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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-05-25 JWS - 4-6 May 2021 as amended 21 May 2021 [pdf, 518 KB]

    ...been used in the past; (2) Requiring minimum flow, residual flow or take cessation conditions on existing consents to be carried over as consent conditions on any consents that replace existing water permits; and (3) Reducing the risk of further environmental degradation and unforeseen economic hardship for water users, by discouraging further investment in irrigation expansion or land use intensification until a new NPS-FM 2020 compliance planning framework has bene introduced (tha...

  2. Memorandum of Counsel for Wellington International Airport Limited (dated 07 May 2018) [pdf, 825 KB]

    ...• The wider eco~omic position associotion with an extended IIlnway -Including the costsibenefits associaled with a~y of the RESA options, or otller economidactors as wetl as any b911Snts to WIAL that may derive irom the extenslo~ Itself. • Environmental- are lIlere a~y likely C(Jnse~lability issues associated with proYkiing a RESA extension (whilst acknowledging Ihat thi, is ultimotely a matter for the Environment Court)? EMAS as a produ~t has not yet been installed at a N0W Zeala...

  3. MfE - Supplementary - T A D Ensor - Planning (18 March 2021) - Appendix A [pdf, 366 KB]

    ...this is a permitted activity under RPWO Rule 12.C.1.1. Maintenance of the RWL intake infrastructure is a permitted activity under RPWO Rule 13.5.1 and its ongoing use is permitted by RPWO Rule 13.1.1. [026] Under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 any future modifications to the Park Burn intake structures may require consent under those regulations as a discretionary activity if not covered by regulations 70 and 71.10 If that i...

  4. Directory of Official Information 2019 M-O [pdf, 513 KB]

    ...Security Act 2004 and is responsible for search and rescue operations under section 14C of the Civil Aviation Act 1990. Functions and responsibilities Maritime NZ is the national regulatory, compliance and response agency for the safety, security and environmental protection of coastal and inland waterways. Maritime NZ was established to promote a safe, secure and clean maritime environment for all commercial and recreational activities on the water, and to minimise the impact of mari...

  5. E66 Ian Munro - Urban Design - EIC - VHHL [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...INTRODUCTION 1.1 My full name is Ian Colin Munro. I am an urban designer and I have 18 years’ experience in the industry. I have the qualifications of a Bachelor of Planning, a Master of Planning, a Master of Architecture [ Urban design], a Master of Environmental Legal Studies and a Master of Transportation Engineering Studies. All of these qualifications were obtained from the University of Auckland. I am a Full Member of the New Zealand Planning Institute. My standard CV is at...

  6. Territorial Authorities - EiC - T B Heller - Hydrology (3 Feb 2021) [pdf, 814 KB]

    ...evidence provides for two relatively simple and workable alternatives to the current Schedule 10A.4 water allocation approach taken by PC7. 3 SRP-098608-70-5-V5 Introduction 7. My full name is Thomas Brendan Heller and I am a Director of Environmental Associates Limited, an environmental and water resources consultancy based in Dunedin. 8. I hold the qualifications of New Zealand Certificate in Engineering (Civil) and a National Diploma of Science majoring in surface w...

  7. People remanded and offending on bail December 2023 [xlsx, 104 KB]

    ...offences 3,115 2,821 3,021 2,936 2,903 2,639 2,443 2,026 1,945 1,866 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 4% 4% 4% Bail 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 1,226 1,238 1,319 1,263 1,332 1,279 1,370 1,181 1,315 1,402 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% Bail 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 2,619 2,788 2,707 2,464 2,345 2,216 2,018 1,672 1,667 1,719 4% 5% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% Bail 13: Public order offences 1,826 1,453 1,345 1,455 1,284 1,187 1,165 1,019 1,241 1,191 3% 2% 2...

  8. 2019 Directory of Official Information M-O [pdf, 417 KB]

    ...Act 2004 and is responsible for search and rescue operations under section 14C of the Civil Aviation Act 1990. Functions and Responsibilities Maritime NZ is the national regulatory, compliance and response agency for the safety, security and environmental protection of coastal and inland waterways. Maritime NZ was established to promote a safe, secure and clean maritime environment for all commercial and recreational activities on the water, and to minimise the impact of maritime...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 180 Ngai te hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...20 a) The establishment of a fund of $1.5 million to be administered by the Consent Holder. b) The purpose of the fund is to provide for, or assist in, the establishment of projects for the benefit of the island community, in particular the environmental, cultural and/or social wellbeing of the community. Projects shall be located on Motiti, or within the sea, or on the rocky islets immediately around the island. 16.3. The relationship the iwi and hapu of Tauranga Moana, have with...

  10. 2021-03-14 Joanna Gilroy - Evidence (13 March 2021) [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...of deemed and water permits and the existing baseflow of work. 15 The below table shows the current FTE’s within the team and compares that to the numbers in 2019. Staff have been recruited to respond to both deemed permits and the National Environmental Standard for Freshwater 2020 (NES-FW). If needed, these staff will be supplemented by consultants who are familiar with the deemed permit process (discussed later in my evidence). 3 Table 1: FTE Numbers in the Conse...