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Search results for environmental.

2915 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 210 Port of Tauranga Limited v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 365 KB]

    ...contaminant onto or into land in circumstances which may result in that contaminant (or any other contaminant emanating as a result of natural processes from that contaminant) entering water; ... unless the discharge is expressly allowed by a national environmental standard or other regulations, a rule in a regional plan as well as a rule in a proposed regional plan for the same region (if there is one), or a resource consent. 3. According to the Council's records, no resource cons...

  2. Beef+Lamb NZ & Deer NZ Supplementary H Marr 26 March 2021 [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...SCOPE OF SUPLEMENTARY EVIDENCE 4. In this supplementary evidence I respond to the Supplementary evidence of Mr de Pelsemaeker in relation to providing for irrigation expansion, in the context of the question of whether PC7 has a process or environmental focus, which I understand has been raised through these proceedings. EVIDENCE ‘Process’ or ‘environmental’? 5. I have read the supplementary evidence of Mr de Pelsemaeker and other planners. I note there seems to b...

  3. Evidence Brief: Situational Crime Prevention [pdf, 419 KB]

    ...difficult, risky, or less rewarding or excusable.i • SCP is used in New Zealand by local authorities, businesses, NZ Police and others. • Examples of SCP in use in New Zealand include CCTV, property marking, alarm tags on clothing, and environmental design to improve lighting and visibility in public places. • Several types of SCP approaches have been sufficiently researched to be confident in their effectiveness, including CCTV and street lighting; Crime Preventi...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 169 NZ King Salmon v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 624 KB]

    ...MDC, Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Inc and Guardians of the Sounds Inc (‘Friends & Guardians’) and The McGuinness Institute. [4] The issues centre on the proper interpretation of certain conditions of U140294 pertaining to ‘environmental quality standards’ (‘EQS’) for seabed 1 Resource Management Act 1991. 3 deposition associated with the operation of the salmon farm.2 [5] The original application for U140294 was part of a plan change and res...

  5. How the justice system works

    ...also work closely with agencies like the Police and the Department of Corrections (responsible for New Zealand’s prisons). The 2 main streams of New Zealand law are criminal law and civil law. There are other streams of law as well, like family law, environmental law or commercial law. New Zealand’s courts are supported by 29 tribunals that help resolve civil law disputes.

  6. [2017] NZEnvC 133 Norsho Bulc v Auckland Council [pdf, 1.6 MB]

    ...MATTER BETWEEN AND AND Decision No. [2017] NZEnvC \ ~ 3 of the Resource Management Act 1991 of an appeal pursuant to s 120 of the Act NORSHO BULC LIMITED (ENV-2016-AKL-000168) Appellant · AUCKLAND COUNCIL Respondent BLACKBRIDGE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SOCIETY INCORPORATED Section 274 party Environment Judge D Kirkpatrick Environment Commissioner I Buchanan Environment Commissioner Evon Dadelszen On the papers J M Savage for Norsho Bulc Ltd G C Lanning an...

  7. The Manukau Harbour Restoration Society Incorporated 218 [pdf, 515 KB]

    ...relief sought by the Appellant does not adequately provide for the removal of transmission infrastructure/corridors and a requirement for overhead transmission lines to be placed underground to better restore the Manukau Harbour to a high level of environmental and recreational quality. The Association agrees to participate in mediation or other alternative dispute resolution of the proceedings. …………………………….. Jim Jackson On behalf of The Manukau Harbour R...

  8. 16-May-2020-Regional-Plan-Waste-for-Otago-Table-of-Contents-PC1-proposed-amendments.pdf [pdf, 80 KB]

    ...New Rule 6.6.4 .................................................................................................................... 81 Amended Principal Reasons for hazardous substances and hazardous waste rules ............ 82 Amended Anticipated Environmental Result 6.7.6 ............................................................. 82 Chapter 7 Amended Issue 7.2.2 ............................................................................................................ 87 Amended Is...

  9. 2021-06-25 List of Parties [pdf, 123 KB]

    ...Regional Council Plan Change 1 (Dust Suppressants & Landfills) Role Name Address for service Applicant Otago Regional Council Service via the website S274 Party Big Stone Forests Limited Service via the website S274 Party Central Otago Environmental Society S274 Party Cocks, John Service via the website S274 Party Director-General of Conservation Service via the website S274 Party Dunedin City Council Service via the website S274 Party Dunedin Internat...

  10. BORA Local Government (Community Well-beight) Amendment Bill [pdf, 131 KB]

    ...with further advice if the final version includes amendments that affect the conclusions in this advice. 3. The Bill amends the Local Government Act 2002 to: 3.1 restore the purpose of local government to being “to promote the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of communities”; 3.2 restore territorial authorities’ power to collect development contributions for any public amenities (such as sports grounds, swimming pools, and libraries) needed as a consequ...