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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. 2023-09-26-SOE_Jon-Williamson_Hydrogeology-and-Groundwater.pdf [pdf, 216 KB]

    ...including description of the construction methodology and ultimate design, that addresses: (a) Groundwater system and dynamics; (b) Extend and duration of groundwater interactions; (c) Potential effects on other parties; and (d) Assessment of environmental effects including both short term and long term. [19] These requirements have not been incorporated into the Waka Kotahi conditions. [20] I remain of the opinion that this information and certification process is necessary...

  2. [2024] NZEnvC 150 Kaiuma Farm Limited v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 395 KB]

    ...[14] Marberry applied for a land use application from the Council on 16 November 2020, for harvesting of commercial forest and earthworks to facilitate harvesting, and construction of stream crossings. The application included an Assessment of Environmental Effects (‘AEE’). [15] The majority of plantation forest proposed to be harvested is regulated by the National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry (‘NES-PF’), now the National Environmental Standard for Commerc...

  3. Appendix-M3-NZEAN-Legislation-Changes-Requests-.pdf [pdf, 181 KB]

    ...rule, must have regard to, and give such weight as the Minister considers appropriate to whether the proposed rule …  ○ assists economic development,  ○ improves access and mobility, ○ protects and promotes public health and\or ○ ensures environmental sustainability. Each of the items listed above are applicable to the current detrimental effects of this rule on the horse riding public. Please change current Road Legislation (include these changes in Accessible Streets 2020 wh...

  4. Annexure 5 - Water Quantity [pdf, 151 KB]

    ...This total includes 309 deemed permits5 totalling 41.3 m3/s mostly concentrated in the Dunstan, Manuherekia and Roxburgh rohe and Taieri FMU. [5] Mr T De Pelsemaeker highlighted the need for a comprehensive reassessment of the current limits and environmental flows/levels and the objectives and policies that guide their setting as part of: (a) a full review of the operative Regional Plan: Water for Otago under s 79 of the RMA; 1 Henderson, EiC at [47]. 2 Henderson, EiC at [4...

  5. [2022] NZEnvC 222 Nelson-Marlborough Fish and Game Council v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 431 KB]

    ...exacerbating those adverse effects. The policy will primarily be implemented through the zoning of land and the scale/intensity of activity that the zone rules enable. However, the policy can also be applied in a resource consent context when an assessment of environmental effects for the structure or work identifies a risk of land instability. This includes subdivision undertaken to enable more intensive use of the land. A safe and stable building platform will have to be established for t...

  6. Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited [pdf, 887 KB]

    ...having regard to the Appellant’s submission and the reasons for this appeal; (b) Any consequential amendments to the proposed Plan Change which arise from the reasons for appeal or the relief sought. Signature: Dominic Adams Environmental Manager Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited Date: 7 July 2020

  7. Notes from Crown Maori Relations Regional Hui at Kaikohe on 19 April 2018 [pdf, 421 KB]

    ...belongs to Ngāpuhi, the Trust associated with it are unable to protect it; they don’t control the surrounding farms which impact on the lake. Several speakers spoke about their concerns with local government not doing anything to help fix and manage environmental impacts. Several speakers suggested that local tangata whenua should be able to address these types of issues but the current law does not provide for this. Kaikohe Crown/Māori Relations hui notes (Friday 13 April 2018)...

  8. [2022] NZEnvC 181 Whangarei District Council v Gorbatchev [pdf, 212 KB]

    ...are a reasonable response. In particular, the making of an order under s 315 of the Act is appropriate given the previous compliance concerns and reinstatement of the activity. Quite simply the activity appears contrary to the plan and has environmental and health impacts as asserted in Ms Martin’s affidavit. The further orders are justified if [6] [7] [8] [9] [1 O] [11] [12] 6 these assertions are correct. Given the agreement I assume they are not in dispute...

  9. ENVC Hearing 6Oct14 DM local Sue Fitchett [pdf, 94 KB]

    ...represented by Direction Matiatia Incorporated (DMI). I give this, my evidence, for DMI. 9. As far as possible I have endeavoured to read and understand the evidence of the Applicant and of Auckland Council as it relates to ecological and environmental issues and considerations at Matiatia. 2 10. My evidence will address my personal experience and observations relating to the the local Matiatia blue penguin colony. It will describe the data I have collected by way of m...

  10. ZZ v L Ltd [2023] NZDT 323 (11 August 2023) [pdf, 233 KB]

    ...accepts that L Ltd comes within this definition. Has ZZ established that the concrete supplied by L Ltd was not of acceptable quality? 8. I find that he has not. 9. CH claims that the problems ZZ has identified with the driveway is because of environmental factors or the site itself, including leaching from gardens and grassed areas adjacent to the driveway. CH said that he has contacted other customers who received concrete from the same batch on the same day as the concrete...