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2916 items matching your search terms

  1. Notes from Crown Maori Relations hui in Whangarei 8 April 2018 [pdf, 407 KB]

    ...should keep our eye on 2040 – the 200th anniversary of Te Tiriti. One participant said the Crown should acknowledge that noone speaks for ALL Māori. • Environment – Hui participants saw the need for a greater role for Māori in monitoring environmental impacts. • Economic development – Northland needs greater economic development and the people of Northland are keen to work with government to grow the regional economy for the benefit of all. https://www.justice.go...

  2. [2018] NZEnvC 176 Burgoyne v Northland Regional Council [pdf, 193 KB]

    ...Motutangi-Waiharara Water Users Group. [22] As the applicants for waiver are already involved in both appeals, I am satisfied that there is no reason to decline the waiver applications. 2 Reilly v Northland Regional Council (1993) 2 NZRMA 414. 3 Kapiti Environmental Action Inc v Kapiti Coast District Council, Environment Court Wellington W042/07. 4 EnvC A046/08. 6 Decision [23] The applications for waiver are granted. [24] Robert Campbell is joined as a s 274 party to the ap...

  3. COVID-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Bill [pdf, 133 KB]

    ...affect the conclusions in this advice. 3. The purpose of the Bill is to urgently promote New Zealand’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic by providing employment opportunities and certainty for ongoing investment while applying appropriate environmental safeguards. The Bill seeks to achieve this by expediting resource consenting and designation processes for infrastructure and development projects. The Bill also enables specific work on existing infrastructure to occur withou...

  4. 2021-03-08 Richard Allibone - Summary of Evidence [pdf, 122 KB]

    ...ecological and habitat modelling knowledge 12 Galaxiid taxonomic issues are still to be resolved and we have limited knowledge of the general ecology of approximately half of the taxa. 3 Knowledge limitations are more significant when assessing environmental tolerances and the effects of water abstraction. 13 I have undertaken work for the Otago Regional Council (ORC) since in 2018 and as part of this work I have reviewed the state of the ecological data available to the OR...

  5. Affidavit of Y B Weeber in support of Guardians of the Bay and Hue te Haka to Strike Out (14 November 18) [pdf, 215 KB]

    ...application as there has been a large number of changes to the Lyall Bay area since the application was submitted. 12. The landscape of the bay and surrounds around the WIAL are continuing to change. These changes are not identified in the WIAL 2016 environmental assessments of the effects of the airport extension. These changes over the last two year include: (a) Removal of sections of car parking at the eastern end of Lyall Bay (surfers' corner) with considerable engineering wor...

  6. [2019] NZEnvC 081 Evans Homes Ltd v Invercargill City Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...activity, the court asked the parties to advise how the amended conditions addressed the reasons for declining consent in order for the court to satisfy itself that the orders sought promoted the purpose of the RMA. [5] Ms P M Gare, Director of Environmental and Planning Services for the Council, deposes that the proposal meets the majority of the objectives and policies of the proposed Invercargill City District Plan. Where the proposal does not meet the relevant objectives and pol...

  7. Forests (Regulation of Log Traders and Forestry Advisers) Amendment Bill [pdf, 167 KB]

    ...plantation forestry, contributes to the development of New Zealand wood processing and manufacturing, enhances the resilience of local communities reliant on forestry, timber and wood processing related employment, and contributes to improved environmental and climate change conditions for New Zealand. 5. Specifically, the Bill provides for: a. compulsory registration of individual forestry advisers providing one or more specified services related to the management, harvesting,...

  8. Further memorandum in respect of Strike Out Application of Guardians of the Bay and Hue te Haka (16 November 18) [pdf, 1.3 MB]

    ...under 2018 economic benefits to WIAL 9(2)(ba)(i) section 6(c) and from extending its runway and 9(2)(f)(iv) 9(2)(b)(ii) 5 April 2018 Mitchell Daysh - RESA options Sections 6(c), Withhold under and runway extension - 9(2)(ba)(i) section 6(c), and environmental evaluation and 9(2)(f)(iv) 9(2)(b)(ii) 6 30 April- Email chain between WIAL, Section 6{c) Release but 2 May Graeme Harris, Chris Ford, withhold personal 2018 Deputy Director Aviation information - Infrastructure and Personnel s...

  9. HD v BF Ltd [2022] NZDT 183 (4 October 2022) [pdf, 96 KB]

    ...designer, together with interest. The designer counterclaims $12,000.00, comprising $4,657.50 for partial completion (75%) of stage 3, $2,530.00 for the cost of paying a third party for the resource consent work (namely, preparation of an Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) report), $3,000.00 for legal costs and time spent on the dispute, and interest. 3. The issues to be determined are: a) What was agreed regarding payment for structural design and Council fees? b) Was either p...

  10. [2022] NZEnvC 222 Nelson-Marlborough Fish and Game Council v Marlborough District Council [pdf, 431 KB]

    ...exacerbating those adverse effects. The policy will primarily be implemented through the zoning of land and the scale/intensity of activity that the zone rules enable. However, the policy can also be applied in a resource consent context when an assessment of environmental effects for the structure or work identifies a risk of land instability. This includes subdivision undertaken to enable more intensive use of the land. A safe and stable building platform will have to be established for t...