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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2017] NZEnvC 157 Speedys Road Hydro Limited v Waikato Regional Council [pdf, 497 KB]

    ...general accordance with the following documents: "Clear Water Hydro Construction Project Management Detailed Scheme Overlay for Speedies Road Power Scheme" identified as Environment Waikato document number 1238858; "Clear Water Hydro Environmental Assessment for Speedies Road Power Scheme" identified as Environment Waikato document number 1238855; "Clear Water Hydro Construction Project Management Detailed Scheme Overlay for Speedies Road Power Scheme" iden...

  2. OWRUG Updated Supplementary S Dicey Planning 24 March 2021 [pdf, 789 KB]

    ...Change - Incentivising a Controlled Activity Pathway 5. As noted by Mr de Pelsemaeker in his supplementary evidence, the Court invited the Otago Regional Council to confirm whether Plan Change 7 (PC7) was a process based plan or a process plus environmental enhancement plan change. 2 PP-1035600-2-391-V1 6. Mr de Pelsemaeker confirmed at paragraph 6 of his supplementary evidence that the mandate from ORC councillors was that PC7 be a process plan change only. Mr de Pelsem...

  3. Final Env-Reg-Report-2020-21 [pdf, 274 KB]

    ...responsible for ensuring the orderly and expeditious discharge of the business of the Court. 1.4 The Court’s jurisdiction The Environment Court is a specialist court of record established under section 247 of the RMA. It’s the primary environmental adjudicative body in New Zealand. It has jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. It can be characterised as follows: • a presiding Judge and two Environment Court Commissioners sit together to hear and...

  4. [2019] NZEmpC 157 Van Kleef v Alliance Group Ltd [pdf, 475 KB]

    ...documents involved; (c) the ease and cost of retrieving a document; (d) the significance of any document likely to be found; and (e) the need for discovery to be proportionate to the subject matter of the proceeding. [23] In Northland Environmental Protection Society Inc v The Chief Executive of the Ministry for Primary Industries, it was held in the circumstances of that case that the extraction and review of some 9,700 emails would not be considered oppressive, since the...

  5. [2021] NZEnvC 103 Wyuna Preserve Residents Association Incorporated v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 19 MB]

    ...2016, ensure that "designation provision is appropriate and is aligned with this Management Plan". [27] Wyuna seek such alignment particularly in terms of what D 239 specifies by way of controls on Aerodrome usage and the management of environmental effects. For instance, their notice of appeal states: The basis for the initial submission was from the key objectives of the Glenorchy Reserves Management Plan, noted as being associated with the purpose of this reserve, i...

  6. Impact of Treaty on Government Agencies report [pdf, 286 KB]

    ...interest in the Tribunal, another claim was heard in 1982. This claim, by the Te Atiawa tribe of Taranaki, was that effluent from the Motunui synthetic fuels plant would pollute traditional fishing grounds. Te Atiawa were supported in their claim by environmental interests and some economists opposed to the development. In its report, which attracted a good deal of public interest, the Tribunal found in favour of the applicants and recommended to the Crown that the proposed ocean outfall...

  7. People discharged without conviction June 2018 [xlsx, 283 KB]

    ...deception and related offences 236 216 207 148 135 104 204 152 140 160 10: Illicit drug offences 254 267 207 204 204 127 173 147 161 170 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 124 105 92 94 76 52 77 80 62 56 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 413 499 331 334 347 193 188 218 158 205 13: Public order offences 820 667 413 247 203 134 119 118 122 98 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 456 423 383 362 396 366 356 387 379 305 15: Offences against justi...

  8. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 63 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...Rohe Pōtae, the construction of the Main Trunk Railway through the district, the operation of the Native Land Court and the alienation of Māori land in the nineteenth century, the management of Māori land in the twentieth century, waterways, environmental impacts, and public works takings. The research programme for the inquiry was confirmed in January 2008 and the boundary finalised in May 2008. The inquiry is now in the research phase. During the year research hui have bee...

  9. Fenton - Rūrima Māori Reservation (2004) 102 Whakatāne 196 (102 WHK 196) [pdf, 851 KB]

    ...Maunsell, he is a regular visitor to ROrima and the surrounding islands and is therefore very familiar with them. Ms Dale Fenton, the Applicant in these proceedings, is a planner by occupation and had been employed by the iwi authority to deal with environmental issues for several years. As such she is familiar with many of the relevant statutory and regulatory regimes in a resource management and environmental context. Ms Fenton brings considerable experience in these disciplines to th...

  10. Final-Technical-Assessment-F-Hydrology-and-Flooding-updated-23-Dec-2022_Part2.pdf [pdf, 20 MB]

    ...allowed me to contribute to the design to avoid or minimise potential adverse hydrological effects. Page 36 110. General principles of the hydraulic design philosophy were developed to be consistent with the Ō2NL Project Cultural and Environmental Design Framework ("CEDF"), included as Appendix 3 to Volume II, the principles of which will continue to guide the detailed design. 111. Examples of key principles that will help to avoid and minimise effects on hyd...