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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 228 Auckland Council v Cable Bay Wines Limited [pdf, 430 KB]

    ...chairs, umbrellas, and open­ air dining and drinking on the lawn. [5] The unconsented facilities and activities were the subject of a retrospective resource consent application by the Appellants in April 2017. Examination of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ('AEE') showed us in the s 120 appeal hearing that consent was sought for the following activities: (a) The establishment of the additional enclosed restaurant space and pizza kitchen, collectively referred to...

  2. 2021-05-18 Appendix 1 to the Deemed permits and associated rights of priorities JWS file 18 May 2021 [pdf, 265 KB]

    ...adequate to deal with any adverse effect on the environment which may arise from the exercise of the consent and which it is appropriate to deal with at a later stage; or (c) ensuring the conditions of this consent are consistent with any National Environmental Standards, Regulations, relevant plans and/or the Otago Regional Policy Statement; or (d) adjusting or altering the method of water take data recording and transmission. Page 4 of 9 Notes to Cons...

  3. [2024] NZEnvC 157 Barraclough v Gisborne District Council [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...the evidence does not support them. (b) the erosion and sediment control plan is inadequate and should be amended. Rapid stabilisation of the site is required. (c) the evidence presented on the appellant’s behalf did not directly address the environmental effects of granting the stay and did not address any of the associated effects already being experienced offsite, including sediment in downstream watercourses and effects on the neighbouring property; 5 Decision at [48]....

  4. 25b.-Appendix-B-to-the-Evidence-of-Mr-Lister-Tara-Ika-PC4.PDF [PDF, 197 KB]

    ...BF\61994961\1 Page 7 21. Objective 6A.2 does refer to coordination of infrastructure and urban development in general terms. It states that “Efficient delivery of infrastructure within Taraika will enable development while protecting environmental values and achieving a high level of residential amenity.” Policy 6A2.2 is to “Require subdivision and development to be managed, designed and staged to align with the coordinated provision and upgrading of the infrastructur...

  5. [2024] NZEnvC 160 Evans v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 276 KB]

    ...court’s opinion having heard the evidence, should have been admitted by other parties. [18] However, we accept that this proceeding is analogous to a Sch 1 proceeding. Accordingly, I consider that the more relevant question is whether 5 Tauranga Environmental Protection Society Incorporated v Tauranga City Council [2022] NZEnvC 122. 6 DFC NZ Ltd v Bielby [1991] 1 NZLR 587. 6 the Council’s conduct meets the threshold reflected in the Practice Note which applies where an a...

  6. ORC PC7 Hearing Schedule - 12.05.2021 [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...Cross-Examination Fish & Game Maree Baker-Galloway Administrative & Introductions Opening Court (15min) Fish & Game Morgan Trotter Ecological Flow Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (30min) OWRUG (30min) Court (45min) Fish & Game Nigel Parageen Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) OWRUG (30min) Court (45min) Extended morning tea (11.30am) Fish & Game Ian Cole Recreational Angling Evidence Summary (10min) OWRUG (30min)...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 073 Smith v Young [pdf, 782 KB]

    ...DFC NZ Ltd II Bieli!y (1991) 1 NZLR 587. 7 NCC submissions [13] lvis Besier and :tvis Iviitchell submit no order for costs should be made against NCC. Counsel point out that NCC did not cause the unconsented works which created the adverse environmental effects and NCC is not a party to the enforcement order proceedings. \'{lhile it took part in those proceedings, that was in good faith to assist the court and parties, in recognition that the proceedings had to be bundled...

  8. Data and Statistics Bill [pdf, 276 KB]

    ...information.1 9. The Bill distinguishes between collecting data for producing official statistics and data for research purposes. Official statistics may be produced on any matter relating to New Zealand, including its economic, social, cultural, and environmental situation.2 10. The Bill allows for the collection of data where the information is considered by the Statistician “necessary or desirable to enable the Statistician to produce official statistics.” The Statistician can...

  9. Combined Owners and Residents of Apartments in Sheds 19 20 22 23 [pdf, 3.6 MB]

    ...Coastal Plan, which forms part of the Auckland Unitary Plan (AUP), is approved by the Minister of Conservation the operative standa,'d in the CMA will be rule E25,6,27, 12 The approach sought by the Submitter is supported by the As!:;essment, of Environmental Effects as this recognises that given the regional coastal provisions which form part of the AUP have been through the AUP process and no appeals an~ outstandi,ng that significant weight should be given, to these provisions...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 263 Feeley v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...benefits associated with additional development Relatively visually discreet nature of the location (due to landform and vegetation patterns). Close proximity to Arrowtown. Urban infrastructure. Large-scaled lots suggest potential for subdivision. Environmental characteristics and visual amenity values to be maintained and enhanced Attractive urban parkland character. Landscape coherence. Reinforcing a robust and defensible edge to Arrowtown. Capability to absorb additional de...