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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-02-22 Special Advisor (Ian Gordon) - submission on Willowridge s 281 application [pdf, 150 KB]

    ...broadly: it includes, for example, resource consents, notices of requirement, and plan changes.5 12. Prior to being called in, a matter may have been the subject of submissions to the local authority.6 Once the Minister calls in a matter, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) carries out various administrative tasks. Those tasks include: a. giving public notice of the Minister’s direction, which must (inter alia) state the due date for submissions;7 b. receiving submi...

  2. [2011] NZEmpC 17 Clarke v AFFCO NZ Ltd [pdf, 108 KB]

    ...the content of the three statements given by witnesses to the incident confirmed substantially the original allegation that Mr Clarke had deliberately driven his car in such a manner as to put Ms Lloyd’s safety at risk. [14] Addressing the environmental factors at the time of the incident in relation to Mr Clarke’s claim that he did not see Ms Lloyd in front of his vehicle, the Authority concluded, as had AFFCO, that it was more probable than not that Ms Lloyd was clearly vi...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 080 Cossens v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Council's decision was to be confirmed'. The applicant chose to pursue Option A and a final decision' was issued on that basis. Dr Cossens has now applied for costs against both the Council and a section 274 party, the Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated ("UCESI"). Application and replies Dr Cossens' application for costs [3] Dr Cossens seeks a cost award of $119,703 being 100% of costs incurred in relation to the appeal' , including...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 212 Kristin School Charitable Trust v Auckland Council [pdf, 7.3 MB]

    ...waterways, existing riparian margins and identified existing mature trees within the open space network. (12) The ecological values of existing streams and habitats are recognised and protected, and where practicable, enhanced. (13) The natural and environmental values of the precinct are maintained and, where practicable, enhanced. Infrastructure (14) Subdivision and development are integrated with the capacity of the transport network to ensure travel demand is supported by suitab...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 123 MFC Development Limited Partnership [pdf, 341 KB]

    ...the former l'vfichael Fowler Centre (TYIFC) carpark and is currently the site of a temporary building occupied by the Royal New Zealand Ballet". 4 [20] Counsel for CCAS also referenced the application and accompanying Assessment of Environmental Effects which sets out the following: The site, with a future nominated street address of 110 J ervois Quay is located within the former Michael Fowler Centre (lvIFC) carpark and is currently the site of a temporaty building occupi...

  6. Notes of Crown Maori Relations focus group with Constitutional and Legal experts 20 March 2018 [pdf, 540 KB]

    ...Commissioner (or other central body with a Treaty commission type function) to measure progress on the recommendations of the last 21 years and to provide independent advice to Parliament. o An institutional entity to do some of the heavy lifting in the environmental space (e.g., water rights). There was concern that the EPA model in NZ lacks effectiveness. o Legislative power for the judiciary to strike down legislation and other laws that are inconsistent with the terms of the T...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 059 Coldicutt v Whitehall Fruitpackers Holdings Limited [pdf, 158 KB] sought and without holding a hearing. These provisions allow for the possibility that the need for action to deal with the contravention of the Act may be so urgent that the usual requirements for notice and a hearing could result in greater environmental damage. [17] The issue is whether such risk outweighs the general desirability of adherence to the usual procedure of the Court and the principles of natural justice, including in particular hearing both sides to a case before m...

  8. Skudder - Tahorakuri A No 1 Sec 8B and Lot 1 Deposited Plan South Auckland 63822 (2017) 160 Waiariki MB 242 (160 WAR 242) [pdf, 219 KB]

    ...more holistically, without the sale of land, the condition of the land will continue to regress such that their viability will one day be beyond the capital investment required to lift them to productivity. The sale of land will also facilitate environmental outcomes, such as the restoration of a wetland, which would otherwise not occur. 160 Waiariki MB 247 The law [11] The relevant sections to apply are ss 135 and 136 of Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 (the Act), which stat...

  9. Andrew Michael Collins - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...of evidence 1.8 My evidence addresses: (a) Key issue and positions (section 2); (b) Relevant RPS provisions (section 3); (c) Relevant PRCEP Maps and Schedules (section 4); (d) Other relevant PRCEP provisions (section 5); (e) Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan (section 6) (f) Discussion of planning issues (section 7) (g) My planning conclusion (section 8). 2 Key issue and positions 2.1 I understand that the key issue for this appeal is to reconcile the quite differen...

  10. ORC PC7 Hearing Schedule - 5.5.21 [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...Cross-Examination Fish & Game Maree Baker-Galloway Administrative & Introductions Opening Court (15min) Fish & Game Morgan Trotter Ecological Flow Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (30min) OWRUG (30min) Court (45min) Fish & Game Nigel Parageen Environmental Management Evidence Summary (10min) ORC (30min) Nga Rūnanga (30min) OWRUG (30min) Court (45min) Lunch (12.45pm) Fish & Game Ian Cole Recreational Angling Evidence Summary (10min) OWRUG (30min) Court (45min)...