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2915 items matching your search terms

  1. ENV-2016-AKL-000xxx Man O'War Farm Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...subdivision for rural-residential uses). (iv) The provisions do not make it clear that the focus of rural lifestyle living is the Countryside Living zone. Alternative solution See Attachment A (b) The inclusion of provisions that allow for minimal environmental benefits to be accepted in exchange for rural-residential subdivision Reasons (i) The provisions would enable potentially inappropriate subdivision of the rural area with the minimal environmental gains. (ii) The provision...

  2. [2021] NZEnvC 127 Kainga Ora v Whangarei District Council [pdf, 3 MB]

    ...district wide chapters. [53] The parties consider that the agreed provisions are the most efficient and effective option because: (a) The rule triggers and thresholds achieve an appropriate balance of enabling development while managing adverse environmental, social, economic and cultural effects; (b) The matters of discretion and activity statuses ensure that resource consent assessments will be focused on the relevant matters while still having the ability to request additiona...

  3. Final-Technical-Assessment-I-Contaminated-Land_Part2.pdf [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...information does council have on file that confirms this site was / is a landfill site? - Any information on size, location, photographs, what type of waste, is it lined / unlined would be great. Kind regards, Emma Gibbs MSc (Hons) Senior Environmental Scientist Direct: +64 3 281 7574 Mobile: +64 27 381 7845 Stantec New Zealand Hazeldean Business Park Level 2, 2 Hazeldean Road P O Box 13-052 Christchurch 8141, New Zealand The content of this email is the confidential p...

  4. ENV-2016-AKL-000207 Mason v Auckland Council [pdf, 4.8 MB]

    ...allowing a proliferation of rural­ residential lots; (iii) Appropriately provide incentives to focus rural lifestyle living in the Countryside Living zone, while enabling limited opportunities for rural living in the rural zones in exchange for environmental benefits (indigenous vegetation and wetland protection and restoration). (b) Contrary to the Council's decision, in relation to the prescription of environmental benefits to be accepted in exchange for rural residential subdi...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 249 Bayswater Marina Berth-Holders Association Incorporated v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.9 MB]

    ...Control Guide for Land Disturbing Activities in the Auckland Region’; “LINZ” means Land Information New Zealand; “LMP” means Landscaping Maintenance Plan; “MMP” means the Maintenance Management Plan; “NES:F” means National Environmental Standard for Freshwater 2020; “NES:Soil” means National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health 2011; “No-objection Covenants” means the land covenants to be registere...

  6. Waitangi Tribunal Bibliography Part 2 [pdf, 571 KB]

    ...‘Te Matua Whenua; the Land History and Alienation Database’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2005, 40pp Wai 1200 A97, Central North Island inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘Land-Based Resources, Waterways and Environmental Impacts’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2006, 1075pp Wai 1040 A7, Te Paparahi o Te Raki (Northland) inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘The Tauranga - Te Puke Road’, research report commissio...

  7. 04-Appendix-Four-DCR_Part2.pdf [pdf, 30 MB]

    ...Kotahi // Material Supply Study Report 1 Abbreviations Enter Abbreviation Enter Full Name DBC Detailed Business Case DCR Design & Construction Report Ō2NL Project Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project CEDF Cultural & Environmental Design Framework RMA Resource Management Act 1991 Waka Kotahi // Material Supply Study Report 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview of Ō2NL Project Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) is prep...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2020 Part 2 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...‘Te Matua Whenua; the Land History and Alienation Database’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2005, 40pp Wai 1200 A97, Central North Island inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘Land-Based Resources, Waterways and Environmental Impacts’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2006, 1075pp Wai 1040 A7, Te Paparahi o Te Raki (Northland) inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘The Tauranga - Te Puke Road’, research report commis...

  9. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2021 part 2 [pdf, 659 KB]

    ...‘Te Matua Whenua; the Land History and Alienation Database’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2005, 40pp Wai 1200 A97, Central North Island inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘Land-Based Resources, Waterways and Environmental Impacts’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2006, 1075pp Wai 1040 A7, Te Paparahi o Te Raki (Northland) inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘The Tauranga - Te Puke Road’, research report commission...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal bibliography 2018 part 2 [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...‘Te Matua Whenua; the Land History and Alienation Database’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2005, 40pp Wai 1200 A97, Central North Island inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘Land-Based Resources, Waterways and Environmental Impacts’, research report commissioned by the Crown Forestry Rental Trust, 2006, 1075pp Wai 1040 A7, Te Paparahi o Te Raki (Northland) inquiry Alexander, David James, ‘The Tauranga - Te Puke Road’, research report commi...