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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Huia-Collective-CIA-FINAL-v2.docx.pdf [pdf, 8.3 MB]

    ...Kotahi to ensure the Rangatiratanga of our Ngāti Huia collective is upheld and maintained, that our tikanga and kawa are recognised throughout the Project. Core values underpinning the Partnership arrangement are set out Waka Kotahi’s Cultural Environmental Design Framework report (the CEDF) and are: ● Te Tiriti (spirit of partnership) ● Rangatiratanga (leadership – professionalism – excellence) ● Ūkaipotanga (care – constructive behaviour towards each other) ● Pūkeng...

  2. Federated Farmers of New Zealand.pdf [pdf, 425 KB]

    ...wellbeing of the Waikato and Waipā Rivers. However, Federated Farmers considers that the regulatory and non-regulatory methods proposed in PC1 do not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents, have not appropriately balanced environmental, economic, social and cultural considerations, and are not the most efficient and effective means of achieving the objective of the plan change. 4. Federated Farmers is interested in all the issues raised by the Appell...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 188 Wakatipu Equities Ltd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 414 KB]

    ...district plan zone is nearest in equivalence to. Neither the NPS-HPL or the PS expressly recognise ‘sub-zones’. PS12 refers to the following spatial planning constructs: Zones A zone spatially identifies and manages an area with common environmental characteristics or where environmental outcomes are sought, by bundling compatible activities or effects together, and controlling those that are incompatible. Overlays An overlay spatially identifies distinctive values, risks or...

  4. Brown - Kairakau 2C5B (2002) 167 Napier MB 139 (167 NA 139) [pdf, 857 KB]

    ...Kairakau 2C5B. That wish and desire seems to have faded, at least as an immediate prospect. Before me, concerns were expressed about adding to the sewage in the area, as there had been seepage from septic tanks at Kairakau Beach. The Maori owners had environmental concerns, and said they did not want to risk pollution that might result from further developing the land for a marae. From their evidence, I established that the use to which the minority owners wished to put the land is fair...

  5. Howell v Accident Compensation Corporation (Personal Injury) [2023] NZACC 85 [pdf, 347 KB]

    ...right sacroiliac joint. She recollects that she did have clinical benefit from these, which is perhaps supportive of the diagnosis that the sacroiliac joint inflammation is contributory. [104] Dr Gerard Walker, Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, provided a medical case review on 7 February 2020 following a meeting with and assessment of the appellant for just over one hour on 30 January 2020. [105] Dr Walker rejects the proposition that the appellant’s curre...

  6. [2017] NZEmpC 56 Nel v ASB Bank Ltd [pdf, 179 KB]

    ...involved; (c) the ease and cost of retrieving a document; (d) the significance of any document likely to be found; and (e) the need for discovery to be proportionate to the subject matter of the proceeding. [36] I also note that in Northland Environmental Protection Society Investigation v Chief Executive of the Ministry for Primary Industry, it was held in the circumstances of that case that the extraction and review of some 9,700 emails would not be considered oppressive...

  7. [2024] NZEnvC 029 New Zealand Motor Caravan Association Inc v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...any point within the boundary does not exceed the following noise limits: • 7.00 am to 10.00 pm 50dB LAeq • 10.00 pm to 7.00 am 40dB LAeq 70dB LAFma 22. Noise must be measured in accordance with NZS 6801:2008 Acoustics – Measurement of Environmental Sound, and assessed in accordance with NZS 6802:2008 Acoustics – Environmental Noise. Review condition 23. Pursuant to sections 128 to132 of the Resource Management Act 1991, the Marlborough District Council may at any time or...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 226 Pirirakau Tribal Authority Incorporated v Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga [pdf, 323 KB]

    ...Pouhere Taonga. This investigation will include: a) The systematic excavation of a representative sample of archaeological features to record their size, depth, shape, architecture, and function. b) Taking samples for possible analysis, such as environmental reconstruction, charcoal analysis and radiocarbon dating if appropriate. c) Any taonga or artefacts recovered during the investigation are to be collected, catalogued and analysed as appropriate. 10 d) The archaeologica...

  9. Final-Technical-Assessment-D-Landscape-Visual-and-Natural-Character-v2.pdf [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ............................................................... 92  Summary ............................................................................................................ 93  SUMMARY RATING OF EFFECTS ....................................................................... 94  CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN FRAMEWORK (CEDF) ............... 96  Purpose and principles ....................................................................................... 96  Overview of measur...

  10. 2020-10-16-EPA-PC7-Summary-of-Submissions-Further-Submission-Spreadsheet.xlsx [xlsx, 154 KB]

    ...years) replacement of permits with review conditions, without “clawing back” allocation or preventing irrigation of land uses prior to a new land and water plan framework that gives effect to the NPSFM. N Plan Change 7 70033 70033.01 Central Otago Environmental Society Inc. Support Implement an interim consenting regime to ensure that issued consents are fit for purpose and do not undermine the implementation of the NPSFWM 2020. Consents issued going forward must implement the NPSFWM 2020...