade since the airstrip was established. Having done so, we 16 undertake our own evaluation of the evidence to inform our findings on flight numbers. Evidence for the Cozmd/ • Ms Brownlee is a contractor with the Council in the environmental information and consent planning teams. She does not live at Awaroa but in Richmond. She said that her whanau have owned the property at what is now 69 Awaroa Inlet since late 1984 when it was purchased by her parents. From...

  5. [2018] NZEnvC 248 Queenstown Airport Corporation Limited [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...<'"1\1,. c :--;\~ O~ " / l:.'~..;-..... ~ 7 incur significant cost in raising issues of public law, such as RPL's legitimate expectation in relation to the land to be designated or the wider issues involving safety and environmental effects, RPL is particularly critical of the fact that QAC is not willing to make any contribution towards its costs, It says QAC is wrong to oppose costs on the basis that it 'won' the proceeding when the court c...

  6. Proactive release - Restoration and modernisation of Ministry of Justice properties [pdf, 18 MB] available, depending on the location and partnerships that are entered into. In addition, depending on the capital funding arrangement, increased operational funding may be required to address depreciation and capital charge costs. 55. Social and environmental procurement considerations will be included in the business case and procurement processes for each project. This will cover all elements of the building process from professional services, design and actual construction. 56. The Min...

  7. ENVC paper Best Practice Appeals Proposed Plans Policy 2012 [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...face-to-face) by the case managing Judge, and/or by mediators can assist in setting mediation methodology and the order within which issues will be tackled. 10 Use of the emerging technique (in which NZ is something of a leader in the environmental field) of conferencing of relevant groups of the parties’ expert witnesses, alongside the mediations. Much time, and even the need for hearings, can be saved by parties meeting the requirement in the Practice Note that partie...

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 077 Bunnings Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...the conditions in Appendix "A". Environment Judge 3 Appendix "A" General Conditions 1. That the development must be undertakenlcarried out in accordance with the application documentation entitled "Assessment of Environmental Eflects - Proposed Trade Supplier - 148 - 150 Frankton - ladies Mile Highway, Frankton" prepared for Bunnings Ltd by Forme Planning Ltd and dated April 2017, and accompanying documentation, including the following plans: •...

  9. [2016] NZEnvC 018 Waiheke Marinas Ltd [pdf, 607 KB]

    ...[15] In Canterbury Cricket, the Court brought into this account some further factors, including thatlO in proceedings where any right of appeal is limited to points of law, it was imperative that the application, together with the assessment of environmental effects and the evidence to be called in support, be thoroughly prepared. The Court also noted 11 differences in scope and conduct of the first instance hearing by the Environment Court compared with an appeal, concluding that t...