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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. E55 Heather Kirkham - EIC - the Crown [pdf, 827 KB]

    ...the Crown supports the reduced extent of incursion into the Waitematā Harbour required to accommodate the America's Cup syndicate bases, which will reduce the costs of loss of amenity, as compared to alternative options. While not all environmental costs can or should be valued in dollar terms, the dollar value properly attributable to the substantially lessened intrusion is tens of millions of dollars in this instance; (b) will have positive effects for Auckland and New...

  2. E68 Colin Williams - Navigation Safety - EIC - Sanford Ltd [pdf, 821 KB] this consent will be required. 32. Panuku’s application may have adverse effects on continued effective and efficient fishing operations in Auckland. Sanford and AFPL consider that it is appropriate for the Court to consider these valid environmental effects emanating from the proposed structures and activities, and to impose conditions addressing these concerns. CONCLUSIONS 33. Sanford and AFPL generally support the proposal to hold the America’s Cup on the Auckland...

  3. Ministry of Justice Digital Strategic Plan [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...the Digital Office and clarity on the journey ahead. Further detailed implementation planning is an important next step, as is the review of the Digital Office operating model. This plan will not stand still. It will be developed and refined as environmental factors change both internally in Te Tāhū o te Ture and externally.  STRATEGIC CONTEXT  The Strategic Leadership Team have set an ambitious strategy, calling for Te Tāhū o te Ture to work in partnership with the judic...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 199 Kristin School Charitable Trust [pdf, 11 MB]

    ...applicant for the purpose of ensuring positive effects on the environment to offset or compensate for any adverse effects on the environment that will or may result from allowing the activity; and (b) any relevant provisions of- (i) a national environmental standard: (ii) other regulations: (iii) a national policy statement: (iv) a New Zealand coastal policy statement: (v) a regional policy statement or proposed regional policy statement: (vi) a plan or proposed plan; and ( c)...

  5. 2022-03-04 John Cocks - Memo - in response to ORC's MOC dated 11 Feb 2022 [pdf, 362 KB]

    ...meanings of landfills required by PC1 Policy 7.4.11. SECTION 32 REPORT (S32 REPORT) 41. The s32 Report identifies WMP Objective 7.3.1 as the most relevant objective for PC1. Objective 7.3.1 is 7.3.1 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse environmental effects arising from the discharge of contaminants at and from landfills. 42. The s32 Reports states that the WMP policies for landfills provide little guidance for decision-makers on resource consent applications. Yet, WMP...

  6. [2023] NZEnvC 029 Reefville Properties Limited v Christchurch City Council [pdf, 885 KB]

    ...development (including building frontages, circulation routes, sightlines and lighting) within the Northern Homebase Centre; and C. any potential safety or nuisance effects and methods to address such effects including by way of a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design ("CPTED") assessment. iii. Heavy vehicles: For activities that will generate more than 250 heavy vehicle trips per day, whether there are any effects from these trips on the roading infrastructure. iv. A...

  7. [2020] NZEmpC 96 Innovative Landscapes (2015) Ltd v Popkin [pdf, 203 KB]

    ...resources. … … Importantly, at the risk of repetition, pro bono work by lawyers who practice in the resource management field is beneficial in aiding more ready and effective participation by public interest bodies and others concerned with good environmental outcomes via decisions of this Court under the RMA. [14] The Court concluded that declining to have regard to the costs associated with the provision of pro bono representation would likely inhibit the willingness of coun...

  8. Livingstone v Animal Health Board — Lake Rotoaira Forest Lands (2009) 245 Aotea MB 124 (245 AOT 124) [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...properly consulted with the trustees and beneficial owners. More importantly, the Board claims that it is acting lawfully in the exercise of its responsibilities and has proceeded with the 1080 poison drop in accordance with its mandate. The Environmental Risk Management Authority advised the Registrar that the 1080 poison drop proceeded on 21 September 2009. 245 Aotea MB 125 [3] The issues for consideration are whether it is still appropriate to grant an injunction as...

  9. [2020] NZEnvC 106 Rangitane o Tamaki Nui a rua v Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 9.1 MB]

    ...comments in that regard by referring to s 269 RMA which relevantly provides that: 269 Court procedure (1) Except as expressly provided in this Act, the Environment Court may regulate its own proceedings in such manner as it thinks fit. Kapiti Environmental Action Inc v Kapiti Coast District Council Decision W 042/2007. 7 (1A) However, the Environment Court must regulate its proceedings in a manner that best promotes their timely and cost-effective resolution . This provision...

  10. Ngati Makino Heritage Trust and Ngati Ranginui Incorporated Submissions [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...They adopt the submission of the Motiti Rohe Moana Trust and an effort has been made to ensure against duplication. 3 The Appeals for Ngati Makino and Ngati Ranginui 1 relate to the need to provide a framework within the Proposed Regional Coastal Environmental Plan (pRCEP) for the development of management area plans. The appeals envisaged that such mechanisms 1 subsequently referred to as Koiora Marine Spatial Plans, would restrict as well and empower1 for instance, by providing fo...