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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. 2021-02-15 Minute PC 1 & 8 mediaiton expert conferencing [pdf, 383 KB]

    ...Monday 1 March 2021. 1 Note, only those parties intending to call expert evidence on these topics would be involved in the expert conferencing. 3 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020, Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations 2020 and Resource Management (Stock Exclusion) Regulations 2020 [7] Urgent guidance is sought from the Regional Council as to whether any potential amendments may be required to PC8 in...

  2. [2019] NZEnvC 011 Tararua District Council v Capital All Signs Holdings Ltd [pdf, 745 KB]

    ...highly likely to be awarded against unsuccessful parties in enforcement proceedings. That is because such proceedings are of considerable consequence and commonly involve local authorities having to take action to make parties comply with their environmental obligations. [21] In this particular case the Court was satisfied that the storage of shipping containers on the Property was not a permitted activity under the District Plan. Neither was it approved by way of a resource consent...

  3. [2023] NZEnvC 085 Westgate Town Centre (2017) Limited v Auckland Council [pdf, 357 KB]

    ...and NZRPG as they relate to the Westgate Town Centre. (b) The Project does not have the requisite Resource Management Act 1991 approvals in place, and is likely to be delayed as those approvals go through due process. (c) The Assessment of Environmental Effects lodged dated 7 December 2022 in support of the Notice of Requirement and Application for Resource Consents specifies that not all of the land the Objector has an interest in is required for the Project, as there is a &q...

  4. J R Webb & Sons Ltd - EiC - J S Webb (5 February 2021) [pdf, 153 KB]

    ...deposit on the trees and have to cancel the orders. Developing the land would mean that about $600,000 a year would go into the local economy through employment, transport, packaging and other associated industry when in full production. The environmental impacts of developing the land will be low, if not positive, because it will control rabbits, reduce weeds (briar, broom etc) and reduce the spread of wildling 5 pine. We can not sustainably develop this land without certa...

  5. Review of the Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004 Outstanding Policy Matters [pdf, 256 KB]

    ...governed by this regime. 16 Central and local government both have decision-making roles regarding reclamations. Regional councils decide whether a proposal to reclaim is in accordance with the purpose of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and how environmental effects can be minimised. The Ministers of Conservation and Land Information are empowered to decide whether to vest a legal interest in a reclamation in a person and, if so, at what price. 17 The rationale for reclamation...

  6. WISE - EiC - M J Salinger - Climate Change (filed 5 Feb 2021) [pdf, 2.8 MB]

    ...former New Zealand Meteorological Service and then NIWA in Auckland. I now do consultancy work. 3. I hold the following tertiary qualifications: B. Sc from University of Otago, Ph D from Victoria University of Wellington and an M Phil (Hons) in Environmental Law from University of Auckland. 4. I am a Companion of the Royal Society of New Zealand and a member of the Meteorological Society of New Zealand. Climate Change 5. Regional warming is projected for the New Zeala...

  7. [2019] NZEnvC 090 Saville v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 4.9 MB]

    ...Queenstown Airport. The parties are not agreed on whether the above noise standard exempts elicopter noise when associated with farming (» . 10 [26] The plan identifies controls and performance standards to protect the amenity and environmental quality of the Rural Zone and the environmental results anticipated for the Rural General zones include:21 (viii) Avoid potentiat land uses and land management practices, which create unacceptable or significant conflict wi...

  8. Horticulture-New-Zealand.pdf [pdf, 184 KB]

    ...HortNZ seeks to be included in discussions on improving the FEP and NLR processes due to the potential for consequential impacts on the industry. Take a risk-based approach to managing land use, including adaptive management, to respond to environmental, economic and technological changes over time reduce diffuse discharges of nitrogen, phosphorus, sediment and microbial pathogens; and Amend paragraph e as follows: Prioritise actions and timing of those farming practices th...

  9. [2022] NZACC 163 – Harvey v ACC (22 August 2022) [pdf, 305 KB]

    ...client’s eye rubbing, but it did not cause the condition. Dr Wilson noted: BMA/BAP summary of relevant clinical evidence The cause of keratoconus is currently unknown. It is thought to be related to a complex interplay of factors (including environmental) in genetically predisposed patients. It was previously classified as a degenerative disorder but there is now evidence that inflammatory mediators also play a role. It is a condition of progressive corneal change characterised...

  10. [2020] NZEnvC 126 Beresford v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 334 KB]

    ...Bike Wanaka simply accesses the land under the general grounds of entry that are articulated to the public through notices at various entrances to the land. Furthermore, Ms Steven says that Bike Wanaka is not able to claim any affection in an environmental sense. In particular, she submits that QLDC’s engagement of Bike Wanaka to maintain trails is not sufficient or relevant ground to allow it to join under s274(1)(d).28 [42] In addition, Ms Steven characterises Bike Wanaka...