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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 WML evidence chief Tim Johnson [pdf, 52 KB]

    ...carefully compared onsite photography, landscape plans and aerial photography when photo-editing the photography. 6 38 Final post effects such as blurring the higher resolution 3d render to match the photography plus mimicking other environmental factors such as distance haze were applied as post effects to improve the quality of the final result. 39 Final Image Correction 40 A final image correction is applied to remove the stretching found at the edges of the rec...

  2. [2023] NZEnvC 207 Waterfall Park Developments Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...descriptions “are based on the scale of the relevant landscape character unit, and should not be taken as prescribing the values and/or capacity of specific sites”. LCU 8: Speargrass Flat [19] For LCU 8, Sch 24.8, describes the following “environmental characteristics and visual amenity values to be maintained and enhanced” (the Site being within its “eastern portion”): Central and western portion of LCU 8 Sense of openness and spaciousness as a ‘foil’ for the m...

  3. Appendix-5_Jonathan-Williamson_s87F-Report_Hydrogeology-and-Groundwater_28-April-2023.pdf [pdf, 607 KB]

    ...– Ōtaki to north of Levin Highway Project (Ō2NL Project) Prepared by Jonathan Williamson – Hydrogeology and groundwater 9 will arise during construction. In my opinion, the activities that have the greatest potential to cause environmental effects have all been identified and considered by Waka Kotahi, with the exception of dewatering timeframes for culverts and the spoil and borrow areas. The development of management plans by Waka Kotahi, to be certified by the...

  4. Waitangi Tribunal - list of research reports for Te Paparahi o Te Raki stage 2 [pdf, 76 KB]

    ...‘Northland Crown Purchase Deeds, 1840-1865’, CFRT 5 A5 R Johnson, ‘The Northern War 1844-1865’, 2006, CFRT 6 A6 V O’Malley, ‘Northland Crown Purchases, 1840-1865’, 2006, CFRT 7 A7 D Alexander, ‘Land-Based Resources, Waterways and Environmental Impacts’, 2006, CFRT 8 A8 M Gillingham and S Woodley, ‘Northland: Gifting of Lands’, 2007, CFRT 9 A9 B Stirling and R Towers, ‘ “Not with the Sword but with the Pen” : The Taking of the Northland Old Land Claims...

  5. [2023] NZEnvC 180 Drinnan v Selwyn District Council [pdf, 312 KB]

    ...Development 2020; and (b) there are no other reasonably practicable and feasible options for providing at least sufficient development capacity within the same locality and market while achieving a well-functioning urban environment; and (c) the environmental, social, cultural and economic benefits of rezoning outweigh the long-term environmental, social, cultural and economic costs associated with the loss of highly productive land for land-based primary production, taking into...

  6. Children and young people with charges finalised in the Youth Court December 2019 [xlsx, 293 KB]

    ...olds from 1 July 2019) 11: Prohibited and regulated weapons and explosives offences 375 327 264 237 198 177 207 210 177 144 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 1,743 1,974 1,524 1,290 1,038 894 918 900 564 657 13% 15% 13% 13% 12% 11% 10% 10% 7% 9% Total (including 10 - 16 year olds and 17 year olds from 1 July 2019) 13: Public order offences 1,113 981 804 720 714 621 669 582 438 3...

  7. [2022] NZEnvC 139 Cossens v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 182 KB]; 6.3 Section 320 is inappropriate tool in this case, and the Application seeks to fetter Council’s functions, powers and duties under Part 4 and schedule 1 of the Act, rather than attend to, and stop an act that would result in immediate environmental degradation. [14] In her written submissions for QLDC, Ms Davenport identifies s320(3)(a) and (b) as being of considerable importance to the court’s consideration of the application. She summarises that “orders cannot be ma...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 052 Greenacres Waiheke Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 170 KB]

    ...remain of the view that the stay should continue until the replacement resource consent application has been determined because: (a) the steps being taken by the appellant to date to change the treatment processes on site are intended to improve environmental outcomes; (b) the continued operation of the organic waste treatment facility ensures the continued availability of an essential service to the residents and business of Waiheke Island, avoiding potential adverse public health and...

  9. 2021-12-02 ORC - MOC - re PC1 Chapter 7 (Landfills) & PC8 Part H [pdf, 138 KB]

    ...that residential activities are part of the environment when assessing the characteristics of the receiving environment, and that mitigation measures, safeguards, and contingency plans are to be undertaken to reduce actual and potential adverse environmental effects, including on residential activities. Consequential changes to notified provisions 13 As a result of the amendment to include New Policy 7.4.11A, further consequential amendments were made to include reference to Polic...

  10. Regulatory Impact Statement Criminal Investigations Bodily Samples Amendment Bill [pdf, 65 KB]

    ...population groups including Māori. This review should be completed by August 2011. Consultation The Ministry of Justice has consulted on this paper with Crown Law Office, Department of Corrections, Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Institute of Environmental Science and Research, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, New Zealand Police, the Privacy Commissioner, Te Puni Kōkiri and Treasury.