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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 2 Tauranga Moana [pdf, 9.2 MB]

    ...these claims, and has made no concessions regarding them. The Crown maintains that it has behaved appropriately, according to the standards of the time and the options and resources available to it. It argues that the current legislation governing environmental management gives significant protection to Māori interests, and is consistent with the principles of the treaty of Waitangi. 7.2 The issues When the stage 2 inquiry began, an initial set of issues was drawn up to guide the hear- i...

  2. Access to Justice Legal Needs Survey Final Report - October 2024 [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...issues ......................................................... 56 Figure 17 – Specific details of injury or ACC issues ..................................................................................... 57 Figure 18 – Specific details of environmental issues .................................................................................. 58 Figure 19 – Issue status ....................................................................................................................

  3. Transcript of PC8 Urban Provisions - Complete [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...say actually quite a unique perspective to offer the Court in relation to that. So from paragraph 43 onwards I’ve dealt with the fact that QLDC’s land use consents often include a discharge limit or in actual fact it’s usually through the environmental management plan, the EMP which 12 OTAGO REGIONAL COUNCIL v OTHERS – ENV-2020-CHC-128 (21 Mar 2022) includes a limit. Now, obviously they don’t have the function to regulate the discharge and whilst I accept that those...

  4. 2021-11-05 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version - updated [pdf, 8.3 MB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  5. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - clean version [pdf, 8.2 MB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  6. 2021-11-03 ORC - RPW Chapters - tracked version [pdf, 8.2 MB] the discharge. Principal reasons for adopting This policy is adopted to ensure that consideration is given to appropriate means for avoiding, remedying or mitigating the adverse effects of contaminants on water or land, to enable the most environmentally sound means to be adopted. Rules: 12.A.2.1, 12.B.2.1, 12.B.3.1. 7.C.3 When considering any resource consent to discharge a contaminant to water, to have regard to any relevant standards and guidelines in imposing condit...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Environment Commissioner K A Edmonds Hearing: at Wanaka on 21, 22, 23 and 24 March 2017 Appearances: M Baker-Galloway for the appellant A Balme and J Wilson for the respondent G Todd and B Gresson for the applicant J Haworth for the Upper Clutha Environmental Society (Inc) G Dickson in person Date of Decision: 20 June 2017 Date of Issue: 20 June 2017 INTERIM DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT A: Appeal disallowed and consent is granted subject to the finalisation of conditions....

  8. [2019] NZEnvC 136 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 9.5 MB]

    ...the sector range. Overall, PC10 provides more nitrogen to Maori-owned land than ANCA; (d) the sector range approach has a lower risk of widespread adverse economic and social effects than ANCA; (e) ANCA would not provide for a more appropriate environmental outcome as LUC has been used as a proportioning tool and has no relationship to nitrogen leaching; and (f) The provisions of the sector range approach are comprehensive and well­ developed. [20] Federated Farmers largely ad...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 088 Save Wanaka Lakefront Reserve Inc v Queenstown District Council [pdf, 12 MB]

    ...Environment Commissioner K A Edmonds Hearing: at Wanaka on 21, 22, 23 and 24 March 2017 Appearances: M Baker-Galloway for the appellant A Balme and J Wilson for the respondent G Todd and B Gresson for the applicant J Haworth for the Upper Clutha Environmental Society (Inc) G Dickson in person Date of Decision: 20 June 2017 Date of Issue: 20 June 2017 INTERIM DECISION OF THE ENVIRONMENT COURT A: Appeal disallowed and consent is granted subject to the finalisation of conditions....

  10. [2018] NZEnvC 090 Cabra Rural Developments Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 31 MB]

    ...higher order document. [17] The parties have reached agreement to amend Chapters D9, E15 and F2 ofthe Unitary Plan, and seek that the Court exercise its powers under r 20.19 of the High Court Rules 2016 to make the proposed amendments. 4 Citing Environmental Defence Society Incorporated v New Zealand King Salmon Company Limited [2014] NZSC 38, [2014]1 NZLR 717 at [152]. 5 Citing also Transpower New Zealand Limited v Auckland Council [2017] NZHC 281 at [67]-68]. [50] As will become...