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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2019] NZEnvC 173 Summerset Villages (St Johns) Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 9 MB]

    ...relevant to this appeal are as follows: Objective Group A - Outcomes for planning decisions OA 1: Effective and efficient urban environments that enable people and communities and future generations to provide for their social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being. OA3: Urban environments that, over time, develop and change in response to the changing needs of people and communities and future generations. [49] There is a clear commonality of purpose and principle to be f...

  2. 2021-04-21 Transcript (up to end of day 20) [pdf, 5.9 MB]

    ...important, then what other methods are available to us to recognise the work being done by priorities as between abstractors, and should our interests be as between abstractors only, which is what we think priorities are about, or should it have an environmental focus, which is a particular interest in dock, Director General, Conservation. So we will be, again, 25 looking to our alternatives, if priorities don’t survive, but there’s a gap, how can the gap be bridged, how should...

  3. [2017] NZEnvC 206 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 4.1 MB]

    ...Forum) 1M Gordon for Te Kahui Kaumatua 0 Te Patuwai (the Korowai of Elders) JR Welsh for Mount Maunganui Underwater Club Incorporated JM Pou for Maketu Taiapure Committee, Nga Tangata Ahikaroa 0 Maketu, Ngati Makino Heritage Trust, Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society and Ngati Tunohopu (the Te Arawa in support) KJ Jordan for Bay of Plenty Regional Council as s 274 party Rena December 2017 decision 2 Date of Decision: 15 December 2017 Date of Issue: 7 DECISION OF THE ENVIRONM...

  4. [2024] NZEnvC 136 Donaldson v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 6.4 MB]

    ...Amenity Zone rules in Table 24.1. All activities, including any listed permitted activities are subject to the rules and standards contained in Tables 24.1 and 24.2. For Plantation Forestry the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry) Regulation 2017 prevails. Rules to do not apply to residential units, including residential flats, located within a building platform approved by resource consent, and re...

  5. Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [pdf, 15 MB]

    ...iho i nga tupuna Hei tiki huia ma nga uri whakatupu o Aotearoa Table 1 - HUI DELEGATES . NAME ORGANISATION ‘PHONE ADDRESS Toro Waaka Wairoa District Council - Maori Policy Manager 06 838 7309 P.O. Box 54, WAIROA Susan Forbes Archaeologist and Environmental Consultant, Kotuku Consultancy Ltd 04 2399220 Paekakariki Hill Rd, RD1, PORIRUA Jack Tomairangi Raharuhi Te Whaiti 06 8746696 Nga Puhaka Te Ora, Kaumatua Flats, Flat 6, c/o Waimarama P.O., HASTINGS. Tikirau Stevens Ministry...

  6. Te Manutukutuku Issue 35 [pdf, 5.7 MB]

    ...and student exercises. Te Roroa resource kit l ~ z ii .... ~~~::::..:::...::~l Maunganui Bluff, a key feature of the Maunganui block (from Te Roroa resource kit) Those resource kits available from the Waitangi Tribunal are: Set One Kaituna Environmental pollution claim, Rotorua Set Two Motunui-Waitara Environmental pollution claim, Taranaki Set Three Te Roroa Historical land loss claim, Northland Set Four Orakei Historical land loss claim, Auckland Order Form Name: Address:...

  7. Andrew Hill - Evidence in Chief [pdf, 4.3 MB]

    ...Industries (Minister) and lvIPI are responsible for admioisteriag the Fisheries Act 1996 (Fisheries Act). I have been authorised by MPI to provide this brief of evidence. . Qualifications and expertise 2. I have a Master of Scien':e degree in Environmental and Marine Science from the University of Auckland and Bachelors of Science and Engineering from the University of Canterbury. 3. In my ·current role I am responsible for a broad review of the .fisheries management syste...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 137 Haydan Investments Ltd v Auckland Council [pdf, 5.4 MB]

    ...The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the plans and all information submitted with the application , detailed below, and all referenced by the council as consent number LUC60302978. • Application form and Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) titled: 22 Kuaka Road, Oneroa, Waiheke Island, Application for Resource Consent and Assessment of Environmental Effects - Planorama Consulting Ltd, dated June 2017 • Specialist reports, drawings and additional in...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 134 Bay of Plenty Regional Council v Vision Charitable Trust [pdf, 515 KB]

    ...for costs incurred where that is just in the circumstances.2 (c) It is likely that costs will be awarded to successful applicants for enforcement orders to recognise that a local authority is seeking an order to compel a person to meet their environmental obligations, and if an award of costs is not made then the burden of undertaking the proceeding falls on the ratepayers of the district. 3 [11] Counsel for BOPRC refers to the following decisions where a SUbstantial proportion...

  10. [2023] NZEnvC 124 PowerCo Ltd v Manawatu District Council [pdf, 2.9 MB]

    ...disabilities. [PC51] REVERSE SENSITIVITY means the potential for the operation of an existing lawfully established activity to be constrained or curtailed by the more recent establishment of other activities, which are sensitive to the adverse environmental effects being generated by the pre-existing activity. [PC52] C h ap te r 2 - D e fi n it io n s PAGE 22 MANAWATU DISTRICT COUNCIL - MASTER AUGUST 2018 (Updated April 2022 legal effect) ROAD has the s...