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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Murray - Ohawini B1 (2020) 217 Taitokerau MB 99 (217 TTK 99) [pdf, 217 KB]

    ...the block. [8] The applicant has also obtained a Preliminary Report from the Whangarei District Council dated 3 September 2018, which gives the following advice: (a) The land is situated within the Whangarei District Council Rural Countryside Environmental zone; (b) The land falls under the Papakainga Housing provisions of the District Plan. Therefore resource consent approval is not required. The proposal must be of a communal nature so the provisions relating to papakainga de...

  2. ORC & Dairy NZ Ltd - EIC - Logan Bowler - 17 September 2021 [pdf, 935 KB]

    ...2 Introduction 1 My full name is Logan Kent Bowler. 2 I am a director of Agblution Solutions Limited providing effluent advice and solutions. I have held this position for 2 years, prior to which I was an Environmental Extension Specialist at DairyNZ. In total I have 15 years’ experience in effluent management. 3 I have a Bachelor of Applied Science, and have both the Intermediate and advanced sustainable nutrient management course certifi

  3. Waitangi Tribunal - issue 62 of Te Manutukutuku [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...organisations, Peter Brown was appointed to the Tribunal in 2006. His iwi affiliations are Tūranganui ā Kiwa, Ngāti Porou, Te Arawa, and Tūwharetoa. Mr Brown has degrees in arts and law, a Masters of Business Administration and a Diploma in environmental management. He has focused on community development for the last 25 years and has helped to revitalise many rural community enterprises. His major focus has been on sustainability projects involving consultation and co-opera...

  4. [2022] NZEnvC 062 Cassidy Trust v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 272 KB]

    ...via gully and steep slope native restoration planting. Localised hollows, benches and terraces along with mature exotic vegetation provide opportunities to absorb further development in places. Potential for the integration of walkways/cycleways. Environmental characteristics and visual amenity values to be maintained and enhanced Landform pattern and mature vegetation features. Careful integration of buildings with landform and planting. Throughout the more elevated western flanks,...

  5. BORA Land Transport Amendment Bill [pdf, 294 KB] informed of that right) was extended to all those who returned a positive evidential breath test, whereas previously this was reserved for those with readings under 600. 9.The Court of Appeal went on to note that, in Livingston v Institute of Environmental Science and Research Ltd, 3 it had recognised that, although defendants’ rights were limited by the removal of the error defence, the introduction of a universal right to elect a blood test was seen by Parliament as a sufficient...

  6. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Kaikohe 13 April 2018 [pdf, 430 KB]

    ...belongs to Ngāpuhi, the Trust associated with it are unable to protect it; they don’t control the surrounding farms which impact on the lake. Several speakers spoke about their concerns with local government not doing anything to help fix and manage environmental impacts. Several speakers suggested that local tangata whenua should be able to address these types of issues but the current law does not provide for this. Kaikohe Crown/Māori Relations hui notes (Friday 13 April 2018)...

  7. OWRUG & Pisa IC Ltd - EiC - G R Collier - Economics (4 Feb 2021) [pdf, 1.5 MB]

    ...efficient infrastructure. (c) It will discourage investment in horticultural development and diminish flow on economic benefits for the Central Otago region. (d) It will discourage permit holders from working with other stakeholders to achieve environmental benefits. (e) Now, more than ever, farmers and horticulturalists should be investing in things that actually support the economy, not putting the economy on hold for 6 years. PC7 should encourage seeking long term consents u...

  8. Hoete v Faulkner Motiti North C No 1 Block (2017) 140 Waikato Maniapoto MB 1 (140 WMN 1) [pdf, 173 KB]

    ...against a fellow co-owner based on allegations of trespass by ouster, a form of trespass that is not usually argued before the Māori Land Court. This case also involved the relevance and interpretation of the somewhat controversial Motiti Island Environmental Management Plan, the District Plan for Motiti Island. It appears from the notice of appeal filed by Liza Faulkner, that the relevance of certain provisions of the District Plan will be at the forefront of her appeal. The inte...

  9. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui Auckland 6 May 2018 [pdf, 432 KB]

    ...speakers indicated they do not support the privatisation of water. Forexample, one speaker noted they are in the process of informing the council of their concerns about the extraction of water from a local spring and are concerned with the possible environmental effects of the hospital and school continuing to draw water. That speaker emphasised the proposed water extraction will impact on the cultural wellbeing of the spring and of the ability of the local hapū to stay culturally c...

  10. 2021-07-06 ORC - Position on Objective, CWS & Hydro - amended [pdf, 252 KB]

    ...hydro-electricity generation associated with the Waipori and Deep Stream Hydroelectric Power Schemes identified in Schedule 10A.5.2 and the application includes: (a) A consent expiry date no later than 31 December 2035; and (b) An assessment of any environmental effects associated with a duration period exceeding six years. 10A.2.3 Irrespective of any other policies in this Plan concerning consent duration, avoid granting resource consents that replace deemed permits, or resource cons...