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Search results for environmental.

2916 items matching your search terms

  1. [2022] NZEnvC 161 Hutt City Council [pdf, 2.6 MB]

    ...for: (a) the confirmation of NZTA's, WRC's, HCC's and KiwiRail's Notices of Requirement (NoRs); (b) the grant of NZTA's, WRC's and HCC's applications for land use consent under the Resource Management (National Environmental Standard for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health) Regulations 2011 (NES Soil) (District Applications); and (c) the grant of NZTA's, WRC's and HCC's applications for resource cons...

  2. E45 Glen Wright - Lighting - EIC - Council [pdf, 764 KB]

    ...Appendix B updated on 31 July 20186; (d) The statement of evidence of Paul Kennedy (Coastal Environment) for the Applicant7; (e) The statement of evidence of Kurt Grant (Construction Methodology) for the Applicant, including the draft Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) as Attachment B dated 3 August 20188; and (f) The statement of evidence of Karl Cook and Vijay Lala (Planning) for the Applicant, including the Proposed Conditions of Consent (Proposed Conditions)...

  3. [2019] NZEnvC 101 Stone v Hastings District Council [pdf, 1.2 MB]

    ...respect of Part II, regard must be had for: (a) any actual and potential effects on the environment of allowing the activity; (b) any relevant provisions of a plan; and (c) any other relevant matters. 8 Statutory instruments National and Environmental Standards for Assessing and Managing Contaminants in Soil to Protect Human Health 2011 [32] This document affects subdivisions being undertaken on sites which have or had contained hazardous activities or industries. We were adv...

  4. [2015] NZEnvC 050 Ngati Kahungunu v Hawkes Bay Regional Council [pdf, 1.7 MB]

    ...submissions for Ngati Kahungunu (para 64), Mr Tiuka emphasised the point that: The operative RPS Objectives 21 and 22 are reinforced by Policy 17 which directs decision makers to manage effects of activities on groundwater quality so that the environmental guidelines in the RRMP, Policies 75 and 76, are complied with. The guidelines in Policies 75 and 76 reinforce the direction set in the operative Objective 21 and 22, that water quality in the Ruataniwha and Heretaunga should not...

  5. [2022] NZACC 71 – Porter v ACC (3 May 2022) [pdf, 191 KB]

    ...[29] On 11 August 2021, the Corporation’s Clinical Advisory Panel (“CAP”) provided further advice for the appeal. The CAP was comprised of four Orthopaedic Surgeons, a Physiotherapist, a Sports Medicine Specialist, an Occupational and Environmental Medicine Specialist, and a General Surgeon. The CAP accepted that the 2005 fall was noteworthy and that it was possible that Mr Porter suffered a minor injury to his right transverse process. However, the CAP found that there was...

  6. [2018] NZEnvC 145 Federated Farmers of New Zealand Limited v Queenstown Lakes District Council [pdf, 2.1 MB]

    ...Preserve Holdings Limited (notice of appeal, s274 notice); (b) Glendhu Bay Trustees Limited (s274 notice); (c) Halfway Bay Lands Limited (notice of appeal);'° (b) Mt Christina Limited (notice of appeal, s274 notice); and (e) Upper Clutha Environmental Society Incorporated (notice of appeal). Affidavit of I W Bayliss, dated 3 August 2018, at [28]. While HBLL says it does not oppose the strikeout, this is qualified in its memorandum dated 10 August 2018, with the statement that...

  7. ET & HT v SX [2024] NZDT 139 (16 March 2024) [pdf, 229 KB]

    ...heritable condition that develops during adolescence and has varying impact on affected dogs. [Medical condition 2] has a very well known breed predisposition in [pedigree dog breed]. These problems are the result of the genetic background as well as environmental factors. They would not occur without the tendency for each condition to be present in the breed lines. Some dogs will be crippled without surgery and others will cope with conservative treatment. [Dog] has a condition that rel...

  8. [2024] NZEnvC 191 Bridge v Central Hawke's Bay District Council [pdf, 242 KB]

    ...of the waiver and advised that he may not have agreed to other matters covered by his rezoning appeal if he had known that the Trust was involved. However, he has not expanded on how that may have altered his position. [33] Judge Thompson in Environmental Defence Society Inc Re; Man O' War Station Ltd v Auckland Council observed that:9 8 Omaha Park Ltd v Rodney District Council EnvC A046/08. 9 Environmental Defence Society Inc Re; Man O'War Station Ltd v Auckland Counc...

  9. Submissions on behalf of Guardians of the Bays Incorporated (dated 13 April 2018) [pdf, 136 KB]

    ...The very fact of the ongoing proceedings is prejudicial to at least some of GotB and ThT members, the latter more particularly so given the implications for Moa Point residents. While property value is not normally “double counted” on top of environmental effects in the substantive consideration of an application, the depressive effect of an uncertain application on hold indefinitely (or so it might seem) is relevant to the question of prejudice in allowing further delays. Anxi...

  10. [2024] NZEnvC 290 Save the Maitai Inc v Nelson City Council [pdf, 736 KB]

    ...Objective RE6 Maitahi/Mahitahi Bayview Development (Schedule X) and Reasons: Objective RE6 Maitahi/Mahitahi Bayview Area (Schedule X) The Maitahi/Mahitahi Bayview Area (Schedule X) contributes positively to the social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being of the Nelson Whakatū community including: • a new mixed density residential neighbourhood amongst areas dedicated to public open space and revegetated rural land; and • a sense of place that is responsive to, and...