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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. PC8 Urban Common Bundle - Volume 3 [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...Objectives................................................................................................... 5-5 5.4 Policies identifying and protecting natural and human use values of lakes and rivers........................................................................................................... 5-8 5.5 Anticipated environmental results ........................................................... 5-18 6. Water Quantity .............................................................

  2. OWRUG - EiC - M Curran - Planning (5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 528 KB]

    ...professional experience in planning and resource management, which includes two and a half years at Taranaki Regional Council as a policy analyst, two years at borough councils in London in policy and development roles, three years at Transpower as an Environmental Planner and have been employed by Landpro since mid 2019. 12. I authored a resource consent application submitted to the Otago Regional Council on 18 January 2021 that seeks to replace the deemed permit that authoris...

  3. [2020] NZEnvC 205 Todd v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 3.3 MB]

    ...Hornbeam hedging along parts of the accessway.21 All planting on site would be required to be implemented following completion of the earthworks and prior to deposit of the survey plan for title under s224( c), RMA. 22 The gully would be subject to an environmental management plan for eradication of weeds, planting of appropriate indigenous riparian species and prevention of grazing.23 Statutory framework (11] The proposal is a discretionary activity.24 Hence, we may grant or refuse...

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 186 Panuku Development Auckland Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.1 MB]

    ...provide a way to identify what steps are to be taken to ensure that clear, certain and enforceable outcomes contained in conditions of consent are achieved. They are not a substitute for conditions locking in the standards that are to be met to ensure environmental effects are kept within an acceptable level. ... [103] Condition 17(a) refers to an objective being to 'identify the Best Practicable Option' and define procedures to 'manage' and 'minimise' cons...

  5. [2017] NZEnvC 159 Hokio Trusts v Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council [pdf, 4 MB]

    ...the status of the Appellants as representatives of Ahu Whenua Trusts does not benefit them in consideration of the costs claim; • That there was no personal gain for the Applicant or Respondent in these proceedings. They were seeking to provide environmental benefit to improve the quality of Lake Horowhenua but were nevertheless "saddled with significant costs caused by the appeal"; 10 • The Appellants' impecuniosity should not influence the costs decision; •...

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 244 Director-General of Conservation v Thames-Coromandel District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...implementation of the provisions, including for economic growth and employment; and (iii) Summarising the reasons for deciding on the [preferred] provisions. (c) Assume a level of detail that corresponds with the scale and significance of the effects (environmental, economic, social and cultural) anticipated from implementation of the proposal. (d) Consider the risk of acting or not acting if there is uncertain or insufficient information about the subject matter of the provisions. [...

  7. [2018] NZEnvC 133 Director General of Conservation v Thames Coromandel District Council [pdf, 17 MB]

    ...may state - (a) the significant resource management issues for the district; and (b) the methods, other than rules, for implementing the policies for the district; and (c) the principal reasons for adopting the policies and methods; and (d) the environmental results expected from the policies and methods; and (e) the procedures for monitoring the efficiency and effectiveness of the policies and methods; and (f) the processes for dealing with issues that cross territorial authority b...

  8. 2022-02-11 Statement of Evidence of Edward Ellison dated 11 February 2022 [pdf, 692 KB]

    ...Land and Water Regional Plan Governance Group. I am a former Manager Iwi Liaison at ORC and former Deputy Kaiwhakahaere for Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu. 3 I have many years of experience in engaging with local authorities and Crown agencies on environmental management matters on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou and other Otago Rūnaka. 4 I gave evidence on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Moeraki, Kāti Huirapa Rūnaka ki Puketeraki, Te Rūnanga o Ōtākou and Hokonui Rūnanga (collecti...

  9. E79 CVA - Te Kawerau Iwi Tribunal Authority [pdf, 1.4 MB]

    ...Innovation and Employment, the State Services Commission and Treasury) in developing the project assumptions, location options and decision-making criteria for the America’s Cup infrastructure (as outlined in the Executive Summary of the Assessment of Environmental Effects dated 13th April 2018). It is noted, that Te Kawerau ā Maki were not involved in this initial scoping phase so is only commenting on the proposal submitted with the Assessment of Effects in 2018. Under the principa...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 189 Weston Lea Limited v Hamilton City Council [pdf, 10 MB]

    ...strategy prevail over any inconsistent National Policy Statement, s 12 of the Settlement Act and the vision and strategy for the River is contained at s 17 of the Act. The Consent Authority and the Court in this case must have regard to the Tainui Environmental Plan as a relevant consideration under s 104( 1 )( c). [26] The requirements under s 4 7 of the Act apply to the use of or activities on the surface of the Waikato River and thus are not directly relevant in this case. Nevert...