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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2024] NZEnvC 100 Merveber Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 3.2 MB]

    ...sensitive activities (such as countryside living) being introduced into areas containing mineral resources for future extraction. (3) Encourage improved land management practices in rural production areas to progressively reduce and contain adverse environmental effects. … B9.4. Rural subdivision B9.4.1. Objectives (1) [deleted] (2) Subdivision does not undermine the productive potential of land containing elite soils. (3) Subdivision of rural land avoids, remedies or miti...

  2. [2022] NZEnvC 117 High Quality v Auckland Council [pdf, 885 KB]

    ...and amenity. Putting aside rural character and amenity, the question is whether or not a discretionary activity can effectively be prohibited by the wording within policies or rules. Certainly that is not our understanding of the decision of Environmental Defence Society Inc v New Zealand King Salmon Company Ltd4 although this was quoted to us by the Council. Albert Road Investments v Auckland Council5 is quoted by the applicant relating to a two-lot subdivision containing one ho...

  3. Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Analysis of Replacement Regimes [pdf, 465 KB]

    ...New Zealanders in the foreshore and seabed (including customary interests). These two options appear to promote access to justice, ownership benefits, certainty of outcomes; and optimal use of foreshore and seabed resources (including social and environmental benefit). 5 This conclusion comes with the caveat that it is given on a preliminary basis. The analysis of new information, particularly information gathered in the public consultation process, and the calibrating of features of t...

  4. [2020] NZEnvC 103 Taranaki Energy Watch Inc v South Taranaki District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...between existing lawfully established significant hazardous facilities and new sensitive activities through subdivision and land use activity controls and other appropriate measures. Policy 2.8.1 O Disposal of hazardous wastes is to be undertaken in an environmentally safe manner at authorised facilities to avoid risk of hazardous substances creating adverse effects on the environment and human health. Policy 2.8.11 Transportation of hazardous substances, including wastes, as part of...

  5. 1.-Lonnie-Dalzell-Owner-Interface-Manager.pdf [pdf, 400 KB]

    ...Government Roading Powers Act 1989 (…) (e) to manage funding of the land transport system (…)" 20. In meeting its objective and undertaking these functions, the Transport Agency is required by the LTMA to exhibit a sense of social and environmental responsibility, while using revenue in a way that seeks value for money.4 Government Policy Statement and National Land Transport Programme 21. The LTMA requires the Minister of Transport to issue a Government Policy Statem...

  6. All charges and convicted charges December 2018 [xlsx, 874 KB]

    ...offences 2,481 2,498 2,432 2,359 2,686 3,232 3,625 4,022 4,052 3,900 3,358 3,634 3,498 3,740 3,999 3,880 3,944 4,184 4,513 4,422 4,243 4,237 4,516 5,138 5,315 5,664 6,883 6,775 6,587 7,091 6,174 5,298 4,960 5,016 4,273 4,429 4,932 5,518 5,520 12: Property damage and environmental pollution 6,253 6,230 6,475 6,937 7,390 7,004 8,398 8,046 7,952 7,668 6,680 7,557 7,496 8,102 9,869 10,885 11,178 10,785 11,220 11,879 12,027 12,029 12,156 12,514 13,319 13,280 15,224 15,527 16,174 16,280 14,997 13,55...

  7. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    ...Forum (Te Arawa Takitai) PH Cooney and RC Zame for Bay of Plenty Regional Council as respondent (the Respondent) JM Pou, JA Hope and AM Neems for Maketu Taiapure Committee, Nga Tangata Ahikaroa 0 Maketu, Ngati Makino Heritage Trust, Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society and Ngati Tunohopu 1M Gordon for Te Kahui Kaumatua 0 Te Patuwai (the Korowai of Elders) K Barry-Piceno for Motiti Environment Management Incorporated JR Welsh for Mount Maunganui Underwater Club Incorporated VJ Hamm for...

  8. 13.-Boyden-Evans-Natural-character.pdf [pdf, 14 MB]

    ...INTRODUCTION 1. My full name is Boyden Henry Evans. 2. I am a New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects' ("NZILA") Registered Landscape Architect and a Partner at Boffa Miskell Limited ("Boffa Miskell"), a New Zealand-owned environmental planning and design consultancy. 3. I prepared Technical Assessment I – Natural Character ("Technical Assessment I") as part of Volume V of the Assessment of Environmental Effects ("AEE"), which a...

  9. [2017] NZEnvC 073 Ngai Te Hapu Incorporated v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [pdf, 28 MB]

    ...Forum (Te Arawa Takitai) PH Cooney and RC Zame for Bay of Plenty Regional Council as respondent (the Respondent) JM Pou, JA Hope and AM Neems for Maketu Taiapure Committee, Nga Tangata Ahikaroa 0 Maketu, Ngati Makino Heritage Trust, Ngati Pikiao Environmental Society and Ngati Tunohopu 1M Gordon for Te Kahui Kaumatua 0 Te Patuwai (the Korowai of Elders) K Barry-Piceno for Motiti Environment Management Incorporated JR Welsh for Mount Maunganui Underwater Club Incorporated VJ Hamm for...

  10. Waitangi Tribunal Vol 3 Kāhui Maunga Report [pdf, 13 MB]

    ...for ngā iwi o te kāhui maunga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856 (a) Living with an alien landscape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856 (b) Protection of the maunga from environmental damage . . . . . . . . 859 (c) Protection of tapu areas on the maunga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .860 (d) exercise of customary rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....