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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Dr Sharon Betty De Luca - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 574 KB]

    ...for monitoring sublethal stress in ml:lrine invertebrates. 3.2 I am a registered member of The Royal Society qf New Zealand, the New Zealand Coastal Society and the Environment Institute of Australia c1nd New Zealc1nd and have practiced as an environmental scienti$t for more_than 16 years. I am a Certified Environmental Prnctitioner With the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand and I am bound by the lnstitute's code of ethics. I have published 14 scientific pape...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 187 Calcutta Farms Limited v Matamata-Piako District Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...covered by the Banks Road Structure Plan were: (a) the Structure Plan anticipated this could occur through the plan change process; and (b) the servicing of the new area could be accommodated by the existing infrastructure network; and (c) any environmental effects would be less than minor. [49] The reasons given for introducing a Future Residential Policy Area to the north side of Banks Road rather than Tower Road was that: (a) it would signal that this land could be considered...

  3. [2022] NZEnvC 043 Marine Farming Association Incorporated v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...– Landscape. [2] The court has now read and considered the consent memorandum of the 1 Marine Farming Association Incorporated & Aquaculture New Zealand ENV-2020- CHC-74. 2 The New Zealand King Salmon Company Limited ENV-2020-CHC-51; Environmental Defence Society Incorporated ENV-2020-CHC-67; Trustpower Limited ENV-2020- CHC-50; AJ King Family Trust & SA King Family Trust ENV-2020-CHC-73; Apex Marine Farm Limited ENV-2020-CHC-63; Aroma (N.Z.) Limited & others ENV-202...

  4. [2022] NZACC 154 — Byles v ACC (16 August 2022) [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...features: • Cartilage thinning, because in osteoarthritis, the rate of breakdown of cartilage is greater than the rate of cartilage repair. 1 The CAP comprised five Orthopaedic Surgeons, a Sports Medicine Specialist, an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist, and a General Surgeon. 11 • Subchondral oedema of the bone, due to gradual remodelling of the underlying bone. • Osteophytes or hypertrophy of the joint caps. • Inflammation of the joint lining....

  5. 2020-12-07 Statement of Evidence of Roderick Henderson on behalf of the ORC [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...analysis of flow data and catchment characteristics. 55 Achieving a water balance (i.e., accounting as completely as possible for all the water inputs and outputs) is important to allow testing of options and assessment of effects, be they economic, environmental or social. This is especially true of catchments that are under high pressure for competing uses of water. River Flow Data 56 The number of river flow data collection sites in Otago has varied over many decades accordin...

  6. Te Manutukutuku Issue 71 [pdf, 7.9 MB]

    ...the Crown Forestry Rental Trust’s research and claimant evidence, there were a number of burning local issues which required extra research. The Tribunal commis­ sioned a local and subregional research programme focusing mainly on land and environmental issues. The last of some 20 research reports were filed in August and September 2016. The hear­ ing of evidence concluded at Waitangi Detail from a claimant wall hanging Sa m H ut ch in so n M ic ha el A lle n 11 in...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 084 Director General of Conservation and Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of NZ v Invercargill City Council [pdf, 6.2 MB]

    ...the anticipated effecls of climale change on indigenous biodiversity requires avoiding cumulative effects. For example, to allow movement and resilience in the face of changing conditions it is importanllo: (a) prolect species at geographic and environmental limils, and oulliers (which are likely 10 have distinci trails and important adaptive varialions'9) ; (b) prolecl mulliple large populations of species; (c) avoid continuing habilat fragmenlation and/or reductions in Ihe ar...

  8. 2013 Justice Sector annual report [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 20ll Year ending June (not all Police crime categories shown) THE MURDER RATE IS LOW. - Theft and related offences Unlawful entry with intent! burglary, break and enter - Property damage and environmental pollution - Public order offences - Acts intended to cause injury - Illicit drug offences Sexual assault and related offences - Homicide and related offences New Zealand 's murder rate is lower than that in Austr...

  9. [2023] NZEnvC 100 Director-General of Conservation v Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency [pdf, 336 KB]

    ...rebuttal evidence dated 5 July 2019 at [20]. 54 Referring to Waitangi Tribunal Report on Te Rohe Potae claims part IV, released on 22 December 2020. [83] [84] [8SJ [86] 25 To assist the Court, in light of the High Court’s decision in Environmental Protection Authority v BW Offshore Singapore Pte Ltd (BW Offshore),55 Waka Kotahi provided information attempting to apply the High Court costs scale to the Environment Court proceedings (as if they had been High Court pr...

  10. [2017] NZEnvC 209 Auckland Council v London Pacific Family Trust [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...Rules apply across the AUP except the RPS or where 'a rule specifically provides otherwise'; (b) C1.1 (2) is to the same effect as s 9(3) RMA, namely that no person may contravene a rule in the AUP unless expressly allowed by a National Environmental Standard, resource consent, or existing use rights; (c) C1.4(c) relevantly provides: Where a proposal will take place ... on a site which is partially affected by an overlay ... then the proposal must comply with the overlay...