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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. Regulatory Impact Statement Hague Child Protection Convention [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...transferred in a reciprocal arrangement with Australia. It is proposed that these provisions remain and operate in parallel with those of the Convention. The more beneficial regime may be used in a particular circumstance. Economic, social, cultural and environmental costs and effects of treaty action 84. Implementing the Child Protection Convention will deliver immediate benefits to New Zealand children and their parents. The Convention will provide a substantial degree of certaint...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 026 Marlborough District Council v Burkhart Industries Ltd [pdf, 5.3 MB]

    ...It gave notice of this by memorandum filed on 19 January 2018, after the interim orders were issued. Its grounds of opposition are that these orders: (a) invalidly purport to authorise the activity in contravention of the proposed Marlborough Environmental Management Plan ('pEMP') and New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement 2010 ('NZCPS'); and (b) fail to adequately protect the ecological, natural character and landscape values of the affected area "on an ong...

  3. [2016] NZEnvC 152 Koha Trust Holdings Limited v Constellation Brands New Zealand Limited [pdf, 735 KB]

    ...but submitted that other more recent authority assisted to demonstrate that it was in fact correct. He submitted that the meaning of "give effect to" was interpreted strictly (albeit in a different RMA context) by the Supreme Court in Environmental Defence Society Inc v the New Zealand King Salmon Company Limitecf, where at para [77], Arnold J, delivering the majority Judgment, said: The Board was required to "give effect to" the NZCPS in considering King Salmon...

  4. Horowhenua-District-Council-Cover-Letter-Form-7a-and-Form-18-20221101.pdf [pdf, 534 KB]

    ...……………………………… Signature of person authorised to sign on behalf of the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Date: 1 November 2022 Contact details: Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Ō2NL Project) Electronic address for service: Postal address: PO Box 5084 Wellington 6140 Contact person: Caitlin Kelly Telephone: +64 4 830 6844 Email: NOTICE O...

  5. Directory of Official Information P-R [pdf, 971 KB]

    ...1986. The Act establishes the office, details the Commissioner’s powers and functions, and provides for a five-year term of appointment. The Commissioner’s purpose is to provide an independent check on the capability of the New Zealand system of environmental management and the performance of public authorities in maintaining and improving the quality of the environment. The Commissioner has wide-ranging powers to investigate environmental concerns. ‘Independent’ means independ...

  6. Directory of Official Information P-R [pdf, 971 KB]

    ...1986. The Act establishes the office, details the Commissioner’s powers and functions, and provides for a five-year term of appointment. The Commissioner’s purpose is to provide an independent check on the capability of the New Zealand system of environmental management and the performance of public authorities in maintaining and improving the quality of the environment. The Commissioner has wide-ranging powers to investigate environmental concerns. ‘Independent’ means independ...

  7. Research on the effectiveness of police practice in reducing residential burglary part 10 [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...11.2 Partnerships 77 11.3 Integrate work with youth offenders into crime reduction strategies 78 11.4 Enhance victim-focused approaches 78 11.5 Conclusion 78 References 79 9 Abbreviations Comms Communications Centres CPTED Crime prevention through environmental design CSE Crime Scene Examiners DP Directed patrolling DPR Directed patrolling report ER Emergency response Hutt Crim Lower Hutt Crime and Crash Reduction Intelligence Model Intel Intel Unit: a group of staff who process informati...

  8. Final-Technical-Assessment-L-Archaeology-v2.pdf [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...and a shared use path ("SUP") between Taylors Road, Ōtaki (and the Peka Peka to Ōtaki expressway ("PP2Ō") and State Highway 1 ("SH1") north of Levin. 2. This technical report assesses the actual and potential environmental effects of the Ō2NL Project on archaeological values. It has been prepared to support the notices of requirement ("NoRs") for designations and application for resource consents for the Ō2NL Project. This report addr...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 162 Mawhinney v Auckland Council [pdf, 24 MB]

    ...and a number of companies (now struck off the Companies Register). They are: • SUB-570 for 16 new allotments6 on part of the land; • SUB-571 for 75 new allotments? [13] Both SUB-570 and SUB-571 were each accompanied by an Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"). We will concentrate on SUB-571 to begin with, as it is the much more extensive proposed subdivision with 75 proposed new lots. Its AEE includes the statement: 15.1 It is proposed that the new allotments...

  10. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM expert Dennis Scott [pdf, 364 KB]

    ...significant natural and cultural heritage and educational resource. 29. It is the extensive area of the Hauraki Gulf comprising a diverse array of Islands of various size, scale and purpose that creates its outstanding and correspondingly diverse environmental, cultural, social and economic contribution to Auckland and New Zealand. 30. Waiheke Island is located within the Inner Island Group of the Hauraki Gulf Islands. (Exhibit 2) 31. At 9324ha, Waiheke is the second largest i...