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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 031 Friends of Conical Hill Inc v Hurunui District Council [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...They must not be used for voice calls within the venue. Electronic communication devices may, however, be used by members of recognised media organisations for silent electronic communication of information, subject to the restrictions set out in the Environmental Court’s In-Court Media Coverage Guidelines 2011. They must be used as unobtrusively as possible and in such a manner as to not interfere in any way with the running of the hearing. Conical HIll attach.pdf Foreword 1.0 Intr...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 039 New Zealand Association of Radio Transmitters Incorporated v Kapiti Coast District Council [pdf, 611 KB]

    ...resource consent application. • Policy 13 directing the preservation of the natural character of the coastal environment, its protection from inappropriate use, and the avoidance of significant adverse effects on natural character. National Environmental Standards34 [37] Ms Thomson said that the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Telecommunication Facilities) Regulations 2016 (NESTF) provided guidance on nationally consistent standards for masts and aeri...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 241 Ngati Te Ata v Auckland Council [pdf, 178 KB] to be added to the Precinct provisions to recognise and provide for the cultural, spiritual and historic values held by Ngāti Te Ata and Ngāti Tamaoho, as well as their relationships with the cultural landscape, and to ensure that positive environmental outcomes are achieved for the health and wellbeing of the land, waterways and people (I4XX.13); (d) Policy 9 is to be amended in the Precinct provisions, to include reference to a treatment train approach; (e) three new poli...

  4. Fish & Game - B Farrell - JWS 4-6 May 2021 - tracked changes 2 [pdf, 829 KB]

    ...been used in the past; (2) Requiring minimum flow, residual flow or take cessation conditions on existing consents to be carried over as consent conditions on any consents that replace existing water permits; and (3) Reducing the risk of further environmental degradation and unforeseen economic hardship for water users, by discouraging further investment in irrigation expansion or land use intensification until a new NPS-FM 2020 compliance planning framework has bene introduced (tha...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 045 Auckland Council v Banora [pdf, 249 KB]

    ...purchasers and/or subsequent owners of the Property. B: The order being to correct an error, there is no order as to costs. REASONS Introduction [1] This proceeding was originally initiated after the Auckland Council found a number of significant environmental issues at the rear of the property at 82 Wolverton Street, Avondale, Auckland (the Property), caused by earthworks undertaken by the owners, Mr and Mrs Banora, without resource consent. The Council applied for interim and...

  6. Waikato Bay of Plenty Standards Committee v Monckton [2014] NZLCDT 51 [pdf, 35 KB]

    ...a satisfactory LIM report. These had to be satisfied by 12 September. 3 [7] Dr S advised that she had arranged finance with her bank. She also emphasised how keen she was on the property, for reasons she described as spiritual and environmental, relating to its location. Dr S’s interest in a piece of bush near the property required Mrs Monckton to make further inquiries and to seek an extension of the “unconditional” date. The LIM report also produced some concern...

  7. [2021] NZEnvC 080 Invercargill City Council v Smith [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...2020 by placing the documents in the letterbox of Mr Smith’s place of residence.2 [5] The Council’s s315(2) RMA application was supported by affidavits of Jeremy Bond affirmed 19 October 2020 and 17 March 2021. [6] Mr Bond was initially an Environmental Compliance Officer3 employed by the Council, although by the time of the hearing before the court, he was Team Leader – Compliance. Mr Bond is warranted under the RMA and the Local Government Act 2002.4 [7] When the applic...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 082 NSK Farming Ltd v Canterbury Regional Council [pdf, 2.5 MB] and design; ii. Be prepared in consultation with the Canterbury Regional Council – Science Team Leader Land Ecology and Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 2 of the Natural Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 or subsequent replacement; and iii. Require the consent holder to: A. Erect a permanent fence with a minimum setback of 5 metres from the boundaries of Wetlands A and B; B. Pre...

  9. [2021] NZEnvC 046 AK Rental and Investments Ltd v Auckland Council [pdf, 556 KB]

    ...following the respondent's memorandum presented by EMACS Group (on behalf of AK Rental and Investments Limited) dated 19 January 2021. 5 applicants from the right of appeal and leave their voice unheard. 4. \Y/ e respectfully suggest the Environmental Court consider all issues raised in this letter and all suffer the applicants has faced (sic) in the last three years to make improvements to this project. [9] In addition it made the following further submissions on 19 Februa1y...

  10. [2019] NZEnvC 193 West Coast Regional Council v Westland District Council [pdf, 2.5 MB]

    ...around a realistic appraisal of time, Mr Ross submits that the final dates for achievement of the last two outstanding Key Milestones are 28 February 2020 and 27 March 2020 respectively, and this extension of time will not give rise to any adverse environmental effects (because the existing wastewater treatment plan remains in operation).11 [12] The court accepts that the District Council has significant interest in seeing this project reach completion as soon as possible and will d...