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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 053 Peacocke South Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 7.4 MB]

    ...are well-connected and functional; (b) Are the most efficient and effective option as they: (i) Better align with PSL’s subdivision plans which will result in a more efficient future resource consent process; (ii) Reflect urban design and environmental constraints; (iii) Maintain ecological connectivity, protection and functionality; and (iv) Allow for land suitable for urban development to be rezoned Medium Density Residential Zone; (c) Do not give rise to additional costs;...

  2. Children and-young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court June 2023 [xlsx, 326 KB]

    ...olds from 1 July 2019) 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 219 171 207 210 198 159 162 198 165 204 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 2% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 1,140 975 843 942 732 618 663 624 510 702 12% 12% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 7% 8% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 13: Public order offences 786 651 600 696 483 351 414 387 318 417 8% 8% 7% 8%...

  3. Summary of draft CERD Report sections [pdf, 232 KB]

    ...traditional land and resources Article 5 of CERD 17 Housing Accords and Special Housing Areas Article 5 of CERD 17 Supporting Māori landowners Article 5 of CERD 17-18 Review of The Marine and Coastal Act (Takutai Moana) Act 2011 Article 5 of CERD 18 Environmental issues and the natural resource sectors: Māori rights and interests Article 5 of CERD 18 Māori Rights and Interests in Freshwater Article 5 of CERD 18 Resource Management Reform Article 5 of CERD 18 Draft Natural and B...

  4. OIA-104168.pdf [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...1,401 1,405 1,269 1,031 913 874 681 1 0: Illicit drug offences 1,884 1,69~ 1,510 1,632 1,548 1,531 1,336 1,193 1,073 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and 684 549 '-- 616 656 611 632 588 646 533 explosives offences 12: Property damage and environmental 1,127 1 066 1,040 1,024 913 909 836 798 677 pollution 13: Public order offences 647 - 627 475 441 451 403 401 365 303 14: Traffic and vehicle regulatory offences 10,677 9,791 8,778 8,581 8,797 8,252 8,1 19 7,045 7,032 15: Offence...

  5. Taueki v The Trustees of Horowhenua 11 Māori Reservation (2011) 263 Aotea MB 210 (263 AOT 210) [pdf, 73 KB]

    ...purple loosestrife is necessary to effect its eradication and thus minimise the risk to the lake and the 263 Aotea MB 211 ecological systems it supports. The applicant rejects this claim and instead argues that there are more culturally and environmentally appropriate methods available instead of the invasive spraying by Horizon. Moreover Ms Taueki argues that the mauri of the lake will be detrimentally affected by the continuing use of what she describes as poisons being app...

  6. 03.-Evidence-of-Mr-Dean-Wilson-Muaupoko-Tribal-Authority.PDF [PDF, 402 KB]

    ...Punahau/Lake Horowhenua and associated land for the benefit of all Muaūpoko beneficial owners. I have been a trustee for three years and, since early 2023, I have also held the role of Deputy Chair of LHT. 4. I also hold the role of Kaiwhakahaere Taiao (environmental manager) for Muaūpoko Tribal Authority (MTA), the mandated iwi organisation for Muaūpoko Iwi. I have held this role since 2020. I have also, since 2020, represented MTA on the Manawatū River Accord along with Dianne Ru...

  7. Proactive release – report on overseas travel (Europe – January 2019) [pdf, 840 KB]

    ...characteristics through amendment of the Human Rights Act 1993. 4. Theme Four: Development, the environment, and business and human rights: 4.1. Increase technical and other cooperation with UN member states; 4.2. Continue efforts to address ongoing environmental and climate change related challenges; IN-CONFIDENCE Page 4 of 6 3m1jqyn2tm 2019-04-09 12:18:07RE LE AS ED B Y TH E M IN IS TE R OF JU ST IC E IN-CONFIDENCE 4.3. Promote the role of the private sector in implemen...

  8. OWRUG & Grape Vision Ltd - EiC - J Dicey - Horticulture (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.1 MB]

    ...season) and reproductive growth (being the bunches of grapes used to make wine). 52. In addition to using highly effective and efficient techniques to deliver the water vineyards in the Central Otago winegrowing region additionally deploy other environmentally beneficial practices to effectively and efficiently grow grapes. These include: a. Composting – the pressings from the wine making process are added to straw, cow manure, waste apples and cherries and are composted at the conc...

  9. 2023-10-17-Muaupoko-legal-subs-for-24-October-EC-hearing.pdf [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...(i) There is an Iwi Partner Steering Group that, among other matters, 'co-ordinates' the development of the iwi management plans (DTW1A), but does not determine their final content ie no veto. Page 3 (ii) There is a Cultural Environmental Design Framework (CEDF) – an audit of the CEDF forms part of the outline plan process (see DGA6(c)(ii)). The Project iwi Partners will be invited to complete the chapter on the cultural landscape (DTW5 (f)). 6. Muaūpoko...

  10. Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court December 2020 [xlsx, 334 KB]

    ...olds from 1 July 2019) 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 327 264 237 198 177 204 210 180 144 210 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 1,974 1,524 1,290 1,041 894 918 903 564 642 711 15% 13% 13% 12% 11% 10% 10% 7% 9% 9% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 13: Public order offences 981 804 717 711 624 669 582 435 339 447 8%...