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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2018] NZEnvC 010 David Mulholland Consulting Engineer Ltd v Whanganui District Council [pdf, 849 KB]

    ...consent to the Council, dated 10 March 3 2017. The building consent application has subsequently been approved. It is accepted that the proposed work also requires a resource consent and the owner's planners have prepared an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) in support of a resource consent application which includes the statement: The Applicant's engineering consultant has provided the required geotechnical confirmation that the risk of the proposed replacemen...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 141 Van Den Brink Group v Waikato District Council [pdf, 401 KB]

    ...the Provisions Section 32 assessments must determine whether the proposed provisions are the most appropriate way to achieve the objectives. This must include the identification of alternatives, and cost benefit analysis of the economic, social, environmental and cultural effects of the provisions including whether opportunities for economic growth and employment are reduced or increased. The risk of acting or not acting where uncertain information exists must also be considered. Th...

  3. Registrars Report 2015-2016 [pdf, 541 KB]

    ...and expeditious discharge of the business of the Court. 51Page E.49 1.4 The Court's Jurisdiction The Environment Court is established by section 247 of the RMA as a Court of record. It is a specialist court that has jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. It can be characterised as follows: • a Judge usually presides at sittings to hear and determine proceedings • it is required by law to act judicially • it hears contesting parties to the pro...

  4. Final Env-Reg-Report-2017-18 [pdf, 178 KB]

    ...ensuring the orderly and expeditious discharge of the business of the court. 1.4 The Court’s Jurisdiction The Environment Court is established by section 247 of the RMA as a Court of Record. It is a specialist court that has jurisdiction over environmental and resource management matters. It can be characterised as follows: • a Judge usually presides at sittings to hear and determine proceedings • it is required by law to act judicially • it hears contesting parties to...

  5. DQ v UP [2022] NZDT 211 (9 December 2022) [pdf, 172 KB]

    ...shown signs of hip dysplasia. UP says that BS’s hip dysplasia is not genetic and, rather, has been caused because BS has been over-fed and grown too fast and has not been rested and fed as recommended. That is, she says that BS’s hip dysplasia is environmental rather than hereditary. 14. Having carefully considered the available evidence and information, I am satisfied that DQ has proved to the required standard that BS is not of acceptable quality under s 6 of the CGA due his hip...

  6. E29 Urban Design and Landscape Architecture JWS [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...The status of iwi and hapū as mana whenua is recognised and respected. b. Whakapapa: Names and Naming Māori names are celebrated. c. Taiao: The natural environment The natural environment is protected, restored and/or enhanced. d. Mauri Tu: Environmental health Environmental health is protected, maintained and/or enhanced. e. Mahi Toi: Creative expression Iwi/hapū narratives are captured and expressed creatively and appropriately. f. Tohu: The wider cultural landscape...

  7. [2022] NZEnvC 085 Lee & Rochwalski v Buller District Council [pdf, 380 KB]

    ...summons:11 Feb 2015 Present at formal meeting relating to the matters of errors on Resource Consent RC06183 including: the location, unofficial naming of creek … lack of consultation with landowners but Graeme Smith was consulted. No assessment of environmental effects such as seasonal flow and quality and quantity of supply. Ms Clark is currently a senior consents officer at the West Coast Regional Council. The objectors’ memorandum provides as reasons for the summons:12 F...

  8. [2018] NZEnvC 115 Auckland Council v KI Braines [pdf, 403 KB]

    ...Braines has argued about existing use rights, that is not a matter I can address in any detail today. Suffice to say that is disputed by the Council. [26] The purpose of enforcement proceedings in the Resource Management Act is to ensure that the environmental outcomes sought are maintained. The Plans themselves are simply methods that are intended to achieve that outcome. The Council, not unnaturally, is concerned at the potential for this type of multiple tenancy to undermine th...

  9. E38 Jon Styles - Noise - EIC - Council [pdf, 854 KB]

    ...QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 I am the Director and Principal of Styles Group Acoustic and Vibration Consultants, employing a total of 6 full time noise and vibration specialist consultants. I hold a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Environmental Health. I am the President of the Acoustical Society of New Zealand and prior to that I was elected on the Council of the Society for four consecutive 2-year terms. 2.2 I have 17 years experience in noise and vibration, beginni...

  10. ENV-2016-AKL-000TBA Terra Nova Planning Limited v Auckland Council (Topic-056-057) [pdf, 742 KB]

    ...the specific reasons for this appeal are: i. A non-complying status for FUZ effectively prevents reasonable interim subdivision and use of the FUZ (rural zone) , subject to appropriate assessment against the Plan’s objectives and policies, and environmental effects. The Council has failed to undertake an adequate assessment of the provisions, including the benefits and costs of the environmental, economic, social and cultural effects that are anticipated from the implementation of...